C__USBHS_TYPE0_t | |
C_Am335xRxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
C_Am335xTxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
C_AutoIpContext | Auto-IP context |
C_CoapClientContext | CoAP client context |
C_CoapClientRequest | CoAP request |
C_CoapDtlsSession | DTLS session |
C_CoapServerContext | CoAP server context |
C_DhcpClientContext | DHCP client context |
C_DhcpServerContext | DHCP server context |
C_Dhcpv6ClientContext | DHCPv6 client context |
C_DnsSdContext | DNS-SD context |
C_FtpClientConnection | FTP client connection |
C_FtpClientContext | FTP client context |
C_FtpServerContext | FTP server context |
C_HttpClientContext | HTTP client context |
C_HttpConnection | HTTP connection |
C_HttpServerContext | HTTP server context |
C_IgmpRouterContext | IGMP router context |
C_LldpAgentContext | LLDP agent context |
C_LldpDataUnit | LLDP data unit |
C_LldpPortEntry | LLDP port entry |
C_lv_anim_t | |
C_lv_color_filter_dsc_t | |
C_lv_disp_draw_buf_t | |
C_lv_disp_drv_t | |
C_lv_disp_t | |
C_lv_draw_ctx_t | |
C_lv_draw_label_hint_t | |
C_lv_draw_layer_ctx_t | |
C_lv_draw_mask_saved_t | |
C_lv_draw_sdl_layer_ctx_t | |
C_lv_event_t | |
C_lv_font_t | |
C_lv_fs_drv_t | |
C_lv_gradient_cache_t | |
C_lv_group_t | |
C_lv_img_cache_entry_t | |
C_lv_img_decoder_dsc_t | |
C_lv_img_decoder_t | |
C_lv_indev_drv_t | |
C_lv_indev_proc_t | |
C_lv_indev_t | |
C_lv_obj_class_t | |
C_lv_obj_spec_attr_t | |
C_lv_obj_style_t | |
C_lv_obj_style_transition_dsc_t | |
C_lv_obj_t | |
C_lv_theme_t | |
C_lv_timer_t | |
C_MdnsResponderContext | MDNS responder context |
C_MibObject | MIB object descriptor |
C_ModbusClientConnection | Modbus/TCP client connection |
C_ModbusClientContext | Modbus/TCP client context |
C_ModbusServerContext | Modbus/TCP server context |
C_MqttClientContext | MQTT client context |
C_MqttSnClientContext | MQTT-SN client context |
C_NdpRouterAdvContext | RA service context |
C_NetInterface | Structure describing a network interface |
C_NetRxAncillary | Additional options passed to the stack (RX path) |
C_NetTxAncillary | Additional options passed to the stack (TX path) |
C_Omapl138RxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
C_Omapl138TxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
C_PppContext | PPP context |
C_Rm57RxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
C_Rm57TxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
C_SlaacContext | SLAAC context |
C_SmtpClientContext | SMTP client context |
C_SnmpAgentContext | SNMP agent context |
C_Socket | Structure describing a socket |
C_SocketQueueItem | Receive queue item |
C_TcpQueueItem | Retransmission queue item |
C_TcpSynQueueItem | SYN queue item |
C_TftpClientConnection | TFTP client connection |
C_TftpServerContext | TFTP server context |
C_Tms570RxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
C_Tms570TxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
C_WebSocket | Structure describing a WebSocket |
CA2fxxxm3HashTableSetupFrame | Hash table setup frame |
CA2fxxxm3RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CA2fxxxm3TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CADC_Common_TypeDef | |
CADC_Type | |
CADC_TypeDef | Analog to Digital Converter
Caddrinfo | Information about address of a service provider |
CAFIO_TypeDef | Alternate Function I/O |
CAIPS_Type | |
CAm335xAleEntry | ALE table entry |
CAm64xAleEntry | ALE table entry |
CAm64xRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CAm64xTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
Canalog_in_config_t | Analog input driver configuration structure |
Canalog_in_t | Analog input driver context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CAOI_Type | |
CApm32f4xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CApm32f4xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CAps3RxDmaDesc | RX DMA descriptor |
CAps3TxDmaDesc | TX DMA descriptor |
CAPSR_Type | Union type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR) |
CARM_MPU_Region_t | |
CArpCacheEntry | ARP cache entry |
CArpQueueItem | ARP queue item |
CAt32f4xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CAt32f4xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CAutoIpSettings | Auto-IP settings |
CAvr32RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CAvr32TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CAXBS_Type | |
CBDMA_Channel_TypeDef | |
CBDMA_TypeDef | |
CBKP_TypeDef | Backup Registers
Ccan_config_t | CAN init configuration structure |
CCAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef | Controller Area Network FIFOMailBox |
Ccan_filter_config_t | CAN filter init configuration structure |
CCAN_FilterRegister_TypeDef | Controller Area Network FilterRegister |
Ccan_message_t | CAN driver message structure |
Ccan_receive_message_struct | CAN driver receive message structure |
Ccan_t | CAN driver context structure |
Ccan_transmit_message_struct | CAN driver transmit message structure |
CCAN_TxMailBox_TypeDef | Controller Area Network TxMailBox |
CCAN_Type | |
CCAN_TypeDef | Controller Area Network |
CCAU_Type | |
CChapFsm | CHAP finite state machine |
CChunkDesc | Structure describing a chunk of data |
Cci_fs_controller_t | |
Cci_fs_regs_t | |
Cci_hs_controller_t | |
Cci_hs_regs_t | |
CCMP_Type | |
Ccmsghdr | Ancillary data header |
CCMT_Type | |
CCoapMessage | CoAP message |
CCoapOption | CoAP option |
CCoapOptionParameters | CoAP option parameters |
CCoapParamName | Parameter value/name binding |
CCoapServerSettings | CoAP server settings |
CCOMP_Common_TypeDef | |
CCOMP_TypeDef | |
CCOMPOPT_TypeDef | Comparator |
CCONTROL_Type | Union type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL) |
CCoreDebug_Type | Structure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug) |
CCRC_Type | |
CCRC_TypeDef | CRC calculation unit |
CCRS_TypeDef | Clock Recovery System |
CCRYP_TypeDef | Crypto Processor |
Ccustom_interface_info_t | |
CDAC_Type | |
CDAC_TypeDef | Digital to Analog Converter |
CDateTime | Date and time representation |
CDBGMCU_TypeDef | Debug MCU |
CDCMI_TypeDef | DCMI |
CDFSDM_Channel_TypeDef | DFSDM channel configuration registers |
CDFSDM_Filter_TypeDef | DFSDM module registers |
CDhcpClientSettings | DHCP client settings |
CDhcpServerBinding | DHCP binding |
CDhcpServerSettings | DHCP server settings |
CDhcpv6ClientAddrEntry | IA address entry |
CDhcpv6ClientIa | Client's IA (Identity Association) |
CDhcpv6ClientSettings | DHCPv6 client settings |
CDhcpv6RelayContext | DHCPv6 relay agent context |
CDhcpv6RelaySettings | DHCPv6 relay agent settings |
Cdigital_in_t | Digital input driver context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Cdigital_out_t | Digital output driver context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CDIR | |
Cdir_t | Directory Data Structure |
CDirEntry | |
CDLYB_TypeDef | Delay Block DLYB |
CDm9000Context | DM9000 driver context |
CDMA2D_TypeDef | DMA2D Controller |
CDMA_Channel_TypeDef | DMA Controller |
Cdma_config_t | DMA Configuration Structure prototype |
CDMA_Stream_TypeDef | DMA Controller |
Cdma_t | DMA Handle prototype |
CDMA_Type | |
CDMA_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_Channel_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_ChannelStatus_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_RequestGen_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_RequestGenStatus_TypeDef | |
CDMAMUX_Type | |
CDnsCacheEntry | DNS cache entry |
CDnsSdService | DNS-SD service descriptor |
CDnsSdSettings | DNS-SD settings |
CDSI_TypeDef | DSI Controller |
Cdwc2_channel_t | |
Cdwc2_controller_t | |
Cdwc2_epin_t | |
Cdwc2_epout_t | |
Cdwc2_regs_t | |
CDWT_Type | Structure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT) |
CEchoServerContext | Echo server context |
CEchoServerSettings | Echo server settings |
CEchoTcpConnection | Echo TCP connection |
CEfm32gg11RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CEfm32gg11TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
Cehci_cap_registers_t | |
Cehci_link_t | Link pointer |
Cehci_qtd_t | |
Cehci_registers_t | |
CEnc28j60Context | ENC28J60 driver context |
CEnc624j600Context | ENC424J600 driver context |
CENC_Type | |
CENET_Type | |
CEsp32EthRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CEsp32EthTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CETH_TypeDef | Ethernet MAC |
CEWM_Type | |
CEXTI_Core_TypeDef | This structure registers corresponds to EXTI_Typdef CPU1/CPU2 registers subset (IMRx, EMRx and PRx), allowing to define EXTI_D1/EXTI_D2 with rapid/common access to these IMRx, EMRx, PRx registers for CPU1 and CPU2. Note that EXTI_D1 and EXTI_D2 bases addresses are calculated to point to CPUx first register: IMR1 in case of EXTI_D1 that is addressing CPU1 (Coretx-M7) C2IMR1 in case of EXTI_D2 that is addressing CPU2 (Coretx-M4) Note: EXTI_D2 and corresponding C2IMRx, C2EMRx and C2PRx registers are available for Dual Core devices only |
CEXTI_TypeDef | External Interrupt/Event Controller |
CExtIntDriver | External interrupt line driver |
Cfatfs_logical_drive_t | FatFs Logical Drive |
CFB_Type | |
Cfd_set | Set of sockets |
CFDCAN_ClockCalibrationUnit_TypeDef | FD Controller Area Network |
CFDCAN_GlobalTypeDef | FD Controller Area Network |
CFIL | |
Cfile_t | File Data Structure |
CFLASH_TypeDef | FLASH Registers |
CFm3Eth1RxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CFm3Eth1TxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CFm3Eth2RxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CFm3Eth2TxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CFm4RxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CFm4TxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CFMC_Bank1_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller |
CFMC_Bank1E_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank1E |
CFMC_Bank2_3_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank2 |
CFMC_Bank2_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank2 |
CFMC_Bank3_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank3 |
CFMC_Bank4_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank4 |
CFMC_Bank5_6_TypeDef | Flexible Memory Controller Bank5_6 |
CFMC_Type | |
CFPU_Type | Structure type to access the Floating Point Unit (FPU) |
CFsDir | Directory descriptor |
CFsDirEntry | Directory entry |
CFsFileStat | File status |
CFSMC_Bank1_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller |
CFSMC_Bank1E_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller Bank1E |
CFSMC_Bank2_3_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller Bank2 |
CFSMC_Bank4_TypeDef | Flexible Static Memory Controller Bank4 |
Cft5xx6_cfg_t | FT5xx6 Configuration Object |
Cft5xx6_controller_t | FT5xx6 Gesture Items |
Cft5xx6_gest_item_t | FT5xx6 Gesture Item Definition |
Cft5xx6_t | FT5xx6 Context Object |
CFTFE_Type | |
CFTFL_Type | |
CFTM_Type | |
CFtpClientChannel | Control or data channel |
CFtpDirEntry | Directory entry |
CFtpServerChannel | Control or data channel |
CFtpServerSettings | FTP server settings |
CGd32e5xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CGd32e5xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CGd32f2xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CGd32f2xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CGd32f3xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CGd32f3xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CGd32f4xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CGd32f4xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
Cgl_driver_t | The context structure for storing driver configuration |
Cgl_point_t | The context structure for storing coordinates of the point |
Cgl_rectangle_t | The context structure for storing rectangle by its top left point and width and height (in pixels) |
Cgl_size_t | The context structure for storing width and height in number of pixels on the screen |
CGPIO_InitTypeDef | GPIO Init structure definition |
CGPIO_Type | |
CGPIO_TypeDef | General Purpose I/O |
CGPV_TypeDef | Global Programmer View |
Chal_adc_config_t | ADC HAL initialization configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_adc_handle_register_t | ADC HAL level handle |
Chal_adc_t | ADC HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_can_config_t | CAN HAL init configuration structure |
Chal_can_filter_config_t | CAN HAL filter init configuration structure |
Chal_can_handle_register_t | |
Chal_can_message_t | CAN HAL message structure |
Chal_can_receive_message_struct | CAN HAL receive message structure |
Chal_can_t | CAN HAL context structure |
Chal_can_transmit_message_struct | CAN HAL transmit message structure |
Chal_dma_config_t | HAL DMA Configuration Structure prototype |
Chal_dma_t | HAL DMA Handle prototype |
Chal_gpio | GPIO HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_i2c_master_config_t | I2C Master HAL init configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_i2c_master_handle_register_t | |
Chal_i2c_master_t | I2C Master HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_one_wire_rom_address_t | Structure for storing One Wire device address |
Chal_one_wire_t | One Wire HAL initialization configuration structure |
Chal_pwm_config_t | PWM HAL config structure, consisted of the following fields: |
Chal_pwm_handle_register_t | PWM HAL level handle |
Chal_pwm_t | The PWM HAL context structure |
Chal_rtc_time_t | Structure representing the RTC time |
Chal_spi_master_config_t | HAL SPI Master init configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_spi_master_handle_register_t | SPI Master level handle |
Chal_spi_master_t | SPI master HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_uart_config_t | UART HAL init configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Chal_uart_handle_register_t | |
Chal_uart_t | UART HAL context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CHASH_TypeDef | HASH |
Chcd_devtree_info_t | |
Chcd_event_t | |
Chostent | Information about a given host |
CHRTIM_Common_TypeDef | |
CHRTIM_Master_TypeDef | High resolution Timer (HRTIM) |
CHRTIM_Timerx_TypeDef | |
CHRTIM_TypeDef | |
CHSADC_Type | |
CHSEM_Common_TypeDef | |
CHSEM_TypeDef | HW Semaphore HSEM |
CHttpAuthenticateHeader | Authenticate header |
CHttpAuthorizationHeader | Authorization header |
CHttpClientAuthParams | HTTP authentication parameters |
CHttpNonceCacheEntry | Nonce cache entry |
CHttpParam | Attribute-value pair |
CHttpRequest | HTTP request |
CHttpResponse | HTTP response |
CHttpServerSettings | HTTP server settings |
CHttpStatusCodeDesc | HTTP status code |
CHttpWwwAuthenticateHeader | WWW-Authenticate header field |
Chub_port_status_response_t | |
Chub_status_response_t | |
Ci2c_master_config_t | I2C Master initialization configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Ci2c_master_t | I2C Master driver context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CI2C_Type | |
CI2C_TypeDef | Inter Integrated Circuit Interface |
CI2S_Type | |
CIcecastClientContext | Icecast client context |
CIcecastClientSettings | Icecast client settings |
CIfMibBase | Interfaces Group MIB base |
CIfMibIfEntry | Interfaces table entry |
CIfMibIfXEntry | Extension to the interface table |
CIgmpHostContext | IGMP host context |
CIgmpRouterGroup | Multicast group |
CIgmpRouterSettings | IGMP router settings |
CIgmpSnoopingContext | IGMP snooping switch context |
CIgmpSnoopingGroup | Multicast group |
CIgmpSnoopingPort | Snooping switch port |
CIgmpSnoopingSettings | IGMP snooping settings |
Cin6_addr | Structure that represents an IPv6 address |
Cin6_pktinfo | IPv6 packet information |
Cin_addr | Structure that represents an IPv4 address |
Cin_pktinfo | IPv4 packet information |
Ciovec | Scatter/gather array |
Cip_mreq | Multicast group information for IPv4 addresses |
CIpAddr | IP network address |
CIpMibBase | IP MIB base |
CIpMibIcmpMsgStatsEntry | Per-message ICMP statistics |
CIpMibIcmpStatsEntry | ICMP statistics |
CIpMibIpIfStatsEntry | Per-interface IP statistics |
CIpMibIpSystemStatsEntry | System-wide IP statistics |
CIpPseudoHeader | IP pseudo header |
CIPSR_Type | Union type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) |
CIpv4AddrEntry | IPv4 address entry |
CIpv4Context | IPv4 context |
CIpv4FilterEntry | IPv4 multicast filter entry |
CIpv4FragDesc | Fragmented packet descriptor |
CIpv4ReassemblyBuffer | Reassembly buffer |
CIpv4RoutingTableEntry | Routing table entry |
Cipv6_mreq | Multicast group information for IPv6 addresses |
CIpv6AddrEntry | IPv6 address entry |
CIpv6Context | IPv6 context |
CIpv6FilterEntry | IPv6 multicast filter entry |
CIpv6FragDesc | Fragmented packet descriptor |
CIpv6PrefixEntry | Prefix list entry |
CIpv6ReassemblyBuffer | Reassembly buffer |
CIpv6RouterEntry | Default router list entry |
CIpv6RoutingTableEntry | Routing table entry |
CITM_Type | Structure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM) |
CIWDG_TypeDef | Independent WATCHDOG |
CJPEG_TypeDef | JPEG Codec |
CKsz8463DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8463StaticMacEntry | Static MAC table entry |
CKsz8775DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8775StaticMacEntryR | Static MAC table entry (read operation) |
CKsz8775StaticMacEntryW | Static MAC table entry (write operation) |
CKsz8794DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8794StaticMacEntryR | Static MAC table entry (read operation) |
CKsz8794StaticMacEntryW | Static MAC table entry (write operation) |
CKsz8795DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8795StaticMacEntryR | Static MAC table entry (read operation) |
CKsz8795StaticMacEntryW | Static MAC table entry (write operation) |
CKsz8851Context | KSZ8851 driver context |
CKsz8863DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8863StaticMacEntry | Static MAC table entry |
CKsz8864DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8864StaticMacEntryR | Static MAC table entry (read operation) |
CKsz8864StaticMacEntryW | Static MAC table entry (write operation) |
CKsz8873DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8873StaticMacEntry | Static MAC table entry |
CKsz8895DynamicMacEntry | Dynamic MAC table entry |
CKsz8895StaticMacEntryR | Static MAC table entry (read operation) |
CKsz8895StaticMacEntryW | Static MAC table entry (write operation) |
Clcd_config | |
Clcd_handle | |
Clinger | Linger structure |
CLldpAgentSettings | LLDP agent settings |
CLldpMibBase | LLDP MIB base |
CLldpMsapId | MSAP identifier |
CLldpNeighborEntry | LLDP neighbor entry |
CLldpParamName | Parameter value/name binding |
CLldpTlv | TLV structure |
CLLWU_Type | |
CLMEM_Type | |
Clog_cfg_t | LOG init configuration structure |
Clog_t | LOG context structure |
Clogical_drive_t | Logical Drive Base Data Structure |
Clogical_drive_vector_table | Logical Drive Vector Table |
CLoopbackDriverQueueEntry | Loopback interface queue entry |
CLpc175xRxDesc | Receive descriptor |
CLpc175xRxStatus | Receive status |
CLpc175xTxDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CLpc175xTxStatus | Transmit status |
CLpc176xRxDesc | Receive descriptor |
CLpc176xRxStatus | Receive status |
CLpc176xTxDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CLpc176xTxStatus | Transmit status |
CLpc178xRxDesc | Receive descriptor |
CLpc178xRxStatus | Receive status |
CLpc178xTxDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CLpc178xTxStatus | Transmit status |
CLpc18xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CLpc18xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CLpc23xxRxDesc | Receive descriptor |
CLpc23xxRxStatus | Receive status |
CLpc23xxTxDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CLpc23xxTxStatus | Transmit status |
CLpc43xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CLpc43xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CLpc54xxxRxDmaDesc | Receive descriptor |
CLpc54xxxTxDmaDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CLPTMR_Type | |
CLPUART_Type | |
CLTDC_Layer_TypeDef | LCD-TFT Display layer x Controller |
CLTDC_TypeDef | LCD-TFT Display Controller |
Clv_area_t | |
Clv_color16_t | |
Clv_color1_t | |
Clv_color32_t | |
Clv_color8_t | |
Clv_color_hsv_t | |
Clv_cover_check_info_t | |
Clv_draw_arc_dsc_t | |
Clv_draw_img_dsc_t | |
Clv_draw_label_dsc_t | |
Clv_draw_line_dsc_t | |
Clv_draw_mask_t | |
Clv_draw_rect_dsc_t | |
Clv_draw_sw_blend_dsc_t | |
Clv_draw_sw_ctx_t | |
Clv_draw_sw_layer_ctx_t | |
Clv_font_fmt_txt_cmap_t | |
Clv_font_fmt_txt_dsc_t | |
Clv_font_fmt_txt_glyph_cache_t | |
Clv_font_fmt_txt_glyph_dsc_t | |
Clv_font_fmt_txt_kern_classes_t | |
Clv_font_fmt_txt_kern_pair_t | |
Clv_font_glyph_dsc_t | |
Clv_fs_dir_t | |
Clv_fs_file_cache_t | |
Clv_fs_file_t | |
Clv_grad_dsc_t | |
Clv_gradient_stop_t | |
Clv_hit_test_info_t | |
Clv_img_dsc_t | |
Clv_img_header_t | |
Clv_indev_data_t | |
Clv_layout_dsc_t | |
Clv_ll_t | |
Clv_lru_t | |
Clv_mem_buf_t | |
Clv_mem_monitor_t | |
Clv_obj_draw_part_dsc_t | |
Clv_point_t | |
Clv_sqrt_res_t | |
Clv_style_const_prop_t | |
Clv_style_t | |
Clv_style_transition_dsc_t | |
Clv_style_value_t | |
Clv_vaformat_t | |
Clv_win_t | |
CM2sxxxRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CM2sxxxTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CMacFilterEntry | MAC filter table entry |
CMC_Type | |
CMcf5225xRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CMcf5225xTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CMCG_Type | |
CMCM_Type | |
CMDMA_Channel_TypeDef | |
CMDMA_TypeDef | MDMA Controller |
CMdnsIpv4AddrEntry | IPv4 address entry |
CMdnsIpv6AddrEntry | IPv6 address entry |
CMdnsMessage | MDNS message |
CMdnsResponderSettings | MDNS responder settings |
CMib2Base | MIB-II base |
CMib2IcmpGroup | ICMP group |
CMib2IfEntry | Interfaces table entry |
CMib2IfGroup | Interfaces group |
CMib2IpGroup | IP group |
CMib2SnmpGroup | SNMP group |
CMib2SysGroup | System group |
CMib2TcpGroup | TCP group |
CMib2UdpGroup | UDP group |
CMibModule | MIB module |
CMimeType | MIME type |
CModbusServerSettings | Modbus/TCP server settings |
CMpfsxxxEth1RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CMpfsxxxEth1TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CMpfsxxxEth2RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CMpfsxxxEth2TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CMPU_Type | |
CMqttClientCallbacks | MQTT client callback functions |
CMqttClientSettings | MQTT client settings |
CMqttClientWillMessage | Will message |
CMqttSnClientMsgIdEntry | QoS 2 message state |
CMqttSnClientTopicEntry | Mapping between a topic name and a topic ID |
CMqttSnClientWillMessage | Will message |
CMqttSnMessage | MQTT-SN message |
CMqttSnPredefinedTopic | Predefined topic |
CMrf24wgBuffer | TX buffer |
CMSCM_Type | |
Cmsghdr | Message header |
CMsp432e4RxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CMsp432e4TxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CNdpContext | NDP context |
CNdpDestCacheEntry | Destination cache entry |
CNdpNeighborCacheEntry | Neighbor cache entry |
CNdpQueueItem | NDP queue item |
CNdpRouterAdvContextInfo | Context information for 6LoWPAN header compression |
CNdpRouterAdvPrefixInfo | IPv6 prefix information |
CNdpRouterAdvRouteInfo | Route information |
CNdpRouterAdvSettings | RA service settings |
CNetBuffer | Structure describing a buffer that spans multiple chunks |
CNetBuffer1 | |
CNetContext | TCP/IP stack context |
CNetLinkChangeCallbackEntry | Link change callback entry |
CNetRandState | Pseudo-random number generator state |
CNetTimer | Timer |
CNetTimerCallbackEntry | Timer callback entry |
CNetTimestamp | Timestamp |
CNicDriver | NIC driver |
CNuc472RxDmaDesc | RX DMA descriptor |
CNuc472TxDmaDesc | TX DMA descriptor |
CNV_Type | |
CNVIC_Type | Structure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) |
COB_TypeDef | Option Bytes Registers |
Cohci_hcca_t | |
Cohci_registers_t | |
Cone_wire_rom_address_t | Structure for storing One Wire device address |
Cone_wire_t | One Wire Driver initialization configuration structure |
COPAMP_TypeDef | Operational Amplifier (OPAMP) |
Cosal_queue_def_t | |
Cosal_semaphore_def_t | |
COSC_Type | |
CPapFsm | PAP finite state machine |
CPDB_Type | |
CPhyDriver | Ethernet PHY driver |
Cphysical_drive_t | Physical Drive Base Data Structure Reference |
Cphysical_drive_vector_table | Physical Drive Vector Table |
CPic32ckRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CPic32ckTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CPic32cxRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CPic32cxTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CPic32czRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CPic32czTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CPic32mxRxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
CPic32mxTxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
CPic32mzRxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
CPic32mzTxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
CPingContext | Ping context |
CPIT_Type | |
CPLL1_ClocksTypeDef | RCC PLL1 Clocks structure definition |
CPLL2_ClocksTypeDef | RCC PLL2 Clocks structure definition |
CPLL3_ClocksTypeDef | RCC PLL3 Clocks structure definition |
CPMC_Type | |
Cport_t | Port driver context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CPORT_Type | |
CPppCallbacks | PPP FSM actions |
CPppConfig | PPP configuration options |
CPppFsm | PPP finite state machine |
CPppSettings | PPP settings |
Cpwm_config_t | PWM driver config structure, consisted of the following fields: |
Cpwm_t | PWM driver context structure |
CPWM_Type | |
CPWR_TypeDef | Power Control |
Cqrcodegen_Segment | |
CQUADSPI_TypeDef | QUAD Serial Peripheral Interface |
CRa6EthRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CRa6EthTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CRAMECC_MonitorTypeDef | RAM_ECC_Specific_Registers |
CRAMECC_TypeDef | |
CRCC_ClkInitTypeDef | RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure definition |
CRCC_CRSInitTypeDef | RCC_CRS Init structure definition |
CRCC_CRSSynchroInfoTypeDef | RCC_CRS Synchronization structure definition |
CRCC_OscInitTypeDef | RCC Internal/External Oscillator (HSE, HSI, LSE and LSI) configuration structure definition |
CRCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef | RCC extended clocks structure definition |
CRCC_PLL2InitTypeDef | PLL2 Clock structure definition |
CRCC_PLL3InitTypeDef | PLL3 Clock structure definition |
CRCC_PLLI2SInitTypeDef | PLLI2S Clock structure definition
CRCC_PLLInitTypeDef | RCC PLL configuration structure definition |
CRCC_PLLSAIInitTypeDef | PLLSAI Clock structure definition |
CRCC_TypeDef | Reset and Clock Control |
CRCM_Type | |
CRFSYS_Type | |
CRFVBAT_Type | |
Crndis_config_parameter_t | |
Crndis_data_packet_t | |
Crndis_diagnostic_info_t | |
Crndis_generic_msg_t | |
Crndis_halt_msg_t | |
Crndis_indicate_status_t | |
Crndis_initialize_cmplt_t | |
Crndis_initialize_msg_t | |
Crndis_keepalive_cmplt_t | |
Crndis_keepalive_msg_t | |
Crndis_msg_initialize_cmplt_t | Initialize Complete Message |
Crndis_msg_initialize_t | Initialize Message |
Crndis_msg_keep_alive_t | Keep Alive Message |
Crndis_msg_out_of_band_data_t | |
Crndis_msg_packet_t | Packet Data Message |
Crndis_msg_query_cmplt_t | Query Complete Message |
Crndis_msg_query_t | Query Message |
Crndis_msg_reset_cmplt_t | Reset Complete Message |
Crndis_msg_reset_t | Reset Message |
Crndis_msg_set_cmplt_t | Set Complete Message |
Crndis_OOB_packet_t | |
Crndis_query_cmplt_t | |
Crndis_query_msg_t | |
Crndis_reset_cmplt_t | |
Crndis_reset_msg_t | |
Crndis_set_cmplt_t | |
Crndis_set_msg_t | |
CRndisContext | RNDIS context |
CRndisDiagInfo | Diagnostic information |
Crndish_data_t | |
CRndisHaltMsg | RNDIS Halt message |
CRndisIndicateStatusMsg | RNDIS Indicate Status message |
CRndisInitializeCmplt | Response to a RNDIS Initialize message |
CRndisInitializeMsg | RNDIS Initialize message |
CRndisKeepAliveCmplt | Response to a RNDIS Keep-Alive message |
CRndisKeepAliveMsg | RNDIS Keep-Alive message |
CRndisMsg | Generic RNDIS message |
CRndisNotificationMsg | Device notification message |
CRndisOobDataRecord | Out-of-band data record |
CRndisPacketMsg | RNDIS Packet message |
CRndisPerPacketInfoDataRecord | Per-packet information data record |
CRndisQueryCmplt | Response to a RNDIS Query message |
CRndisQueryMsg | RNDIS Query message |
CRndisResetCmplt | Response to a RNDIS Reset message |
CRndisResetMsg | RNDIS Reset message |
CRndisRxBufferDesc | RX buffer descriptor |
CRndisSetCmplt | Response to a RNDIS Set message |
CRndisSetMsg | RNDIS Set message |
CRndisTxBufferDesc | TX buffer descriptor |
CRndisValueName | Value/name pair |
CRNG_Type | |
CRNG_TypeDef | RNG |
Crtc_time_t | Structure representing the RTC time |
CRTC_Type | |
CRTC_TypeDef | Real-Time Clock |
CRx62nRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CRx62nTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CRx63nRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CRx63nTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CRx65nRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CRx65nTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CRza1RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CRza1TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CS5d9EthRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CS5d9EthTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CS7g2Eth1RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CS7g2Eth1TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CS7g2Eth2RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CS7g2Eth2TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CSAI_Block_TypeDef | |
CSAI_TypeDef | Serial Audio Interface |
CSam3xRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSam3xTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSam4eRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSam4eTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSam7xRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSam7xTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSam9263RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSam9263TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSam9x60Eth1RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSam9x60Eth1TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSam9x60Eth2RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSam9x60Eth2TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSama5d2RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSama5d2TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSama5d3EthRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSama5d3EthTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSama5d3GethRxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSama5d3GethTxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSame53RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSame53TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSame54RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSame54TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSame70RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSame70TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSamv71RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CSamv71TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |
CSCB_Type | Structure type to access the System Control Block (SCB) |
CSCnSCB_Type | Structure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB |
Cscsi_read_capacity10_resp_t | SCSI Read Capacity 10 Response Data |
CSDHC_Type | |
CSDIO_TypeDef | SD host Interface |
CSDMMC_TypeDef | SD host Interface |
CSDRAM_Type | |
Csdspi_config_t | A Structure used for initialization of SD SPI Physical Drive |
Csdspi_physical_drive_t | SD SPI Physical Drive Data Structure |
CSIM_Type | |
CSlaacSettings | SLAAC settings |
CSMC_Type | |
CSmiDriver | SMI driver |
CSmtpMailAddr | Email address |
CSnmpAccessEntry | Access table entry |
CSnmpAgentSettings | SNMP agent settings |
CSnmpCommunityMibBase | SNMP COMMUNITY MIB base |
CSnmpFrameworkMibBase | SNMP FRAMEWORK MIB base |
CSnmpGroupEntry | Group table entry |
CSnmpKey | SNMP secret key |
CSnmpMessage | SNMP message |
CSnmpMibBase | SNMP MIB base |
CSnmpMibSetGroup | Set group |
CSnmpMibSnmpGroup | SNMP group |
CSnmpMibSysGroup | System group |
CSnmpMpdMibBase | SNMP MPD MIB base |
CSnmpTrapObject | Object descriptor for trap notifications |
CSnmpUserEntry | User table entry |
CSnmpUsmMibBase | SNMP USM MIB base |
CSnmpVacmMibBase | SNMP VACM MIB base |
CSnmpVarBind | Variable binding |
CSnmpViewEntry | View table entry |
CSntpClientContext | SNTP client context |
Csockaddr | Socket address |
Csockaddr_in | IPv4 address information |
Csockaddr_in6 | IPv6 address information |
Csockaddr_storage | Socket address storage |
CSocketEventDesc | Structure describing socket events |
CSocketMsg | Message and ancillary data |
CSPDIFRX_TypeDef | SPDIF-RX Interface |
Cspi_master_config_t | The SPI Master driver configuration structure |
Cspi_master_t | The SPI Master driver context structure |
CSPI_Type | |
CSPI_TypeDef | Serial Peripheral Interface |
CSpiDriver | SPI driver |
Cssd1963_cfg_t | SSD1963 Configuration Object |
CStm32f1xxRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CStm32f1xxTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CStm32f2xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CStm32f2xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CStm32f4xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CStm32f4xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CStm32f7xxRxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CStm32f7xxTxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
CStm32h5xxRxDmaDesc | Receive descriptor |
CStm32h5xxTxDmaDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CStm32h7xxRxDmaDesc | Receive descriptor |
CStm32h7xxTxDmaDesc | Transmit descriptor |
CStm32mp1xxRxDmaDesc | Receive descriptor |
CStm32mp1xxTxDmaDesc | Transmit descriptor |
Cstmpe811_calibration_data_t | Calibration data structure |
Cstmpe811_cfg_t | STMPE811 Configuration Object |
Cstmpe811_t | STMPE811 Context Object |
CStr912RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CStr912TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CSwitchDriver | Ethernet switch driver |
CSwitchFdbEntry | Forwarding database entry |
CSwitchVlanEntry | VLAN entry |
CSWPMI_TypeDef | Single Wire Protocol Master Interface SPWMI |
CSYSCFG_TypeDef | System configuration controller |
CSyslogClientContext | Syslog client context |
CSYSMPU_Type | |
CSysTick_Type | Structure type to access the System Timer (SysTick) |
CT_UINT32 | |
CTc2xxRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CTc2xxTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CTc3xxRxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CTc3xxTxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CTcpMibBase | TCP MIB base |
CTcpRxBuffer | Receive buffer |
CTcpSackBlock | SACK block |
CTcpTxBuffer | Transmit buffer |
Ctft7_board_s | EasyTFT Board definition structure |
Ctft7_cfg_t | EasyTFT Board library configuration structure |
CTftpClientContext | TFTP client context |
CTftpServerSettings | TFTP server settings |
CTIM_TypeDef | TIM Timers |
Ctimeval | Timeout structure |
CTm4c129RxDmaDesc | Enhanced RX DMA descriptor |
CTm4c129TxDmaDesc | Enhanced TX DMA descriptor |
Ctp_cfg_t | Touch Panel Size And Placement Configuration Object |
Ctp_drv_t | Touch Panel Driver Interface Items |
Ctp_mikroe_calibration_data_t | Calibration data structure |
Ctp_mikroe_cfg_t | TP_MIKROE Configuration Object |
Ctp_mikroe_pressure_threshold_t | Pressure threshold data structure |
Ctp_mikroe_t | TP_MIKROE Context Object |
Ctp_t | Touch Panel Context Object |
Ctp_touch_coord_t | Touch Point Object Definition |
Ctp_touch_item_t | Touch Item Definition |
CTPI_Type | Structure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI) |
CTPM_Type | |
CTRNG_Type | |
Ctsc2003_calibration_data_t | Calibration data structure |
Ctsc2003_cfg_t | TSC2003 Configuration Object |
Ctsc2003_pressure_threshold_t | Press intensity needed to register touch event |
Ctsc2003_t | TSC2003 Context Object |
CTSI_Type | |
CTTCAN_TypeDef | TTFD Controller Area Network |
►CTU_ATTR_PACKED | AUDIO Channel Cluster Descriptor (4.1) |
Ctu_edpt_stream_t | |
Ctu_fifo_buffer_info_t | |
►Ctu_fifo_t | |
Ctu_timeout_t | |
Ctuh_hid_report_info_t | |
Ctuh_itf_info_t | |
Ctuh_msc_complete_data_t | |
Ctuh_xfer_s | |
Cuart_config_t | UART init configuration structure, consisted of the following fields : |
Cuart_t | UART driver context structure, consisted of the following fields : |
CUART_Type | |
CUartDriver | UART driver |
CUdpMibBase | UDP MIB base |
CUdpRxCallbackEntry | UDP receive callback entry |
CUSART_TypeDef | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter |
Cusb_eth_stat_t | |
CUSB_OTG_DeviceTypeDef | __device_Registers |
CUSB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef | __USB_OTG_Core_register |
CUSB_OTG_HostChannelTypeDef | __Host_Channel_Specific_Registers |
CUSB_OTG_HostTypeDef | __Host_Mode_Register_Structures |
CUSB_OTG_INEndpointTypeDef | __IN_Endpoint-Specific_Register |
CUSB_OTG_OUTEndpointTypeDef | __OUT_Endpoint-Specific_Registers |
CUSB_Type | |
Cusbd_class_driver_t | |
CUSBDCD_Type | |
Cusbh_class_driver_t | |
Cusbhs_registers_t | |
CUSBHS_Type | |
CUSBPHY_Type | |
CVREF_Type | |
Cvtft_abstract_check_box | |
Cvtft_active_component | |
Cvtft_box | |
Cvtft_button | |
Cvtft_c_text | |
Cvtft_check_box | |
Cvtft_circle | |
Cvtft_circle_button | |
Cvtft_colored_component | |
Cvtft_component | |
Cvtft_ellipse | |
Cvtft_event_set | |
Cvtft_font | |
Cvtft_gradient | |
Cvtft_image | |
Cvtft_label | |
Cvtft_line | |
Cvtft_pen | |
Cvtft_positioned_component | |
Cvtft_press_gradient | |
Cvtft_progress_bar | |
Cvtft_radio_button | |
Cvtft_rounded_box | |
Cvtft_rounded_button | |
Cvtft_s | |
Cvtft_screen | |
Cvtft_text | |
CWDOG_Type | |
CWebSocketAuthContext | Authentication context |
CWebSocketFrameContext | Frame encoding/decoding context |
CWebSocketHandshakeContext | Handshake context |
CWebSocketStatusCodeDesc | HTTP status code |
CWebSocketUtf8Context | UTF-8 decoding context |
CWWDG_TypeDef | Window WATCHDOG |
CXBARA_Type | |
CXBARB_Type | |
CXmc4400RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CXmc4400TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CXmc4500RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CXmc4500TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CXmc4700RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CXmc4700TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CXmc4800RxDmaDesc | Receive DMA descriptor |
CXmc4800TxDmaDesc | Transmit DMA descriptor |
CxPSR_Type | Union type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR) |
CZynq7000RxBufferDesc | Receive buffer descriptor |
CZynq7000TxBufferDesc | Transmit buffer descriptor |