List of registers of PAC1954 Click driver. More...
List of registers of PAC1954 Click driver.
#define PAC1954_REG_ACC_CFG 0x25 |
#define PAC1954_REG_ACC_CFG_ACT 0x4A |
#define PAC1954_REG_ACC_CFG_LAT 0x4B |
#define PAC1954_REG_ACC_COUNT 0x02 |
#define PAC1954_REG_ACC_FULLNESS_LIM 0x29 |
#define PAC1954_REG_ALERT_ENABLE 0x49 |
#define PAC1954_REG_ALERT_STATUS 0x26 |
#define PAC1954_REG_CTRL 0x01 |
#define PAC1954_REG_CTRL_ACT 0x21 |
#define PAC1954_REG_CTRL_LAT 0x23 |
#define PAC1954_REG_GPIO_ALERT2 0x28 |
#define PAC1954_REG_ID_PRODUCT 0xFD |
#define PAC1954_REG_ID_REVISION 0xFF |
#define PAC1954_REG_NEG_PWR_FSR 0x1D |
#define PAC1954_REG_NEG_PWR_FSR_ACT 0x22 |
#define PAC1954_REG_NEG_PWR_FSR_LAT 0x24 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OC_LIM_CH1 0x30 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OC_LIM_CH2 0x31 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OC_LIM_CH3 0x32 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OC_LIM_CH4 0x33 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OC_LIM_NSAMPLES 0x44 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OP_LIM_CH1 0x38 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OP_LIM_CH2 0x39 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OP_LIM_CH3 0x3A |
#define PAC1954_REG_OP_LIM_CH4 0x3B |
#define PAC1954_REG_OP_LIM_NSAMPLES 0x46 |
#define PAC1954_REG_OV_LIM_CH1 0x3C |
#define PAC1954_REG_OV_LIM_CH2 0x3D |
#define PAC1954_REG_OV_LIM_CH3 0x3E |
#define PAC1954_REG_OV_LIM_CH4 0x3F |
#define PAC1954_REG_OV_LIM_NSAMPLES 0x47 |
#define PAC1954_REG_REFRESH 0x00 |
PAC1954 Registers List.
List of registers of PAC1954 Click driver.
#define PAC1954_REG_REFRESH_G 0x1E |
#define PAC1954_REG_REFRESH_V 0x1F |
#define PAC1954_REG_SLOW 0x20 |
#define PAC1954_REG_SLOW_ALERT1 0x27 |
#define PAC1954_REG_SMBUS_CFG 0x1C |
#define PAC1954_REG_UC_LIM_CH1 0x34 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UC_LIM_CH2 0x35 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UC_LIM_CH3 0x36 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UC_LIM_CH4 0x37 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UC_LIM_NSAMPLES 0x45 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UV_LIM_CH1 0x40 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UV_LIM_CH2 0x41 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UV_LIM_CH3 0x42 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UV_LIM_CH4 0x43 |
#define PAC1954_REG_UV_LIM_NSAMPLES 0x48 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VACC_CH1 0x03 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VACC_CH2 0x04 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VACC_CH3 0x05 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VACC_CH4 0x06 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH1 0x07 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH1_AVG 0x0F |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH2 0x08 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH2_AVG 0x10 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH3 0x09 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH3_AVG 0x11 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH4 0x0A |
#define PAC1954_REG_VBUS_CH4_AVG 0x12 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VPOWER_CH1 0x17 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VPOWER_CH2 0x18 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VPOWER_CH3 0x19 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VPOWER_CH4 0x1A |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH1 0x0B |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH1_AVG 0x13 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH2 0x0C |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH2_AVG 0x14 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH3 0x0D |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH3_AVG 0x15 |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH4 0x0E |
#define PAC1954_REG_VSENSE_CH4_AVG 0x16 |