proxfusion3.h File Reference

This file contains API for ProxFusion 3 Click Driver. More...

#include "drv_digital_out.h"
#include "drv_digital_in.h"
#include "drv_i2c_master.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  proxfusion3_t
 ProxFusion 3 Click context object. More...
struct  proxfusion3_cfg_t
 ProxFusion 3 Click configuration object. More...


 ProxFusion 3 description register.
#define PROXFUSION3_SYS_FLAGS   0x02
 ProxFusion 3 Flags register.
 ProxFusion 3 Slider flags register.
 ProxFusion 3 Channel Prox and Touch Flags register.
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH0   0x08
 ProxFusion 3 Channel Counts Bytes register.
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH1   0x0A
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH2   0x0C
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH3   0x0E
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH4   0x10
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH5   0x12
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH6   0x14
#define PROXFUSION3_ACF_CH7   0x16
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH0   0x09
 ProxFusion 3 Channel LTA Bytes register.
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH1   0x0B
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH2   0x0D
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH3   0x0F
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH4   0x11
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH5   0x13
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH6   0x15
#define PROXFUSION3_LTA_CH7   0x17
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH0   0x18
 ProxFusion 3 Channel Delta Bytes register.
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH1   0x19
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH2   0x1A
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH3   0x1B
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH4   0x1C
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH5   0x1D
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH6   0x1E
#define PROXFUSION3_DELTA_CH7   0x1F
 ProxFusion 3 Reference Channel Delta Bytes register.
 ProxFusion 3 Slider coordinates register.
 ProxFusion 3 Capacitance Measurement Variables register.
#define PROXFUSION3_CAP_ABS_CS   0x32
#define PROXFUSION3_CAP_ABS_CS_CAP0   0x33
#define PROXFUSION3_CAP_ABS_CS_CAP1   0x34
 ProxFusion 3 Power mode settings Bytes register.
#define PROXFUSION3_CH_RESEED   0x82
 ProxFusion 3 Report Rate Bytes register.
 ProxFusion 3 General Settings register.
#define PROXFUSION3_SLIDER0_CH   0x89
 ProxFusion 3 Gesture Settings register.
 ProxFusion 3 Channel settings register.
#define PROXFUSION3_CHx_REF_ASSOC   0x92
 ProxFusion 3 Engineering settings register.
 ProxFusion 3 description setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_SW_NUM_V1   0x02
#define PROXFUSION3_SW_NUM_V2   0x03
 ProxFusion 3 System Flags Byte Bits setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_GO_TO_NP_BIT   0x02
#define PROXFUSION3_IN_ATI_BIT   0x04
 ProxFusion 3 Event Byte Bits setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_TAP0_BIT   0x01
 ProxFusion 3 Gesture Byte Bits setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_HOLD0_BIT   0x02
#define PROXFUSION3_TAP1_BIT   0x10
#define PROXFUSION3_HOLD1_BIT   0x20
 ProxFusion 3 Utility Bits setting.
 ProxFusion 3 Setting Bits setting.
 ProxFusion 3 Channel select, Power mode & System setting.
 ProxFusion 3 Report Rates and Timing setting.
 ProxFusion 3 Global setting.
 ProxFusion 3 CH0 Settings setting.
 ProxFusion 3 CH1 Settings setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_ATI_PCC_CH1   0xC6
 ProxFusion 3 CH2 Settings setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_ATI_PCC_CH2   0xC0
 ProxFusion 3 CH3 Settings setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_ATI_PCC_CH3   0xC8
 ProxFusion 3 CH4 Settings setting.
 ProxFusion 3 CH5 Settings setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_ATI_PCC_CH5   0xD0
 ProxFusion 3 CH6 Settings setting.
 ProxFusion 3 CH7 Settings setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_ATI_PCC_CH7   0x60
#define PROXFUSION3_CH0_CRX   0x8C
 ProxFusion 3 CRX selection for Channels setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_CH1_CRX   0x93
#define PROXFUSION3_CH2_CRX   0x9A
#define PROXFUSION3_CH3_CRX   0xA1
#define PROXFUSION3_CH4_CRX   0xA8
#define PROXFUSION3_CH5_CRX   0xAF
#define PROXFUSION3_CH6_CRX   0xB6
#define PROXFUSION3_CH7_CRX   0xBD
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_NUMB_1   0x13
 ProxFusion 3 touch number data.
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_NUMB_2   0x27
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_NUMB_5   0x30
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_NUMB_6   0x70
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_NUMB_7   0x60
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_NUMB_8   0x40
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_0   0x01
 ProxFusion 3 channel of touch.
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_1   0x02
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_2   0x04
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_3   0x08
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_4   0x10
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_5   0x20
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_6   0x40
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_CRX_7   0x80
 ProxFusion 3 position of touch.
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_1   0x01
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_2   0x02
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_3   0x03
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_4   0x04
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_5   0x05
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_6   0x06
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_7   0x07
#define PROXFUSION3_TOUCH_POS_8   0x08
#define PROXFUSION3_CH0_PT_T   0x90
 ProxFusion 3 Channel Prox and Touch Threshold settings register.
#define PROXFUSION3_CH1_PT_T   0x97
#define PROXFUSION3_CH2_PT_T   0x9E
#define PROXFUSION3_CH3_PT_T   0xA5
#define PROXFUSION3_CH4_PT_T   0xAC
#define PROXFUSION3_CH5_PT_T   0xB3
#define PROXFUSION3_CH6_PT_T   0xBA
#define PROXFUSION3_CH7_PT_T   0xC1
#define PROXFUSION3_CH0_DT_T   0x91
 ProxFusion 3 Channel Deep Touch Threshold settings register.
#define PROXFUSION3_CH1_DT_T   0x98
#define PROXFUSION3_CH2_DT_T   0x9F
#define PROXFUSION3_CH3_DT_T   0xA6
#define PROXFUSION3_CH4_DT_T   0xAD
#define PROXFUSION3_CH5_DT_T   0xB4
#define PROXFUSION3_CH6_DT_T   0xBB
#define PROXFUSION3_CH7_DT_T   0xC2
 ProxFusion 3 Check touch event.
 ProxFusion 3 device address setting.
 ProxFusion 3 pin setting function.
 ProxFusion 3 threshold setting.
#define PROXFUSION3_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus)
 MikroBUS pin mapping.


void proxfusion3_cfg_setup (proxfusion3_cfg_t *cfg)
 ProxFusion 3 configuration object setup function.
err_t proxfusion3_init (proxfusion3_t *ctx, proxfusion3_cfg_t *cfg)
 ProxFusion 3 initialization function.
err_t proxfusion3_default_cfg (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 default configuration function.
void proxfusion3_set_state_int_pin (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t pin_state)
 ProxFusion 3 INT pin setting function.
uint8_t proxfusion3_get_state_gp_pin (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 get state of GP pin function.
err_t proxfusion3_generic_write (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *tx_buf, uint8_t tx_len)
 ProxFusion 3 I2C writing function.
err_t proxfusion3_generic_read (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *rx_buf, uint8_t rx_len)
 ProxFusion 3 I2C reading function.
void proxfusion3_write_reg (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint16_t tx_data)
 ProxFusion 3 I2C register writing function.
uint16_t proxfusion3_read_reg (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t reg)
 ProxFusion 3 I2C register reading function.
err_t proxfusion3_get_version_info (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t *product_number, uint8_t *software_version)
 ProxFusion 3 get version info data function.
void proxfusion3_sw_reset (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 software reset function.
void proxfusion3_enable_channels (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 enable channels function.
void proxfusion3_channel_remap (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 channel remap function.
void proxfusion3_adjust_touch_thresholds (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 adjust touch thresholds function.
void proxfusion3_adjust_deep_touch_thresholds (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 adjust deep touch thresholds function.
void proxfusion3_auto_tune (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 auto tune function.
void proxfusion3_set_event (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t event)
 ProxFusion 3 set event function.
float proxfusion3_get_absolute_measurement (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 get absolute measurement function.
uint16_t proxfusion3_read_channel_delta (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t channel)
 ProxFusion 3 read channel delta function.
uint8_t proxfusion3_check_touch_event (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 check touch event function.
uint8_t proxfusion3_get_touch (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 get touch function.
void proxfusion3_en_abs_cap (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 enables the absolute capacitiance function.
void proxfusion3_set_even_mode (proxfusion3_t *ctx, uint8_t mode)
 ProxFusion 3 set even mode function.
uint8_t proxfusion3_get_events (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 get events function.
uint8_t proxfusion3_get_gestures (proxfusion3_t *ctx)
 ProxFusion 3 get gestures function.

Detailed Description

This file contains API for ProxFusion 3 Click Driver.