CO2 3 Registers Settings

Settings for registers of CO2 3 Click driver. More...


#define CO23_OP_MODE_IDLE   0x00
 CO2 3 description setting.
#define CO23_OP_MODE_SINGLE   0x01
#define CO23_OP_MODE_CONTINUOUS   0x02
#define CO23_OP_BOC_CFG_DISABLE   0x00
#define CO23_OP_BOC_CFG_AUTOMATIC   0x01
#define CO23_OP_BOC_CFG_FORCED   0x02
#define CO23_PWM_MODE_SINGLE_PULSE   0x00
#define CO23_PWM_MODE_TRAIN_PULSE   0x01
#define CO23_TX_DRV_BUFFER_SIZE   100
 CO2 3 driver buffer size.
#define CO23_RX_DRV_BUFFER_SIZE   300
#define CO23_DEVICE_ADDRESS   0x28
 CO2 3 device address setting.

Detailed Description

Settings for registers of CO2 3 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CO23_DEVICE_ADDRESS   0x28

CO2 3 device address setting.

Specified setting for device slave address selection of CO2 3 Click driver.


#define CO23_OP_BOC_CFG_AUTOMATIC   0x01


#define CO23_OP_BOC_CFG_DISABLE   0x00


#define CO23_OP_BOC_CFG_FORCED   0x02


#define CO23_OP_MODE_CONTINUOUS   0x02


#define CO23_OP_MODE_IDLE   0x00

CO2 3 description setting.

Specified setting for description of CO2 3 Click driver.


#define CO23_OP_MODE_SINGLE   0x01


#define CO23_PWM_MODE_SINGLE_PULSE   0x00


#define CO23_PWM_MODE_TRAIN_PULSE   0x01


#define CO23_RX_DRV_BUFFER_SIZE   300


#define CO23_TX_DRV_BUFFER_SIZE   100

CO2 3 driver buffer size.

Specified size of driver ring buffer.

Increase buffer size if needed.