Public function


void joystick_cfg_setup (joystick_cfg_t *cfg)
 Config Object Initialization function.
JOYSTCIK_RETVAL joystick_init (joystick_t *ctx, joystick_cfg_t *cfg)
 Initialization function.
void joystick_default_cfg (joystick_t *ctx)
 Click Default Configuration function.
void joystick_generic_write (joystick_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
 Generic write function.
void joystick_generic_read (joystick_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
 Generic read function.
void joystick_set_default_configuration (joystick_t *ctx)
 Set default configuration function.
uint8_t joystick_check_id_code (joystick_t *ctx)
 Check sensor ID code function.
uint8_t joystick_check_id_version (joystick_t *ctx)
 Check sensor ID version function.
void joystick_set_low_power_mode (joystick_t *ctx, uint8_t timings)
 Set Low Power Mode function.
void joystick_set_scaling_factor (joystick_t *ctx, uint8_t scaling_factor)
 Set scaling factor function.
void joystick_disabled_interrupt (joystick_t *ctx)
 Set interrupt disabled function.
void joystick_enabled_interrupt (joystick_t *ctx)
 Set interrupt enabled function.
void joystick_invert_spinning (joystick_t *ctx)
 Invert the channel voltage function.
uint8_t joystick_get_position (joystick_t *ctx)
 Get joystick position function.
uint8_t joystick_get_interrupt (joystick_t *ctx)
 Get state of interrupt pin function.
uint8_t joystick_press_button (joystick_t *ctx)
 Get state of Joystick button function.
void joystick_soft_reset (joystick_t *ctx)
 General soft reset function.
void joystick_hardware_reset (joystick_t *ctx)
 General hardware reset function.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ joystick_cfg_setup()

void joystick_cfg_setup ( joystick_cfg_t * cfg)

Config Object Initialization function.

cfgClick configuration structure.

@description This function initializes click configuration structure to init state.

All used pins will be set to unconnected state.

◆ joystick_check_id_code()

uint8_t joystick_check_id_code ( joystick_t * ctx)

Check sensor ID code function.

ctxClick object.
sensor ID code
- 1 : OK
- 0 : ERROR

@description Function read and return sensor ID code from ID Code register.

◆ joystick_check_id_version()

uint8_t joystick_check_id_version ( joystick_t * ctx)

Check sensor ID version function.

ctxClick object.
sensor ID version
- 1 : OK
- 0 : ERROR

@description Function read and return sensor ID version from ID Version register.

◆ joystick_default_cfg()

void joystick_default_cfg ( joystick_t * ctx)

Click Default Configuration function.

ctxClick object.

@description This function executes default configuration for Joystick click.

◆ joystick_disabled_interrupt()

void joystick_disabled_interrupt ( joystick_t * ctx)

Set interrupt disabled function.

ctxClick object.

Set interrupt disabled function

@description Function set interrupt output is disabled.

◆ joystick_enabled_interrupt()

void joystick_enabled_interrupt ( joystick_t * ctx)

Set interrupt enabled function.

ctxClick object.

@description Function set interrupt output is enabled.

◆ joystick_generic_read()

void joystick_generic_read ( joystick_t * ctx,
uint8_t reg,
uint8_t * data_buf,
uint8_t len )

Generic read function.

ctxClick object.
regRegister address.
data_bufOutput data buf
lenNumber of the bytes to be read

@description This function reads data from the desired register.

◆ joystick_generic_write()

void joystick_generic_write ( joystick_t * ctx,
uint8_t reg,
uint8_t * data_buf,
uint8_t len )

Generic write function.

ctxClick object.
regRegister address.
data_bufData buf to be written.
lenNumber of the bytes in data buf.

@description This function writes data to the desired register.

◆ joystick_get_interrupt()

uint8_t joystick_get_interrupt ( joystick_t * ctx)

Get state of interrupt pin function.

ctxClick object.
state of INT pin:
- 0 : active low;
- 1 : open drain;

@description Function read state of interrupt ( INT ) pin, and return 0 or 1.

◆ joystick_get_position()

uint8_t joystick_get_position ( joystick_t * ctx)

Get joystick position function.

ctxClick object.
8-bit data of position
- 0 : Start           Position;
- 1 : Top             Position;
- 2 : Top-Right       Position;
- 3 : Right           Position;
- 4 : Bottom-Right    Position;
- 5 : Bottom          Position;
- 6 : Bottom-Left     Position;
- 7 : Left            Position;
- 8 : Top-Left        Position;

@description Function get position of miniature joystick module ( N50P105 ), return position state value from 0 to 8 that calculeted by the value read from the register of the AS5013 Hall IC.

◆ joystick_hardware_reset()

void joystick_hardware_reset ( joystick_t * ctx)

General hardware reset function.

ctxClick object.

@description Function hardware reset register of the AS5013 Hall IC, by set RST pin high.

◆ joystick_init()

JOYSTCIK_RETVAL joystick_init ( joystick_t * ctx,
joystick_cfg_t * cfg )

Initialization function.

joystickClick object.
cfgClick configuration structure.

@description This function initializes all necessary pins and peripherals used for this click.

◆ joystick_invert_spinning()

void joystick_invert_spinning ( joystick_t * ctx)

Invert the channel voltage function.

ctxClick object.

@description Function set invert the channel voltage, set to invert the magnet polarity.

◆ joystick_press_button()

uint8_t joystick_press_button ( joystick_t * ctx)

Get state of Joystick button function.

ctxClick object.
state of CS pin:
- 0 : not active;
- 1 : active;

@description Function read state of Joystick button ( CS ) pin, and return 0 or 1.

◆ joystick_set_default_configuration()

void joystick_set_default_configuration ( joystick_t * ctx)

Set default configuration function.

ctxClick object.

@description Function set default configuration, set required Test bits of Control Register 2, set maximum sensitivity, set scaling Factor to 90.8% and reset read value by writing configuration 1 register.

◆ joystick_set_low_power_mode()

void joystick_set_low_power_mode ( joystick_t * ctx,
uint8_t timings )

Set Low Power Mode function.

ctxClick object.
timingstimings by setting the low power timebase

@description Function set default configuration, The measurements are triggered with an internal low power oscillator the user can select between 8 different timings by setting the low power timebase.

- 0 :  20 ms;
- 1 :  40 ms;
- 2 :  80 ms;
- 3 : 100 ms;
- 4 : 140 ms;
- 5 : 200 ms;
- 6 : 260 ms;
- 7 : 320 ms;

◆ joystick_set_scaling_factor()

void joystick_set_scaling_factor ( joystick_t * ctx,
uint8_t scaling_factor )

Set scaling factor function.

ctxClick object.
[in]scalingFactorscaling factor

@description Function set scaling factor value of the XY coordinates to fit to the 8-bit X and Y_res_int register (full dynamic range);

- 31 :  31.3 %;
- 30 :  32.2 %;
- 29 :  33.4 %;
- 28 :  34.6 %;
- 27 :  35.7 %;
- 26 :  37.1 %;
- 25 :  38.5 %;
- 24 :  40.0 %;
- 23 :  41.6 %;
- 22 :  43.6 %;
- 21 :  45.5 %;
- 20 :  47.7 %;
- 19 :  50.0 %;
- 18 :  52.5 %;
- 17 :  55.5 %;
- 16 :  58.8 %;
- 15 :  62.5 %;
- 14 :  66.6 %;
- 13 :  71.5 %;
- 12 :  77.0 %;
- 11 :  83.4 %;
- 10 :  90.8 %;
-  9 : 100.0 %;
-  8 : 111.1 %;
-  7 : 125.0 %;
-  6 : 142.8 %;
-  5 : 166.6 %;
-  4 : 200.0 %;
-  3 : 250.0 %;
-  2 : 333.4 %;
-  1 : 500.0 %;

◆ joystick_soft_reset()

void joystick_soft_reset ( joystick_t * ctx)

General soft reset function.

ctxClick object.

@description Function soft reset register of the AS5013 Hall IC. All the internal registers are loaded with their reset value. The Control Register 1 is loaded as well with the value 0xF0, then the Soft_rst bit goes back to 0 (Normal mode) once the internal reset sequence is finished.