Macros | |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_RDSR 0x05 |
nvSRAM 2 description setting. | |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_FRDSR 0x0A |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_WRSR 0x01 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_WREN 0x06 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_WRDI 0x04 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SRAM_READ 0x03 |
nvSRAM 2 SRAM read/write instructions. | |
#define | NVSRAM2_SRAM_FREAD 0x0B |
#define | NVSRAM2_SRAM_WRITE 0x02 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_STORE 0x3C |
nvSRAM 2 SRAM special NV instructions. | |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_RECALL 0x60 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_ASENB 0x59 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_ASDISB 0x19 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_SLEEP 0xB9 |
nvSRAM 2 SRAM special instructions. | |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_WRSN 0xC2 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_RDSN 0xC3 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_FRDSN 0xC9 |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_RDID 0x9F |
#define | NVSRAM2_SPEC_FRDID 0x99 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_RDY 0x01 |
nvSRAM 2 status register content. | |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_WEN 0x02 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_BP0 0x04 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_BP1 0x08 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_SNL 0x40 |
#define | NVSRAM2_STATUS_WPEN 0x80 |
#define | NVSRAM2_HOLD_ENABLE 0x00 |
#define | NVSRAM2_HOLD_DISABLE 0x01 |
#define | NVSRAM2_DUMMY_BYTE 0x00 |
#define NVSRAM2_DUMMY_BYTE 0x00 |
#define NVSRAM2_HOLD_DISABLE 0x01 |
#define NVSRAM2_HOLD_ENABLE 0x00 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_FRDID 0x99 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_FRDSN 0xC9 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_ASDISB 0x19 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_ASENB 0x59 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_RECALL 0x60 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_NV_STORE 0x3C |
nvSRAM 2 SRAM special NV instructions.
Special NV instructions of nvSRAM 2 Click driver.
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_RDID 0x9F |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_RDSN 0xC3 |
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_SLEEP 0xB9 |
nvSRAM 2 SRAM special instructions.
Special instructions of nvSRAM 2 Click driver.
#define NVSRAM2_SPEC_WRSN 0xC2 |
#define NVSRAM2_SRAM_FREAD 0x0B |
#define NVSRAM2_SRAM_READ 0x03 |
nvSRAM 2 SRAM read/write instructions.
Specified SRAM read/write instructions of nvSRAM 2 Click driver.
#define NVSRAM2_SRAM_WRITE 0x02 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_BP0 0x04 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_BP1 0x08 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_RDSR 0x05 |
nvSRAM 2 description setting.
Specified setting for description of nvSRAM 2 Click driver.
nvSRAM 2 status register control instructions.
Status register control instructions of nvSRAM 2 Click driver.
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_RDY 0x01 |
nvSRAM 2 status register content.
Status register content of nvSRAM 2 Click driver.
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_SNL 0x40 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_WEN 0x02 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_WPEN 0x80 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_WRDI 0x04 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_WREN 0x06 |
#define NVSRAM2_STATUS_WRSR 0x01 |