HOD CAP Registers List

List of registers of HOD CAP Click driver. More...


#define HODCAP_REG_SENSOR_ID   0x01
 HOD CAP description register.
#define HODCAP_REG_STATUS   0x02
#define HODCAP_REG_I_DATA   0x03
#define HODCAP_REG_Q_DATA   0x04
#define HODCAP_REG_ADC_STATUS   0x05
#define HODCAP_REG_EDIV   0x20
#define HODCAP_REG_FREQ   0x21
#define HODCAP_REG_TXV   0x22
#define HODCAP_REG_MUX_CTRL   0x23
#define HODCAP_REG_SDG   0x24
#define HODCAP_REG_CBG   0x25
#define HODCAP_REG_DCLK   0x26
#define HODCAP_REG_PGA   0x27
#define HODCAP_REG_PGA_OFFSET_I   0x28
#define HODCAP_REG_PGA_OFFSET_Q   0x29
#define HODCAP_REG_ADCTL   0x2A
#define HODCAP_REG_BLANK   0x2B
#define HODCAP_REG_QUICK_READ   0x90
#define HODCAP_CMD_WRITE   0x10
 HOD CAP description command.
#define HODCAP_CMD_READ   0x00
#define HODCAP_CMD_QUICK_READ   0x90

Detailed Description

List of registers of HOD CAP Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define HODCAP_CMD_QUICK_READ   0x90


#define HODCAP_CMD_READ   0x00


#define HODCAP_CMD_WRITE   0x10

HOD CAP description command.

Specified command for description of HOD CAP Click driver.


#define HODCAP_REG_ADC_STATUS   0x05


#define HODCAP_REG_ADCTL   0x2A


#define HODCAP_REG_BLANK   0x2B


#define HODCAP_REG_CBG   0x25


#define HODCAP_REG_DCLK   0x26




#define HODCAP_REG_EDIV   0x20


#define HODCAP_REG_FREQ   0x21


#define HODCAP_REG_I_DATA   0x03


#define HODCAP_REG_MUX_CTRL   0x23


#define HODCAP_REG_PGA   0x27


#define HODCAP_REG_PGA_OFFSET_I   0x28


#define HODCAP_REG_PGA_OFFSET_Q   0x29


#define HODCAP_REG_Q_DATA   0x04


#define HODCAP_REG_QUICK_READ   0x90


#define HODCAP_REG_SDG   0x24


#define HODCAP_REG_SENSOR_ID   0x01

HOD CAP description register.

Specified register for description of HOD CAP Click driver.


#define HODCAP_REG_STATUS   0x02


#define HODCAP_REG_TXV   0x22