SRAM 4 Registers List

List of registers of SRAM 4 Click driver. More...


#define SRAM4_REG_RDSR   0x05/*< Read status register*/
 SRAM 4 description register.
#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_RDSR   0x09/*< Fast Read status register*/
#define SRAM4_REG_WRSR   0x01/*< Write status register*/
#define SRAM4_REG_WREN   0x06/*< Set write enable latch*/
#define SRAM4_REG_WRDI   0x04/*< Reset write enable latch*/
#define SRAM4_REG_READ   0x03/*< Read data from memory array*/
#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_READ   0x0B/*< Fast read data*/
#define SRAM4_REG_WRITE   0x02/*< Write data to memory array*/
#define SRAM4_REG_STORE   0x3C/*< Software STORE*/
#define SRAM4_REG_RECALL   0x60/*< Software RECALL*/
#define SRAM4_REG_ASENB   0x59/*< AutoStore Enable*/
#define SRAM4_REG_ASDISB   0x19/*< AutoStore Disable*/
#define SRAM4_REG_SLEEP   0xB9/*< Sleep mode enable*/
#define SRAM4_REG_WRSN   0xC2/*< Write serial number*/
#define SRAM4_REG_RDSN   0xC3/*< Read serial number*/
#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_RDSN   0xC9/*< Fast serial number read*/
#define SRAM4_REG_RDID   0x9F/*< Read ID's*/
#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_RDID   0x9E/*< Fast read ID's*/

Detailed Description

List of registers of SRAM 4 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SRAM4_REG_ASDISB   0x19/*< AutoStore Disable*/


#define SRAM4_REG_ASENB   0x59/*< AutoStore Enable*/


#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_RDID   0x9E/*< Fast read ID's*/


#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_RDSN   0xC9/*< Fast serial number read*/


#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_RDSR   0x09/*< Fast Read status register*/


#define SRAM4_REG_FAST_READ   0x0B/*< Fast read data*/


#define SRAM4_REG_RDID   0x9F/*< Read ID's*/


#define SRAM4_REG_RDSN   0xC3/*< Read serial number*/


#define SRAM4_REG_RDSR   0x05/*< Read status register*/

SRAM 4 description register.

Specified register for description of SRAM 4 Click driver.


#define SRAM4_REG_READ   0x03/*< Read data from memory array*/


#define SRAM4_REG_RECALL   0x60/*< Software RECALL*/


#define SRAM4_REG_SLEEP   0xB9/*< Sleep mode enable*/


#define SRAM4_REG_STORE   0x3C/*< Software STORE*/


#define SRAM4_REG_WRDI   0x04/*< Reset write enable latch*/


#define SRAM4_REG_WREN   0x06/*< Set write enable latch*/


#define SRAM4_REG_WRITE   0x02/*< Write data to memory array*/


#define SRAM4_REG_WRSN   0xC2/*< Write serial number*/


#define SRAM4_REG_WRSR   0x01/*< Write status register*/