void | bluetooth2_cfg_setup (bluetooth2_cfg_t *cfg) |
| Bluetooth2 configuration object setup function.
err_t | bluetooth2_init (bluetooth2_t *ctx, bluetooth2_cfg_t *cfg) |
| Bluetooth2 initialization function.
void | bluetooth2_default_cfg (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 default configuration function.
err_t | bluetooth2_generic_write (bluetooth2_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t len) |
| Bluetooth2 data writing function.
err_t | bluetooth2_generic_read (bluetooth2_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t max_len) |
| Bluetooth2 data reading function.
err_t | bluetooth2_read_an_pin_value (bluetooth2_t *ctx, uint16_t *data_out) |
| Bluetooth2 read AN pin value function.
err_t | bluetooth2_read_an_pin_voltage (bluetooth2_t *ctx, float *data_out) |
| Bluetooth2 read AN pin voltage level function.
void | bluetooth2_set_cts_pin (bluetooth2_t *ctx, uint8_t state) |
| Bluetooth2 set clear to send pin function.
void | bluetooth2_set_rst_pin (bluetooth2_t *ctx, uint8_t state) |
| Bluetooth2 set reset pin function.
void | bluetooth2_set_io7_pin (bluetooth2_t *ctx, uint8_t state) |
| Bluetooth2 set PIO7 pin function.
uint8_t | bluetooth2_get_rts_pin (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 get request to send pin function.
err_t | bluetooth2_write_command (bluetooth2_t *ctx, char *data_buf) |
| Bluetooth2 write command function.
void | bluetooth2_hw_reset (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 hw reset function.
err_t | bluetooth2_toggle_mode (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 toggle mode function.
err_t | bluetooth2_factory_reset (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 factory reset function.
err_t | bluetooth2_sw_reset (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 sw reset function.
err_t | bluetooth2_remove_pairings (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 remove pairings function.
err_t | bluetooth2_list_pairings (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 list current pairings function.
err_t | bluetooth2_set_device_name (bluetooth2_t *ctx, char *dev_name) |
| Bluetooth2 set local device name function.
err_t | bluetooth2_find_other_devices (bluetooth2_t *ctx, uint8_t timeout) |
| Bluetooth2 find other devices function.
err_t | bluetooth2_pair (bluetooth2_t *ctx, uint8_t *dev_addr) |
| Bluetooth2 set local device name function.
err_t | bluetooth2_enable_ok_response (bluetooth2_t *ctx) |
| Bluetooth2 enable OK response function.
This file contains API for Bluetooth2 Click Driver.