UV 5 Registers Settings

Settings for registers of UV 5 Click driver. More...


#define UV5_START_MEASURMENT   0x80
 UV 5 description setting.
#define UV5_POWER_DOWN   0x40
#define UV5_SW_RESET   0x08
#define UV5_MEASUREMENT_MODE   0x03
#define UV5_DEVID   0x20
 UV 5 AGEN register setting.
#define UV5_MUT   0x01
#define UV5_GAIN_2048X   0x00
 UV 5 CREG1 register setting.
#define UV5_GAIN_1024X   0x10
#define UV5_GAIN_512X   0x20
#define UV5_GAIN_256X   0x30
#define UV5_GAIN_128X   0x40
#define UV5_GAIN_64X   0x50
#define UV5_GAIN_32X   0x60
#define UV5_GAIN_16X   0x70
#define UV5_GAIN_8X   0x80
#define UV5_GAIN_4X   0x90
#define UV5_GAIN_2X   0xA0
#define UV5_GAIN_1X   0xB0
#define UV5_TIME_1_MS   0x00
#define UV5_TIME_2_MS   0x01
#define UV5_TIME_4_MS   0x02
#define UV5_TIME_8_MS   0x03
#define UV5_TIME_16_MS   0x04
#define UV5_TIME_32_MS   0x05
#define UV5_TIME_64_MS   0x06
#define UV5_TIME_128_MS   0x07
#define UV5_TIME_256_MS   0x08
#define UV5_TIME_512_MS   0x09
#define UV5_TIME_1024_MS   0x0A
#define UV5_TIME_2048_MS   0x0B
#define UV5_TIME_4096_MS   0x0C
#define UV5_TIME_8192_MS   0x0D
#define UV5_TIME_16384_MS   0x0E
#define UV5_EN_TM   0x40
 UV 5 CREG2 register setting.
#define UV5_EN_DIV   0x08
#define UV5_DIV_256   0x07
#define UV5_DIV_128   0x06
#define UV5_DIV_64   0x05
#define UV5_DIV_32   0x04
#define UV5_DIV_16   0x03
#define UV5_DIV_8   0x02
#define UV5_DIV_4   0x01
#define UV5_DIV_2   0x00
#define UV5_MMODE_CONT   0x00
 UV 5 CREG3 register setting.
#define UV5_MMODE_CMD   0x40
#define UV5_MMODE_SYNS   0x80
#define UV5_MMODE_SYND   0xC0
#define UV5_STANDBY_ON   0x10
#define UV5_READY_PUSH_PULL   0x00
#define UV5_READY_OPEN_DRAIN   0x08
#define UV5_CCLK_1024_KHZ   0x00
#define UV5_CCLK_2048_KHZ   0x01
#define UV5_CCLK_4096_KHZ   0x02
#define UV5_CCLK_8192_KHZ   0x03
#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_00   0x74
 UV 5 device address setting.
#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_01   0x75
#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_10   0x76
#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_11   0x77

Detailed Description

Settings for registers of UV 5 Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ UV5_CCLK_1024_KHZ

#define UV5_CCLK_1024_KHZ   0x00

◆ UV5_CCLK_2048_KHZ

#define UV5_CCLK_2048_KHZ   0x01

◆ UV5_CCLK_4096_KHZ

#define UV5_CCLK_4096_KHZ   0x02

◆ UV5_CCLK_8192_KHZ

#define UV5_CCLK_8192_KHZ   0x03




#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_00   0x74

UV 5 device address setting.

Specified setting for device slave address selection of UV 5 Click driver.


#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_01   0x75


#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_10   0x76


#define UV5_DEVICE_ADDRESS_11   0x77


#define UV5_DEVID   0x20

UV 5 AGEN register setting.

Specified setting for AGEN register of UV 5 Click driver.

◆ UV5_DIV_128

#define UV5_DIV_128   0x06

◆ UV5_DIV_16

#define UV5_DIV_16   0x03

◆ UV5_DIV_2

#define UV5_DIV_2   0x00

◆ UV5_DIV_256

#define UV5_DIV_256   0x07

◆ UV5_DIV_32

#define UV5_DIV_32   0x04

◆ UV5_DIV_4

#define UV5_DIV_4   0x01

◆ UV5_DIV_64

#define UV5_DIV_64   0x05

◆ UV5_DIV_8

#define UV5_DIV_8   0x02


#define UV5_EN_DIV   0x08


#define UV5_EN_TM   0x40

UV 5 CREG2 register setting.

Specified setting for CREG2 register of UV 5 Click driver.

◆ UV5_GAIN_1024X

#define UV5_GAIN_1024X   0x10

◆ UV5_GAIN_128X

#define UV5_GAIN_128X   0x40

◆ UV5_GAIN_16X

#define UV5_GAIN_16X   0x70


#define UV5_GAIN_1X   0xB0

◆ UV5_GAIN_2048X

#define UV5_GAIN_2048X   0x00

UV 5 CREG1 register setting.

Specified setting for CREG1 register of UV 5 Click driver.

◆ UV5_GAIN_256X

#define UV5_GAIN_256X   0x30


#define UV5_GAIN_2X   0xA0

◆ UV5_GAIN_32X

#define UV5_GAIN_32X   0x60


#define UV5_GAIN_4X   0x90

◆ UV5_GAIN_512X

#define UV5_GAIN_512X   0x20

◆ UV5_GAIN_64X

#define UV5_GAIN_64X   0x50


#define UV5_GAIN_8X   0x80


#define UV5_MEASUREMENT_MODE   0x03


#define UV5_MMODE_CMD   0x40


#define UV5_MMODE_CONT   0x00

UV 5 CREG3 register setting.

Specified setting for CREG3 register of UV 5 Click driver.


#define UV5_MMODE_SYND   0xC0


#define UV5_MMODE_SYNS   0x80


#define UV5_MUT   0x01


#define UV5_POWER_DOWN   0x40


#define UV5_READY_OPEN_DRAIN   0x08


#define UV5_READY_PUSH_PULL   0x00


#define UV5_STANDBY_ON   0x10


#define UV5_START_MEASURMENT   0x80

UV 5 description setting.

Specified setting for description of UV 5 Click driver.

UV 5 OSR register setting.

Specified setting for OSR register of UV 5 Click driver.


#define UV5_SW_RESET   0x08





◆ UV5_TIME_1024_MS

#define UV5_TIME_1024_MS   0x0A

◆ UV5_TIME_128_MS

#define UV5_TIME_128_MS   0x07

◆ UV5_TIME_16384_MS

#define UV5_TIME_16384_MS   0x0E

◆ UV5_TIME_16_MS

#define UV5_TIME_16_MS   0x04


#define UV5_TIME_1_MS   0x00

◆ UV5_TIME_2048_MS

#define UV5_TIME_2048_MS   0x0B

◆ UV5_TIME_256_MS

#define UV5_TIME_256_MS   0x08


#define UV5_TIME_2_MS   0x01

◆ UV5_TIME_32_MS

#define UV5_TIME_32_MS   0x05

◆ UV5_TIME_4096_MS

#define UV5_TIME_4096_MS   0x0C


#define UV5_TIME_4_MS   0x02

◆ UV5_TIME_512_MS

#define UV5_TIME_512_MS   0x09

◆ UV5_TIME_64_MS

#define UV5_TIME_64_MS   0x06

◆ UV5_TIME_8192_MS

#define UV5_TIME_8192_MS   0x0D


#define UV5_TIME_8_MS   0x03