85 vtft_ucoord_t position);
void vtft_process(vtft_t *instance)
Processes the periodic events.
void vtft_draw_component(vtft_t *instance, const vtft_component *__generic_ptr component)
Draws the given component, using the appropriate drawing function.
void vtft_init(vtft_t *vtft_instance, tp_t *tp_instance)
Initializes the VTFT library with the given gl and tp instances.
void vtft_set_progress_bar_position(vtft_t *instance, vtft_progress_bar *progress_bar, vtft_ucoord_t position)
Sets the position of the given progress bar.
void vtft_refresh_current_screen(vtft_t *instance)
Redraws the current screen and all of its components.
void vtft_set_current_screen(vtft_t *instance, vtft_screen *screen)
Sets the current screen and draws it.
Touch Panel Context Object.
Definition tp.h:224
Definition vtft_types.h:181
Definition vtft_types.h:456
Definition vtft_types.h:504
Definition vtft_types.h:483