RTC 12 Registers Settings

Settings for registers of RTC 12 Click driver. More...


#define RTC12_SET_EOSC_ENABLE   0x00
 RTC 12 description setting.
#define RTC12_SET_EOSC_DISABLE   0x01
#define RTC12_SET_DOSF_ENABLE   0x00
#define RTC12_SET_DOSF_DISABL   0x01
#define RTC12_SET_EGFIL_DISABLE   0x00
#define RTC12_SET_EGFIL_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC12_SET_SQW_DISABLE   0x00
#define RTC12_SET_SQW_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC12_SET_INTCN_A0IE   0x00
#define RTC12_SET_INTCN_A0IE_A1IE   0x01
#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_1_DISABLE   0x00
#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_1_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_0_DISABLE   0x00
#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_0_ENABLE   0x01

Detailed Description

Settings for registers of RTC 12 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_0_DISABLE   0x00


#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_0_ENABLE   0x01


#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_1_DISABLE   0x00


#define RTC12_SET_ALARM_1_ENABLE   0x01


#define RTC12_SET_DOSF_DISABL   0x01


#define RTC12_SET_DOSF_ENABLE   0x00


#define RTC12_SET_EGFIL_DISABLE   0x00


#define RTC12_SET_EGFIL_ENABLE   0x01


#define RTC12_SET_EOSC_DISABLE   0x01


#define RTC12_SET_EOSC_ENABLE   0x00

RTC 12 description setting.

Specified setting for description of RTC 12 Click driver.


#define RTC12_SET_INTCN_A0IE   0x00


#define RTC12_SET_INTCN_A0IE_A1IE   0x01


#define RTC12_SET_SQW_DISABLE   0x00


#define RTC12_SET_SQW_ENABLE   0x01