RTC 20 Registers Settings

Settings for registers of RTC 20 Click driver. More...


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_STOP_DISABLE   0x00
 RTC 20 description setting.
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_STOP_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_HOURS_OP_MODE_24h   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_HOURS_OP_MODE_12h   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUTB_nIRQ2   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUTB_LKO2   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT_nIRQ   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT_SQWE   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_ARST_NO_CLR   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_ARST_CLR   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_WRTC_DISABLE   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_WRTC_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_nIRQ_ENABLE   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_SQW_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_nAIRQ_ENABLE   0x03
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_nTIRQ_ENABLE   0x05
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT1S_nIRQ_ENABLE   0x00
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT1S_SQW_ENABLE   0x01
#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT1S_nAIRQ_ENABLE   0x03
#define RTC20_DW_SUNDAY   0
 RTC 20 Days of the Week.
#define RTC20_DW_MONDAY   1
#define RTC20_DW_TUESDAY   2
#define RTC20_DW_WEDNESDAY   3
#define RTC20_DW_THURSDAY   4
#define RTC20_DW_FRIDAY   5
#define RTC20_DW_SATURDAY   6
#define RTC20_DEVICE_ADDRESS   0x69
 RTC 20 device address setting.

Detailed Description

Settings for registers of RTC 20 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RTC20_DEVICE_ADDRESS   0x69

RTC 20 device address setting.

Specified setting for device slave address selection of RTC 20 Click driver.


#define RTC20_DW_FRIDAY   5


#define RTC20_DW_MONDAY   1


#define RTC20_DW_SATURDAY   6


#define RTC20_DW_SUNDAY   0

RTC 20 Days of the Week.

Specified description of Days of the Week of RTC 20 Click driver.


#define RTC20_DW_THURSDAY   4


#define RTC20_DW_TUESDAY   2


#define RTC20_DW_WEDNESDAY   3


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_ARST_CLR   0x01


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_ARST_NO_CLR   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_HOURS_OP_MODE_12h   0x01


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_HOURS_OP_MODE_24h   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT1S_nAIRQ_ENABLE   0x03


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT1S_nIRQ_ENABLE   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT1S_SQW_ENABLE   0x01




#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_nAIRQ_ENABLE   0x03


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_nIRQ_ENABLE   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_nTIRQ_ENABLE   0x05




#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT2S_SQW_ENABLE   0x01




#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT_nIRQ   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUT_SQWE   0x01


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUTB_LKO2   0x01


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_OUTB_nIRQ2   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_STOP_DISABLE   0x00

RTC 20 description setting.

Specified setting for description of RTC 20 Click driver.


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_STOP_ENABLE   0x01


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_WRTC_DISABLE   0x00


#define RTC20_SET_CTRL_WRTC_ENABLE   0x01