thermo5.h File Reference

This file contains API for THERMO 5 Click driver. More...

#include "drv_digital_out.h"
#include "drv_digital_in.h"
#include "drv_i2c_master.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  thermo5_t
 Click ctx object definition. More...
struct  thermo5_cfg_t
 Click configuration structure definition. More...


#define THERMO5_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus)
#define THERMO5_RETVAL   uint8_t
#define THERMO5_OK   0x00
#define THERMO5_I2C_ADDRESS   0x4C
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_3_HI_BYTE   0x2A
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_3_LO_BYTE   0x2B
#define THERMO5_INTER_DIODE   0x0029
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIODE1   0x0110
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIODE2   0x2324
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIODE3   0x2A2B
#define THERMO5_STAT   0x02
#define THERMO5_CONFIG   0x03
#define THERMO5_CONVERS_RATE   0x04
#define THERMO5_INTER_DIO_HI_LIM   0x05
#define THERMO5_INTER_DIO_LO_LIM   0x06
#define THERMO5_SCRATCHPAD_1   0x11
#define THERMO5_SCRATCHPAD_2   0x12
#define THERMO5_ONE_SHOT   0x0F
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_1_THERM_LIM   0x19
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_3_THERM_LIM   0x30
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_1_IDE_FAC   0x27
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_2_IDE_FAC   0x28
#define THERMO5_EXTER_DIO_3_IDE_FAC   0x31
#define THERMO5_HI_LIM_STAT   0x35
#define THERMO5_LO_LIM_STAT   0x36
#define THERMO5_THERM_LIM_STAT   0x37
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_0_0625   0x00
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_0_125   0x01
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_0_25   0x02
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_0_5   0x03
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_1   0x04
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_2   0x05
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_4   0x06
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_8   0x07
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_16   0x08
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_32   0x09
#define THERMO5_CONVER_RATE_64   0x0A


void thermo5_cfg_setup (thermo5_cfg_t *cfg)
 Config Object Initialization function.
THERMO5_RETVAL thermo5_init (thermo5_t *ctx, thermo5_cfg_t *cfg)
 Initialization function.
void thermo5_generic_write (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
 Generic write function.
void thermo5_generic_read (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
 Generic read function.
void thermo5_write_byte (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t wr_addr, uint8_t wr_data)
 Write byte function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_byte (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t rd_addr)
 Read byte function.
uint16_t thermo5_read_data (thermo5_t *ctx, uint16_t reg_addr)
 Read data function.
float thermo5_read_inter_temp (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read internal diode temperature function.
float thermo5_read_extern_1_temp (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read external diode 1 temperature function.
float thermo5_read_extern_2_temp (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read external diode 2 temperature function.
float thermo5_read_extern_3_temp (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read external diode 3 temperature function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_product_id (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read product ID function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_manufacturer_id (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read manufacturer ID function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_revision_register (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read revision register function.
uint8_t thermo5_get_interrupt_state (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Get interrupt state function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_stat_reg (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read status register function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_therm_limit_stat (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read therm limit status function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_exter_diode_fault (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read external diode fault function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_low_limit_stat (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read low limit status function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_high_limit_stat (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read high limit status function.
void thermo5_write_config (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t wr_data)
 Write configuration function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_config (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read configuration function.
void thermo5_set_convers_rate (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t convers_rate)
 Set conversion rate function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_convers_rate (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read conversion rate function.
void thermo5_set_filter_rate (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t filter_decode_rate)
 Filter configuration function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_filter_rate (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read filter configuration function.
void thermo5_set_diode_1_beta_config (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t enable)
 Set External Diode 1 Beta Configuration function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_diode_1_beta_config (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read External Diode 1 Beta Configuration function.
void thermo5_set_diode_2_beta_config (thermo5_t *ctx, uint8_t enable)
 Set External Diode 2 Beta Configuration function.
uint8_t thermo5_read_diode_2_beta_config (thermo5_t *ctx)
 Read External Diode 2 Beta Configuration function.

Detailed Description

This file contains API for THERMO 5 Click driver.