WiFi8 Click example.
This application showcases capability of the WiFi 8 Click board. It initializes device, connects to local WiFi. Creates TCP, waits for connection and logs every message it receives for clients when it receives CR or LF flag it returns message back to Client.
The demo application is composed of two sections :
Application Init
Initializes Host logger, and communication module and pins. Then resets device and initializes devices firmware. If no error occurred it sets callback functions for WiFi and TCP socket, and checks current firmware version. After firmware is read it connects to local WiFi network set by user. When connected it initializes and creates socket.
Application Task
It loops function for handling events. Should notify and log messages when Client is connected/disconnected to TCP server and returns back when receives CR or LF flag.
- Note
- User should set MAIN_WLAN_SSID and MAIN_WLAN_PSK for connecting to local network. When devices connects to network it will log its IP that user need to connect to. After user connects it should get notification and it can send data to server. Server will return message "WiFi 8 Click" when Client sends CR or LF character in message.
- Author
- Luka Filipovic