mikroSDK Reference Manual

SD Card Commands. More...


#define SD_CMD0_GO_IDLE_STATE   ((uint8_t)0)
 Resets the SD memory card.
#define SD_CMD1_SEND_OP_COND   ((uint8_t)1)
 Sends host capacity support information and activates the card's initialization process.
#define SD_CMD8_SEND_IF_COND   ((uint8_t)8)
 Sends SD Memory Card interface condition.
#define SD_CMD9_SEND_CSD   ((uint8_t)9)
 Asks the selected card to send its card specific data (CSD).
#define SD_CMD10_SEND_CID   ((uint8_t)10)
 Asks the selected card to send its card identification (CID).
#define SD_CMD12_STOP_TRANSMISSION   ((uint8_t)12)
 Forces the card to stop transmission in Multiple Block Read Operation.
#define SD_CMD16_SET_BLOCKLEN   ((uint8_t)16)
 Sets block length of SDSC Card.
#define SD_CMD17_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK   ((uint8_t)17)
 Reads a block of data.
#define SD_CMD18_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK   ((uint8_t)18)
 Continuously transfers data blocks from card to host until interrupted by SD_CMD12_STOP_TRANSMISSION command.
#define SD_CMD24_WRITE_BLOCK   ((uint8_t)24)
 Writes a block of data.
#define SD_CMD25_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK   ((uint8_t)25)
 Continuously writes blocks of data until Stop Tran tokens is sent.
#define SD_CMD55_APP_CMD   ((uint8_t)55)
 Defines to the card that the next command is and application specific command.
#define SD_CMD58_READ_OCR   ((uint8_t)58)
 Reads the OCR register of the card.
#define SD_ACMD23_SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT   ((uint8_t)23)
 Set the number of write blocks to be pre-erased before writing.
#define SD_ACMD41_SD_SEND_OP_COND   ((uint8_t)41)
 Send host capacity support information and activates the card's initialization process.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SD_CMD8_SEND_IF_COND   ((uint8_t)8)

Sends SD Memory Card interface condition that includes host supply voltage information and asks accessed card whether card can operate in supplied voltage range.