expand10.h File Reference

This file contains API for Expand 10 Click Driver. More...

#include "drv_digital_out.h"
#include "drv_digital_in.h"
#include "drv_i2c_master.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  expand10_t
 Expand 10 Click context object. More...
struct  expand10_cfg_t
 Expand 10 Click configuration object. More...


#define EXPAND10_REG_INPUT_P0   0x00
 Expand 10 register list.
#define EXPAND10_REG_INPUT_P1   0x01
#define EXPAND10_REG_INPUT_P2   0x02
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_P0   0x04
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_P1   0x05
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_P2   0x06
#define EXPAND10_REG_POLARITY_INV_P0   0x08
#define EXPAND10_REG_POLARITY_INV_P1   0x09
#define EXPAND10_REG_CONFIG_P0   0x0C
#define EXPAND10_REG_CONFIG_P1   0x0D
#define EXPAND10_REG_CONFIG_P2   0x0E
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_DRIVE_P0A   0x40
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_DRIVE_P0B   0x41
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_DRIVE_P1A   0x42
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_DRIVE_P1B   0x43
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_DRIVE_P2A   0x44
#define EXPAND10_REG_OUTPUT_DRIVE_P2B   0x45
#define EXPAND10_REG_INPUT_LAT_P0   0x48
#define EXPAND10_REG_INPUT_LAT_P1   0x49
#define EXPAND10_REG_INPUT_LAT_P2   0x4A
#define EXPAND10_REG_PULL_ENABLE_P0   0x4C
#define EXPAND10_REG_PULL_ENABLE_P1   0x4D
#define EXPAND10_REG_PULL_ENABLE_P2   0x4E
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_MASK_P0   0x54
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_MASK_P1   0x55
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_MASK_P2   0x56
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_STATUS_P0   0x58
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_STATUS_P1   0x59
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_STATUS_P2   0x5A
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_EDGE_P0A   0x60
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_EDGE_P0B   0x61
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_EDGE_P1A   0x62
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_EDGE_P1B   0x63
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_EDGE_P2A   0x64
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_EDGE_P2B   0x65
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_CLEAR_P0   0x68
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_CLEAR_P1   0x69
#define EXPAND10_REG_INT_CLEAR_P2   0x6A
#define EXPAND10_NO_PIN_MASK   0x00
 Expand 10 pin mask values.
#define EXPAND10_PIN_0_MASK   0x01
#define EXPAND10_PIN_1_MASK   0x02
#define EXPAND10_PIN_2_MASK   0x04
#define EXPAND10_PIN_3_MASK   0x08
#define EXPAND10_PIN_4_MASK   0x10
#define EXPAND10_PIN_5_MASK   0x20
#define EXPAND10_PIN_6_MASK   0x40
#define EXPAND10_PIN_7_MASK   0x80
#define EXPAND10_PORT_0   0x00
 Expand 10 port values.
#define EXPAND10_PORT_1   0x01
#define EXPAND10_PORT_2   0x02
 Expand 10 pin direction values.
#define EXPAND10_PIN_LOW_LEVEL   0x00
 Expand 10 pin logic level values.
#define EXPAND10_PIN_HIGH_LEVEL   0x01
 Expand 10 auto increment bit mask.
#define EXPAND10_DEVICE_ID   0x000830
 Expand 10 device ID value.
#define EXPAND10_SOFTWARE_RESET   0x06
 Expand 10 software reset value.
#define EXPAND10_GEN_CALL_ADDR   0x00
 Expand 10 general call and device ID addresses.
#define EXPAND10_DEV_ID_ADDR   0x7C
#define EXPAND10_SET_DEV_ADDR_0   0x22
 Expand 10 device address setting.
#define EXPAND10_SET_DEV_ADDR_1   0x23
#define EXPAND10_MAP_MIKROBUS(cfg, mikrobus)
 MikroBUS pin mapping.


enum  expand10_return_value_t { EXPAND10_OK = 0 , EXPAND10_ERROR = -1 }
 Expand 10 Click return value data. More...


void expand10_cfg_setup (expand10_cfg_t *cfg)
 Expand 10 configuration object setup function.
err_t expand10_init (expand10_t *ctx, expand10_cfg_t *cfg)
 Expand 10 initialization function.
err_t expand10_default_cfg (expand10_t *ctx)
 Expand 10 default configuration function.
err_t expand10_generic_write (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *tx_buf, uint8_t tx_len)
 Expand 10 I2C writing function.
err_t expand10_generic_read (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *rx_buf, uint8_t rx_len)
 Expand 10 I2C reading function.
void expand10_set_rst_pin (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t logic_level)
 Expand 10 set RST pin function.
uint8_t expand10_get_int_pin (expand10_t *ctx)
 Expand 10 get INT pin function.
err_t expand10_write_register (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data_in)
 Expand 10 write register function.
err_t expand10_read_register (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_out)
 Expand 10 read register function.
err_t expand10_check_device_id (expand10_t *ctx)
 Expand 10 check device ID function.
err_t expand10_software_reset (expand10_t *ctx)
 Expand 10 software reset function.
err_t expand10_set_pin_direction (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t direction, uint8_t port, uint8_t pin_mask)
 Expand 10 set pin direction function.
err_t expand10_set_all_pins_direction (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t direction)
 Expand 10 set all pins direction function.
err_t expand10_set_all_pins_value (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t set_mask)
 Expand 10 set all pins value function.
err_t expand10_set_pin_value (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t port, uint8_t clr_mask, uint8_t set_mask)
 Expand 10 set pin value function.
err_t expand10_read_port_value (expand10_t *ctx, uint8_t port, uint8_t *data_out)
 Expand 10 read port value function.

Detailed Description

This file contains API for Expand 10 Click Driver.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ expand10_return_value_t

Expand 10 Click return value data.

Predefined enum values for driver return values.
