enocean.h File Reference

This file contains API for EnOcean Click driver. More...

#include "drv_digital_out.h"
#include "drv_digital_in.h"
#include "drv_uart.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  enocean_packet_t
struct  enocean_t
 Click ctx object definition. More...
struct  enocean_cfg_t
 Click configuration structure definition. More...


#define ENOCEAN_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus)
#define ENOCEAN_RETVAL   uint8_t
#define ENOCEAN_OK   0x00
#define DRV_RX_BUFFER_SIZE   500
#define DRV_TX_BUFFER_SIZE   100
#define ENOCEAN_SYNC_BYTE   0x55
#define ENOCEAN_HEADER_SIZE   0x04
#define ENOCEAN_BUFF_EMPTY   0x00
#define ENOCEAN_UART_RX_READY   0x01
#define ENOCEAN_OK   0x00
#define ENOCEAN_FILT_TYPE_R_ORG   0x01
#define ENOCEAN_FILT_FWRD_OFF   0x00
#define ENOCEAN_FILT_FWRD_ON   0x01
#define ENOCEAN_RPT_OFF   0x00
#define ENOCEAN_RPT_ALL_TELEG   0x01
#define ENOCEAN_RPT_LEVEL_OFF   0x00
#define ENOCEAN_RPT_LEVEL_ONE   0x01
#define ENOCEAN_RPT_LEVEL_TWO   0x02
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_98_DBM_NEG   0x30
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_97_DBM_NEG   0x31
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_96_DBM_NEG   0x32
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_95_DBM_NEG   0x33
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_94_DBM_NEG   0x34
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_93_DBM_NEG   0x35
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_92_DBM_NEG   0x36
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_91_DBM_NEG   0x37
#define ENOCEAN_RSSI_LEVEL_90_DBM_NEG   0x38


typedef void(* enocean_hdl_t) (enocean_packet_t *, uint16_t *)
typedef uint8_t enocean_error_t
 Error type.


void enocean_cfg_setup (enocean_cfg_t *cfg)
 Config Object Initialization function.
ENOCEAN_RETVAL enocean_init (enocean_t *ctx, enocean_cfg_t *cfg)
 Initialization function.
void enocean_set_rst_pin (enocean_t *ctx, uint8_t state)
 Set RST ( reset ) pin state.
void enocean_generic_write (enocean_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t len)
 Generic write function.
int32_t enocean_generic_read (enocean_t *ctx, char *data_buf, uint16_t max_len)
 Generic read function.
void enocean_response_handler_set (enocean_t *ctx, enocean_hdl_t handler)
 Handler Set function.
uint8_t enocean_send_packet (enocean_t *ctx, enocean_packet_t *packet)
 Packet Send function.
uint8_t enocean_response_ready (enocean_t *ctx)
 Response Ready function.
void enocean_uart_isr (enocean_t *ctx)
 UART Interrupt Routine function.

Detailed Description

This file contains API for EnOcean Click driver.