barometer5_t Struct Reference

Barometer 5 Click context object. More...

#include <barometer5.h>

Data Fields

i2c_master_t i2c
uint8_t slave_address
float sea_lvl_pressure
uint16_t press_sens_c1
uint16_t press_off_c2
uint16_t press_tcs_c3
uint16_t press_tco_c4
uint16_t press_tref_c5
uint16_t press_tempsens_c6
uint8_t ratio_temp
uint8_t ratio_press

Detailed Description

Barometer 5 Click context object.

Context object definition of Barometer 5 Click driver.

Field Documentation

◆ i2c

i2c_master_t i2c

I2C driver object.

◆ press_off_c2

uint16_t press_off_c2

Pressure offset.

◆ press_sens_c1

uint16_t press_sens_c1

Pressure sensitivity.

◆ press_tco_c4

uint16_t press_tco_c4

Temperature coefficient of pressure offset.

◆ press_tcs_c3

uint16_t press_tcs_c3

Temperature coefficient of pressure sensitivity.

◆ press_tempsens_c6

uint16_t press_tempsens_c6

Temperature coefficient of the temperature.

◆ press_tref_c5

uint16_t press_tref_c5

Reference temperature.

◆ ratio_press

uint8_t ratio_press

Pressure ratio.

◆ ratio_temp

uint8_t ratio_temp

Temperature ratio.

◆ sea_lvl_pressure

float sea_lvl_pressure

Sea-level pressure.

◆ slave_address

uint8_t slave_address

Device slave address (used for I2C driver).

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