ble8.h File Reference

This file contains API for BLE 8 Click driver. More...

#include "drv_digital_out.h"
#include "drv_digital_in.h"
#include "drv_uart.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ble8_t
 Click ctx object definition. More...
struct  ble8_cfg_t
 Click configuration structure definition. More...


#define BLE8_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus)
#define BLE8_RETVAL   uint8_t
#define BLE8_OK   0x00
#define BLE8_INIT_ERROR   0xFF
#define BLE8_END_BUFF   0
#define BLE8_RSP_READY   1
#define BLE8_RSP_NOT_READY   0
#define BLE8_ECHO_ON   1
#define BLE8_ECHO_OFF   0
#define BLE8_COMMAND_MODE   0
#define BLE8_DATA_MODE   1
#define BLE8_EXT_DATA_MODE   2
#define BLE8_PPP_MODE   3
#define BLE8_DISABLED_ROLE   0
#define BLE8_CENTRAL_ROLE   1
#define BLE8_SEC_DISABLED   1
#define BLE8_SEC_JUST_WORKS   2
#define BLE8_SEC_OUT_OF_BAND   6
#define DRV_RX_BUFFER_SIZE   100
#define DRV_TX_BUFFER_SIZE   100


void ble8_cfg_setup (ble8_cfg_t *cfg)
 Config Object Initialization function.
BLE8_RETVAL ble8_init (ble8_t *ctx, ble8_cfg_t *cfg)
 Initialization function.
void ble8_reset (ble8_t *ctx)
 Reset function.
void ble8_generic_write (ble8_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t len)
 Generic write function.
int32_t ble8_generic_read (ble8_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t max_len)
 Generic read function.
uint8_t ble8_response_ready (ble8_t *ctx)
 Response Ready function.
void ble8_send_command (ble8_t *ctx, char *command, uint8_t term_char)
 Transmit function.
void ble8_fact_rst_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Factory Reset command.
void ble8_store_cnfg_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Store Current Configuration command.
void ble8_get_local_addr_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Local Address command.
void ble8_set_start_mode_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t start_mode)
 Module Start Mode Setting command.
void ble8_get_start_mode_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Module Start Mode command.
void ble8_enter_mode_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t mode)
 Enter Data Mode command.
void ble8_set_echo_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t echo_en)
 Echo On/Off command.
void ble8_get_echo_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Echo Setting command.
void ble8_set_local_name_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, char *local_name)
 Local Name Setting command.
void ble8_get_local_name_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Local Name command.
void ble8_set_low_energy_role_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t le_role)
 Bluetooth Low Energy Role Setting command.
void ble8_get_low_energy_role_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Bluetooth Low Energy Role command.
void ble8_get_list_peers_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Peer List command.
void ble8_get_server_cnfg_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Server Configuration command.
void ble8_set_default_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Default Configuration command.
void ble8_set_sec_mode_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t sec_mode)
 Security Mode Setting command.
void ble8_get_sec_mode_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Security Mode command.
void ble8_pairing_en_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t pairing_mode)
 Pairing Mode Setting command.
void ble8_check_pairing_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Pairing Mode command.
void ble8_connectability_en_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t conn_mode)
 Connectability Mode Setting command.
void ble8_check_connectability_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Connectability Mode command.
void ble8_discoverability_en_cmd (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t discover_mode)
 Discoverability Mode Setting command.
void ble8_check_discoverability_cmd (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Discoverability Mode command.
void ble8_get_info (ble8_t *ctx)
 Get Info command.
uint8_t ble8_sps_central_pairing (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t *local_addr)
 SPS Pairing As Central Device command.
void ble8_sps_peripheral_pairing (ble8_t *ctx)
 SPS Pairing As Peripheral Device command.
void ble8_set_cts_pin (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t state)
 CTS Pin Setting function.
void ble8_set_dsr_pin (ble8_t *ctx, uint8_t state)
 Set DSR Pin function.
uint8_t ble8_get_dtr_pin (ble8_t *ctx)
 Check DTR Pin function.
uint8_t ble8_get_rts_pin (ble8_t *ctx)
 Check RTS Pin function.

Detailed Description

This file contains API for BLE 8 Click driver.