#define | PH_CMD_CNG_BAUD_RATE "Baud," |
| pH control commands.
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_BAUD_RATE "Baud,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_SET_CONT_READ "C," |
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_CONT_READ "C,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_CALIB_PERF "Cal" |
#define | PH_CMD_CALIB_MID ",mid," |
#define | PH_CMD_CALIB_LOW ",low," |
#define | PH_CMD_CALIB_HIGH ",high," |
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_CALIB "Cal,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_CALIB_EXP "Export" |
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_CALIB_EXP "Export,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_CALIB_IMP "Import," |
#define | PH_CMD_EN_FTY_RST "Factory" |
#define | PH_CMD_DEV_FIND "Find" |
#define | PH_CMD_DEV_INFO "i" |
#define | PH_CMD_CNG_I2C "I2C," |
#define | PH_CMD_EN_LED "L," |
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_LED "L,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_SET_DEV_NAME "Name," |
#define | PH_CMD_GET_DEV_NAME "Name,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_PROTOCOL_LOCK "Plock," |
#define | PH_CMD_PROTOCOL_CKH "Plock,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_SET_SNGL_READ "r" |
#define | PH_CMD_ENTER_SLEEP "Sleep" |
#define | PH_CMD_RET_SLOPE "Slope,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_READ_STATUS "Status" |
#define | PH_CMD_TEMP_COMP "T," |
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_TEMP_COMP "T,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_RSP_CODES "*OK" |
#define | PH_CMD_EN_RSP_CODES "*OK,1" |
#define | PH_CMD_DIS_RSP_CODES "*OK,0" |
#define | PH_CMD_CHK_RSP_CODES "*OK,?" |
#define | PH_CMD_END_COMMAND "\r" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_ERROR "*ER" |
| pH Response codes list.
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_OV_VOLT "*OV" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_UN_VOLT "*UV" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_RESET "*RS" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_READY "*RE" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_SLEEP_EN "*SL" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_WAKE_UP "*WA" |
#define | PH_RSP_CODE_ALL_GOOD "*OK" |
#define | PH_RST_CODE_POW_OFF "P" |
| pH Restart codes list.
#define | PH_RST_CODE_SW_RST "S" |
#define | PH_RST_CODE_BRWN_OUT "B" |
#define | PH_RST_CODE_WTD "W" |
#define | PH_RST_CODE_UNKNOWN "U" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_300 "300" |
| pH Baud rate list.
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_1200 "1200" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_2400 "2400" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_9600 "9600" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_19200 "19200" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_38400 "38400" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_57600 "57600" |
#define | PH_BAUD_RATE_115200 "115200" |
#define | DRV_BUFFER_SIZE 200 |
| pH driver buffer size.
#define | PH_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus) |
| MikroBUS pin mapping.
void | ph_cfg_setup (ph_cfg_t *cfg) |
| pH configuration object setup function.
err_t | ph_init (ph_t *ctx, ph_cfg_t *cfg) |
| pH initialization function.
err_t | ph_default_cfg (ph_t *ctx) |
| pH default configuration function.
err_t | ph_generic_write (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t *data_buf, uint16_t len) |
| pH data writing function.
err_t | ph_generic_read (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t *data_buf, uint16_t max_len) |
| pH data reading function.
void | ph_uart_write (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t input) |
| UART Write Single Byte function.
void | ph_uart_read_until (ph_t *ctx, char *p_rx_data, char *delim) |
| UART read until delimiter function.
void | ph_send_cmd (ph_t *ctx, char *p_cmd) |
| Send command function.
void | ph_send_cmd_resp (ph_t *ctx, char *p_cmd, char *p_resp) |
| Send command and get response function.
void | ph_send_cmd_w_num (ph_t *ctx, char *p_cmd, char *flt_val, char *p_resp) |
| Send command with number and get response function.
void | ph_get_cmd_resp (ph_t *ctx, char *p_cmd, char *p_resp) |
| Send get response function.
void | ph_switch_led (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t state, char *p_resp) |
| Toggle LED function.
void | ph_chk_led_state (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check LED state function.
void | ph_find_dev (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Find device function.
void | ph_cont_read (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t time, char *p_resp) |
| Set Continous read function.
void | ph_chk_cont_read (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check Continous read settings function.
void | ph_perf_calib (ph_t *ctx, char *point, float flt_val, char *p_resp) |
| Perform Calibration function.
void | ph_chk_calib (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check if Calibration was performed function.
void | ph_chk_slope (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check slope function.
void | ph_get_calib_exp_bytes_num (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Export calibration data function.
void | ph_import_calib (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t *in_calib, char *p_resp) |
| Import calibration data function.
void | ph_factory_rst (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Perform Factory Reset function.
void | ph_set_temp_comp (ph_t *ctx, float flt_val, char *p_resp) |
| Set Temperature Compensation function.
void | ph_get_temp_comp (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Get Temperature Compensation function.
void | ph_set_name (ph_t *ctx, char *p_dev_name, char *p_resp) |
| Set name function.
void | ph_show_name (ph_t *ctx, char *p_dev_name) |
| Show Device Name function.
void | ph_get_dev_info (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Get Device Information function.
void | ph_check_status (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check Device Status function.
void | ph_sleep (ph_t *ctx) |
| Enter Sleep mode function.
void | ph_chng_baud_rate (ph_t *ctx, char *baud_rate, char *p_resp) |
| Change Baud Rate function.
void | ph_chk_baud_rate (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check Baud Rate applied function.
void | ph_protocol_lock (ph_t *ctx, uint8_t state, char *p_resp) |
| Protocol Lock enable/disable function.
void | ph_check_protocol_lock (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Check Protocol Lock function.
void | ph_chng_i2c_adr (ph_t *ctx, uint32_t i2c_adr, char *p_resp) |
| Change Device's I2C slave address function.
void | ph_single_read (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| Perform single read function.
uint8_t | ph_response (ph_t *ctx, char *p_resp) |
| pH Response handler function
void | ph_clr_log_buf (char *p_str) |
| Clear log buffer function.
This file contains API for pH Click Driver.