Public function


void rn4870_cfg_setup (rn4870_cfg_t *cfg)
 Config Object Initialization function.
RN4870_RETVAL rn4870_init (rn4870_t *ctx, rn4870_cfg_t *cfg)
 Initialization function.
void rn4870_reset (rn4870_t *ctx)
 Hardware reset function.
void rn4870_generic_write (rn4870_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t len)
 Generic write function.
int32_t rn4870_generic_read (rn4870_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t max_len)
 Generic read function.
uint8_t rn4870_int_get (rn4870_t *ctx)
 Get interrupt state function.
void rn4870_rst_set (rn4870_t *ctx, uint8_t pin_state)
 Set states of RST pin to desired state.
void rn4870_cs_set (rn4870_t *ctx, uint8_t pin_state)
 Set states of CS pin to desired state.
void rn4870_uart_write (rn4870_t *ctx, uint8_t *wr_buf)
 UART write function.
void rn4870_initialize (rn4870_t *ctx, char *p_addr)
 Initialization RN4870 module.
void rn4870_connect (rn4870_t *ctx, char *p_addr)
 Connecting to slave device.
void rn4870_send (rn4870_t *ctx, uint8_t msg_type, uint16_t data_type, uint8_t id, uint8_t *payload)
 Send message function.
void rn4870_disconnect (rn4870_t *ctx)
 Disconnecting from slave device.
void rn4870_receive (rn4870_t *ctx, char tmp)
 Receiving character function.
uint8_t rn4870_read (rn4870_t *ctx, uint8_t *process_buffer)
 Reading received message.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ rn4870_cfg_setup()

void rn4870_cfg_setup ( rn4870_cfg_t * cfg)

Config Object Initialization function.

cfgClick configuration structure.

@description This function initializes click configuration structure to init state.

All used pins will be set to unconnected state.

◆ rn4870_connect()

void rn4870_connect ( rn4870_t * ctx,
char * p_addr )

Connecting to slave device.

ctxClick object.
dev_addrPointer to the memory location where slave device with be stored

@description The function connects to slave device with desired register address by secures the connection and entering data stream mode.

◆ rn4870_cs_set()

void rn4870_cs_set ( rn4870_t * ctx,
uint8_t pin_state )

Set states of CS pin to desired state.

ctxClick object.
pin_stateState of pin to be set.

@description The function set states of CS pin desired state.

◆ rn4870_disconnect()

void rn4870_disconnect ( rn4870_t * ctx)

Disconnecting from slave device.

ctxClick object.

@description The function disconnects from slave device by enters CMD mode and kills connection.

◆ rn4870_generic_read()

int32_t rn4870_generic_read ( rn4870_t * ctx,
char * data_buf,
uint16_t max_len )

Generic read function.

ctxClick object.
data_bufBuffer to be write.
max_lenLength of data to be read.
number of read bytes

@description This function read buffer of maximum length

◆ rn4870_generic_write()

void rn4870_generic_write ( rn4870_t * ctx,
char * data_buf,
uint16_t len )

Generic write function.

ctxClick object.
data_bufBuffer to be write.
lenLength of data to be write.

@description This function write buffer of specific length

◆ rn4870_init()

RN4870_RETVAL rn4870_init ( rn4870_t * ctx,
rn4870_cfg_t * cfg )

Initialization function.

ctxClick object.
cfgClick configuration structure.

@description This function initializes all necessary pins and peripherals used for this click.

◆ rn4870_initialize()

void rn4870_initialize ( rn4870_t * ctx,
char * p_addr )

Initialization RN4870 module.

ctxClick object.
dev_addrPointer to the memory location where dev_addr be stored

@description The function initializes RN4870 Bluetooth� 4.2 low energy module by resets the RN4870 module, disable I2C communications pins, reboots the device for change to take effect, enters CMD mode again, and sets the address of the device.

◆ rn4870_int_get()

uint8_t rn4870_int_get ( rn4870_t * ctx)

Get interrupt state function.

ctxClick object.
interrupt state ( 0 : not active, 1 : active )

@description The function gets interrupt state by return status of INT pin.

◆ rn4870_read()

uint8_t rn4870_read ( rn4870_t * ctx,
uint8_t * process_buffer )

Reading received message.

ctxClick object.
process_bufferBuffer for storing received message
1 if whole and properly formated message was received and stored; 0 if not

@description This function gets message from 'void rn4870_receive function if flag was set This function replaces '*' (character with end of string) with '0x00' and stores received message to process_buffer

◆ rn4870_receive()

void rn4870_receive ( rn4870_t * ctx,
char tmp )

Receiving character function.

ctxClick object.
tmpReceived character

@description The function receives character by waits for '#' - character to start parsing message, waits for '*' - character to stop parsing message and sets flag if whole and properly formated message is received.

◆ rn4870_reset()

void rn4870_reset ( rn4870_t * ctx)

Hardware reset function.

ctxClick object.

@description The function Hardware reset - resets the RN4870 Bluetooth� 4.2 low energy module by cleared to '0' RST state pin, wait for 100 ms, set to '1' RST state pin and wait for 200 ms.

Delay is 300 ms.

◆ rn4870_rst_set()

void rn4870_rst_set ( rn4870_t * ctx,
uint8_t pin_state )

Set states of RST pin to desired state.

ctxClick object.
pin_stateState of pin to be set.

@description The function set states of RST desired state.

◆ rn4870_send()

void rn4870_send ( rn4870_t * ctx,
uint8_t msg_type,
uint16_t data_type,
uint8_t id,
uint8_t * payload )

Send message function.

ctxClick object.
msg_type8-bit message type ( e.g. message - 'M' = 0x4D )
data_type16-bit data type ( e.g. sensor 1 - S1 = 0x5331 )
dev_id8-bit device id ( e.g. slave - 'S' = 0x53 )
tx_dataPointer to the memory location where the text data is stored

@description The function sends message to slave device.

◆ rn4870_uart_write()

void rn4870_uart_write ( rn4870_t * ctx,
uint8_t * wr_buf )

UART write function.

ctxClick object.
tx_dataTx buffer

@description This function is for UART writing