RFID Registers Settings

Settings for registers of RFID Click driver. More...


#define RFID_IDN   0x01
 RFID commands.
#define RFID_PROT_SELECT   0x02
#define RFID_SEND_RECV   0x04
#define RFID_IDLE   0x07
#define RFID_RD_WAKEUP_REG   0x08
#define RFID_WR_WAKEUP_REG   0x09
#define RFID_SET_BAUD   0x0A
#define RFID_ECHO   0x55
#define RFID_FIELD_OFF   0x00
 RFID protocols.
#define RFID_ISO_15693   0x01
#define RFID_ISO_14443A   0x02
#define RFID_ISO_14443B   0x03
#define RFID_ISO_18092NFC   0x04
#define RFID_UART   0x00
 Communication interface.
#define RFID_SPI   0x01
#define RFID_MAX_DATA_LEN   0xFF
 Data len.
#define RFID_DATA_READY   0x08
 Data ready.
#define RFID_DATA_NOT_READY   0x00

Detailed Description

Settings for registers of RFID Click driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RFID_DATA_NOT_READY   0x00


#define RFID_DATA_READY   0x08

Data ready.

Data ready flag.


#define RFID_ECHO   0x55


#define RFID_FIELD_OFF   0x00

RFID protocols.

RFID protocol settings.


#define RFID_IDLE   0x07


#define RFID_IDN   0x01

RFID commands.

Specified setting for description of RFID Click driver.

◆ RFID_ISO_14443A

#define RFID_ISO_14443A   0x02

◆ RFID_ISO_14443B

#define RFID_ISO_14443B   0x03

◆ RFID_ISO_15693

#define RFID_ISO_15693   0x01


#define RFID_ISO_18092NFC   0x04


#define RFID_MAX_DATA_LEN   0xFF

Data len.

Max data length value.


#define RFID_PROT_SELECT   0x02


#define RFID_RD_WAKEUP_REG   0x08


#define RFID_SEND_RECV   0x04


#define RFID_SET_BAUD   0x0A


#define RFID_SPI   0x01


#define RFID_UART   0x00

Communication interface.

Communication interface settings.


#define RFID_WR_WAKEUP_REG   0x09