pac1934.h File Reference

This file contains API for Pac1934 Click driver. More...

#include "drv_digital_out.h"
#include "drv_digital_in.h"
#include "drv_i2c_master.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  pac1934_t
 Click ctx object definition. More...
struct  pac1934_cfg_t
 Click configuration structure definition. More...


#define PAC1934_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus)
#define PAC1934_RETVAL   uint8_t
#define PAC1934_OK   0x00
#define PAC1934_INIT_ERROR   0xFF
#define PAC1934_I2C_ADDR   0x10
#define PAC1934_REFRESH_CMD   0x00
#define PAC1934_CTRL_REG   0x01
#define PAC1934_CTRL_SAMPLE_RATE_8   0xC0
#define PAC1934_CTRL_SAMPLE_RATE_64   0x80
#define PAC1934_CTRL_SAMPLE_RATE_256   0x40
#define PAC1934_CTRL_SAMPLE_RATE_1024   0x00
#define PAC1934_CTRL_SINGLE_SHOT_MODE   0x10
#define PAC1934_ACC_COUNT   0x02
#define PAC1934_VPOWER1_ACC   0x03
#define PAC1934_VPOWER2_ACC   0x04
#define PAC1934_VPOWER3_ACC   0x05
#define PAC1934_VPOWER4_ACC   0x06
#define PAC1934_VBUS1   0x07
#define PAC1934_VBUS2   0x08
#define PAC1934_VBUS3   0x09
#define PAC1934_VBUS4   0x0A
#define PAC1934_VSENSE1   0x0B
#define PAC1934_VSENSE2   0x0C
#define PAC1934_VSENSE3   0x0D
#define PAC1934_VSENSE4   0x0E
#define PAC1934_VBUS1_AVG   0x0F
#define PAC1934_VBUS2_AVG   0x10
#define PAC1934_VBUS3_AVG   0x11
#define PAC1934_VBUS4_AVG   0x12
#define PAC1934_VSENSE1_AVG   0x13
#define PAC1934_VSENSE2_AVG   0x14
#define PAC1934_VSENSE3_AVG   0x15
#define PAC1934_VSENSE4_AVG   0x16
#define PAC1934_VPOWER1   0x17
#define PAC1934_VPOWER2   0x18
#define PAC1934_VPOWER3   0x19
#define PAC1934_VPOWER4   0x1A
#define PAC1934_CHANNEL_DIS   0x1C
#define PAC1934_CHANNEL_DIS_ALL_CHA   0xF0
#define PAC1934_NEG_PWR   0x1D
#define PAC1934_REFRESH_G_CMD   0x1E
#define PAC1934_REFRESH_V_CMD   0x1F
#define PAC1934_SLOW   0x20
#define PAC1934_CTRL_ACT   0x21
#define PAC1934_DIS_ACT   0x22
#define PAC1934_NEG_PWR_ACT   0x23
#define PAC1934_CTRL_LAT   0x24
#define PAC1934_DIS_LAT   0x25
#define PAC1934_NEG_PWR_LAT   0x26
#define PAC1934_PRODUCT_ID   0xFD
#define PAC1934_MANUFACT_ID   0xFE
#define PAC1934_REVISION_ID   0xFF


void pac1934_cfg_setup (pac1934_cfg_t *cfg)
 Config Object Initialization function.
PAC1934_RETVAL pac1934_init (pac1934_t *ctx, pac1934_cfg_t *cfg)
 Initialization function.
void pac1934_generic_write (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
 Generic write function.
void pac1934_generic_read (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
 Generic read function.
void pac1934_write_byte (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t wr_addr, uint8_t wr_data)
 Write one byte function.
uint8_t pac1934_read_byte (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t rd_addr)
 Read one byte function.
uint16_t pac1934_read_two_byte (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t rd_addr)
 Read two bytes function.
uint32_t pac1934_read_four_byte (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t rd_addr)
 Read four bytes function.
void pac1934_read_reg (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *output_data, uint8_t cnt)
 Read chosen number of bytes function.
void pac1934_send_command (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t wr_cmd)
 Send Command.
float pac1934_measure_voltage (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t channel)
 Measure Voltage function.
float pac1934_measure_current (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t channel)
 Measure Current function.
float pac1934_measure_power (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t channel)
 Measure Power function.
float pac1934_calc_power (pac1934_t *ctx, float voltage, float amperage)
 Calculate Power function.
float pac1934_measure_energy (pac1934_t *ctx, uint8_t chann, uint16_t samp_rate)
 Measure Energy function.
void pac1934_dev_enable (pac1934_t *ctx)
 Enable device function.
void pac1934_dev_disable (pac1934_t *ctx)
 Disable device function.
void pac1934_dev_reset (pac1934_t *ctx)
 Reset device function.
uint8_t pac1934_check_interrupt (pac1934_t *ctx)
 Check Interrupt function.

Detailed Description

This file contains API for Pac1934 Click driver.