Fingerprint 3 Click example.
This example reads and processes data from Fingerprint 3 clicks.
The demo application is composed of two sections :
Application Init
Initializes the driver, configures the sensor, and enrolls fingerprints.
Application Task
Takes an image of the finger, then checks if there's a fingerprint in the library that matches the one it has just read. All data is being logged on the USB UART.
Additional Function
- static void display_error ( uint8_t *message )
- static void display_full_rsp ( fingerprint3_t *ctx )
- static void search_finger( fingerprint3_t *ctx )
- static void match_finger( fingerprint3_t *ctx, uint16_t location )
- static uint8_t enroll_finger( fingerprint3_t *ctx, uint16_t location, uint8_t features )
- Author
- MikroE Team