RTC 21 Registers List

List of registers of RTC 21 Click driver. More...


#define RTC21_REG_SECOND   0x00
 RTC 21 RTC register list.
#define RTC21_REG_MINUTE   0x01
#define RTC21_REG_HOUR   0x02
#define RTC21_REG_DAY_OF_WEEK   0x03
#define RTC21_REG_DATE   0x04
#define RTC21_REG_MONTH   0x05
#define RTC21_REG_YEAR   0x06
#define RTC21_REG_CONTROL   0x07
#define RTC21_REG_RAM_BOTTOM   0x08
#define RTC21_REG_RAM_TOP   0x3F

Detailed Description

List of registers of RTC 21 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RTC21_REG_CONTROL   0x07


#define RTC21_REG_DATE   0x04


#define RTC21_REG_DAY_OF_WEEK   0x03


#define RTC21_REG_HOUR   0x02


#define RTC21_REG_MINUTE   0x01


#define RTC21_REG_MONTH   0x05


#define RTC21_REG_RAM_BOTTOM   0x08


#define RTC21_REG_RAM_TOP   0x3F


#define RTC21_REG_SECOND   0x00

RTC 21 RTC register list.

Specified RTC register list for description of RTC 21 Click driver.


#define RTC21_REG_YEAR   0x06