POT 5 Registers Settings

Settings for registers of POT 5 Click driver. More...


#define POT5_PERCENTS   100
 POT 5 potentiometer setting.
 POT 5 ADC setting.
#define POT5_VREF_3V3   3.3
#define POT5_VREF_5V   5.0
#define POT5_SET_DEV_ADDR   0x4D
 POT 5 device address setting.

Detailed Description

Settings for registers of POT 5 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation



POT 5 ADC setting.

Specified settings for ADC of POT 5 Click driver.


#define POT5_PERCENTS   100

POT 5 potentiometer setting.

Specified setting for potentiometer of POT 5 Click driver.




#define POT5_SET_DEV_ADDR   0x4D

POT 5 device address setting.

Specified setting for device slave address selection of POT 5 Click driver.


#define POT5_VREF_3V3   3.3


#define POT5_VREF_5V   5.0