void | wifi8_cfg_setup (wifi8_cfg_t *cfg) |
| WiFi 8 configuration object setup function.
err_t | wifi8_init (wifi8_t *ctx, wifi8_cfg_t *cfg) |
| WiFi 8 initialization function.
err_t | wifi8_default_cfg (wifi8_t *ctx) |
| WiFi 8 default configuration function.
err_t | wifi8_generic_write (wifi8_t *ctx, uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t len) |
| Generic writing function.
err_t | wifi8_generic_read (wifi8_t *ctx, uint8_t *data_out, uint8_t len) |
| Generic reading function.
err_t | wifi8_reg_write (wifi8_t *ctx, uint32_t addr, uint32_t data_in) |
| Write data to register address.
err_t | wifi8_reg_read (wifi8_t *ctx, uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data_out) |
| Read data from register address.
err_t | wifi8_block_read (wifi8_t *ctx, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *data_buf, uint16_t buf_len) |
| Read blocks of data from register address.
err_t | wifi8_block_write (wifi8_t *ctx, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *data_buf, uint16_t buf_len) |
| Write blocks of data to register address.
err_t | wifi8_init_drv (wifi8_t *ctx) |
| Synchronous API to initialize the device driver.
uint32_t | wifi8_chip_id (wifi8_t *ctx) |
| Get device ID.
err_t | wifi8_get_full_firmware_version (wifi8_t *ctx, wifi8_m2m_rev_t *fw_version) |
| Synchronous API to obtain the firmware version currently running on the device.
err_t | wifi8_get_ota_firmware_version (wifi8_t *ctx, wifi8_m2m_rev_t *fw_version) |
| Synchronous API to obtain the firmware version of the device.
err_t | wifi8_connect (wifi8_t *ctx, char *pc_ssid, uint8_t u8_ssid_len, wifi8_m2m_sec_type_t u8_sec_type, void *pv_auth_info, uint16_t u16_ch) |
err_t | wifi8_get_connection_info (wifi8_t *ctx) |
err_t | wifi8_start_ap (wifi8_t *ctx, wifi8_m2m_ap_config_t *pstr_m2m_ap_config) |
| Asynchronous API to enable access point (AKA "hot-spot") mode on the device.
err_t | wifi8_req_scan_result (wifi8_t *ctx, uint8_t scan_request_index) |
| Asynchronous API to request the information of an access point discovered via scanning.
err_t | wifi8_request_scan (wifi8_t *ctx, uint8_t channel) |
| Asynchronous API to request the WINC to scan for networks.
err_t | wifi8_handle_events (wifi8_t *ctx) |
| Synchronous event handler function.
err_t | wifi8_ble_api_send (wifi8_t *ctx, uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len) |
| Asynchronous API to send an encapsulated BLE message.
void | wifi8_socket_init (wifi8_t *ctx) |
| The function performs the necessary initializations for the socket library.
err_t | wifi8_socket_create (wifi8_t *ctx, uint16_t u16_domain, uint8_t u8_type, uint8_t u8_flags) |
| Synchronous socket allocation function based on the specified socket type.
err_t | wifi8_socket_bind (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, wifi8_sockaddr_t *pstr_addr, uint8_t u8_addr_len) |
| Asynchronous bind function associates the provided address and local port to the socket.
int8_t | wifi8_socket_listen (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, uint8_t backlog) |
| Asynchronous listen function.
err_t | wifi8_socket_connect (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, wifi8_sockaddr_t *pstr_addr, uint8_t u8_addr_len) |
| Asynchronous connect function.
err_t | wifi8_socket_send (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, void *pv_send_buffer, uint16_t u16_send_length) |
| Asynchronous sending function.
err_t | wifi8_socket_send_to (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, void *pv_send_buffer, uint16_t u16_send_length, wifi8_sockaddr_t *pstr_dest_addr, uint8_t u8_addr_len) |
| Asynchronous sending function.
err_t | wifi8_socket_receive (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, void *pv_recv_buf, uint16_t u16_buf_len, uint32_t u32_timeoutmsec) |
| Asynchronous receive function.
err_t | wifi8_socket_receive_from (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock, void *pv_recv_buf, uint16_t u16_buf_len, uint32_t u32_timeoutmsec) |
| Asynchronous receive function.
err_t | wifi8_socket_close (wifi8_t *ctx, int8_t sock) |
| Synchronous close function.