mikroSDK Reference Manual
Mapping Information


 Device Peripheral Access Layer


uint8_t ADC_Type::RESERVED_0 [4]
uint8_t AIPS_Type::RESERVED_2 [16]
__IO uint32_t AIPS_Type::PACRU
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::PRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_0 [12] 
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::CRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_1 [236] 
struct { 
AXBS_Type::SLAVE [5] 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::CS 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::ID 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD0 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD1 
struct { 
CAN_Type::MB [16] 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAH 
struct { 
}   CRC_Type::ACCESS16BIT 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::DATA 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYH 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::GPOLY 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::CTRL 
uint8_t   CRC_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::CTRLHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATL 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATH 
struct { 
DAC_Type::DAT [16] 
__I uint32_t DMA_Type::HRS
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::SOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::ATTR 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SLAST 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::DOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DLAST_SGA 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CSR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
struct { 
DMA_Type::TCD [16] 
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_PACKETS
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_BC_PKT
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_MC_PKT
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_CRC_ALIGN
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_UNDERSIZE
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_OVERSIZE
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_FRAG
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_JAB
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_COL
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P64
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P65TO127
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P128TO255
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P256TO511
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P512TO1023
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P1024TO2047
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P_GTE2048
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_FRAME_OK
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_1COL
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_MCOL
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_DEF
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_LCOL
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_EXCOL
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_MACERR
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_CSERR
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_FDXFC
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_PACKETS
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_BC_PKT
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_MC_PKT
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_CRC_ALIGN
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_UNDERSIZE
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_OVERSIZE
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_FRAG
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_JAB
uint8_t ENET_Type::RESERVED_17 [4]
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P64
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P65TO127
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P128TO255
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P256TO511
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P512TO1023
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P1024TO2047
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P_GTE2048
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_DROP
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_FRAME_OK
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_CRC
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_ALIGN
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_MACERR
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_FDXFC
uint8_t ENET_Type::RESERVED_18 [284]
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::ATSTMP
uint8_t ENET_Type::RESERVED_19 [488]
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCSR 
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCCR 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSAR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSMR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSCR 
struct { 
FB_Type::CS [6] 
__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW0S [4]
__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW1S [4]
__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW2S [4]
__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW3S [4]
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_U 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_L 
struct { 
FMC_Type::SET [4][4] 
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FSTAT
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCNFG
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FSEC
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FOPT
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB3
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB2
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB1
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB0
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB7
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB6
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB5
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB4
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOBB
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOBA
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB9
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB8
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT3
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT2
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT1
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT0
uint8_t FTFE_Type::RESERVED_0 [2]
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FEPROT
__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FDPROT
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnSC 
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnV 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t MCM_Type::ISCR
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::C1 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::S 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::DLY [2] 
uint8_t   PDB_Type::RESERVED_0 [24] 
struct { 
PDB_Type::CH [2] 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INTC 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INT 
struct { 
PDB_Type::DAC [2] 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::LDVAL 
__I uint32_t   PIT_Type::CVAL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TCTRL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TFLG 
struct { 
PIT_Type::CHANNEL [4] 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR [2] 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR_SLAVE [1] 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR_SLAVE 
union { 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EAR 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EDR 
struct { 
SYSMPU_Type::SP [5] 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816T0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816T1 
union { 
__IO uint8_t   USB_Type::ENDPT 
uint8_t   USB_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
struct { 
USB_Type::ENDPOINT [16] 
uint8_t USB_Type::RESERVED_26 [43]
uint8_t USB_Type::RESERVED_27 [3]
uint8_t USB_Type::RESERVED_28 [23]
__IO uint32_t   USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11 
__IO uint32_t   USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::PRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_0 [12] 
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::CRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_1 [236] 
struct { 
AXBS_Type::SLAVE [5] 
uint8_t AXBS_Type::RESERVED_6 [252]
__IO uint32_t AXBS_Type::MGPCR6
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::CS 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::ID 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD0 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD1 
struct { 
CAN_Type::MB [16] 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAH 
struct { 
}   CRC_Type::ACCESS16BIT 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::DATA 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYH 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::GPOLY 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::CTRL 
uint8_t   CRC_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::CTRLHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATL 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATH 
struct { 
DAC_Type::DAT [16] 
__IO uint32_t DMA_Type::EARS
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI19
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI18
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI17
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI16
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI23
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI22
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI21
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI20
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI27
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI26
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI25
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI24
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI31
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI30
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI29
__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI28
uint8_t DMA_Type::RESERVED_7 [3808]
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::SOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::ATTR 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SLAST 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::DOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DLAST_SGA 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CSR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
struct { 
DMA_Type::TCD [32] 
uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_DROP
uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_DROP
__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_SQE
uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_RESVD_0
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCSR 
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCCR 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSAR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSMR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSCR 
struct { 
FB_Type::CS [6] 
__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::PFB01CR
__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::PFB23CR
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_UM 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_MU 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_ML 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_LM 
struct { 
FMC_Type::SET [4][4] 
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH3
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH2
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH1
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH0
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL3
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL2
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL1
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL0
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH3
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH2
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH1
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH0
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL3
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL2
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL1
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL0
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FACSS
uint8_t FTFE_Type::RESERVED_1 [2]
__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FACSN
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnSC 
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnV 
struct { 
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE5
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE6
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE7
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE8
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF1
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF2
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF3
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF4
__I uint8_t LLWU_Type::MF5
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::FILT3
__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::FILT4
__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCCR
__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCLCR
__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCSAR
__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCCVR
uint8_t LMEM_Type::RESERVED_0 [16]
__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCRMR
__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::BAUD
__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::STAT
__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::CTRL
__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::DATA
__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::MATCH
__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::MODIR
__IO uint8_t MCG_Type::C9
uint8_t MCG_Type::RESERVED_2 [1]
__IO uint8_t MCG_Type::C11
uint8_t MCG_Type::RESERVED_3 [1]
__I uint8_t MCG_Type::S2
__I uint32_t MCM_Type::FADR
__I uint32_t MCM_Type::FATR
__I uint32_t MCM_Type::FDR
uint8_t MCM_Type::RESERVED_2 [12]
__IO uint32_t MCM_Type::CPO
uint8_t OSC_Type::RESERVED_0 [1]
__IO uint8_t OSC_Type::DIV
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::C1 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::S 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::DLY [2] 
uint8_t   PDB_Type::RESERVED_0 [24] 
struct { 
PDB_Type::CH [2] 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INTC 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INT 
struct { 
PDB_Type::DAC [2] 
__I uint32_t PIT_Type::LTMR64H
__I uint32_t PIT_Type::LTMR64L
uint8_t PIT_Type::RESERVED_1 [24]
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::LDVAL 
__I uint32_t   PIT_Type::CVAL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TCTRL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TFLG 
struct { 
PIT_Type::CHANNEL [4] 
__IO uint8_t RCM_Type::SSRS0
__IO uint8_t RCM_Type::SSRS1
__I uint32_t RTC_Type::TTSR
__IO uint32_t RTC_Type::MER
__IO uint32_t RTC_Type::MCLR
__IO uint32_t RTC_Type::MCHR
uint8_t SDRAM_Type::RESERVED_0 [66]
__IO uint16_t SDRAM_Type::CTRL
uint8_t SDRAM_Type::RESERVED_1 [4]
__IO uint32_t   SDRAM_Type::AC 
__IO uint32_t   SDRAM_Type::CM 
struct { 
SDRAM_Type::BLOCK [2] 
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::USBPHYCTL
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::SOPT8
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::SOPT9
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::CLKDIV3
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::CLKDIV4
__IO uint8_t SMC_Type::STOPCTRL
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR [2] 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR_SLAVE [1] 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR_SLAVE 
union { 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EAR 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EDR 
struct { 
SYSMPU_Type::SP [5] 
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::SC
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::CNT
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::MOD
__IO uint32_t   TPM_Type::CnSC 
__IO uint32_t   TPM_Type::CnV 
struct { 
uint8_t TPM_Type::RESERVED_0 [52]
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::STATUS
uint8_t TPM_Type::RESERVED_1 [16]
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::COMBINE
uint8_t TPM_Type::RESERVED_2 [8]
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::POL
uint8_t TPM_Type::RESERVED_3 [4]
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::FILTER
uint8_t TPM_Type::RESERVED_4 [4]
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::QDCTRL
__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::CONF
__IO uint32_t TSI_Type::DATA
__IO uint32_t TSI_Type::TSHD
__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816
__IO uint8_t UART_Type::AP7816A_T0
__IO uint8_t UART_Type::AP7816B_T0
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816A_T0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816B_T0 
struct { 
}   UART_Type::TYPE0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816A_T1 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816B_T1 
struct { 
}   UART_Type::TYPE1 
union { 
__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WGP7816_T1
__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816C_T1
__IO uint8_t   USB_Type::ENDPT 
uint8_t   USB_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
struct { 
USB_Type::ENDPOINT [16] 
uint8_t USB_Type::RESERVED_29 [7]
__IO uint32_t   USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11 
__IO uint32_t   USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12 
union { 
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::ID
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWGENERAL
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWHOST
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWDEVICE
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWTXBUF
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWRXBUF
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_0 [104]
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER0LD
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER0CTL
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER1LD
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER1CTL
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USB_SBUSCFG
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_1 [108]
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HCIVERSION
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HCSPARAMS
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HCCPARAMS
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_2 [22]
__I uint16_t USBHS_Type::DCIVERSION
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::DCCPARAMS
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_3 [24]
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBCMD
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBSTS
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBINTR
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::FRINDEX
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_4 [4]
__IO uint32_t   USBHS_Type::DEVICEADDR 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   USBHS_Type::ASYNCLISTADDR 
__IO uint32_t   USBHS_Type::EPLISTADDR 
union { 
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::TTCTRL
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::BURSTSIZE
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_5 [16]
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::ENDPTNAK
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::ENDPTNAKEN
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::PORTSC1
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_6 [28]
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::OTGSC
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBMODE
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPSETUPSR
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPPRIME
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPFLUSH
__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPSR
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPCOMPLETE
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPCR0
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPCR [7]
uint8_t USBHS_Type::RESERVED_7 [32]
__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBGENCTRL
__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::CONTROL
__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::CLOCK
__I uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::STATUS
__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER0
__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER1
__IO uint32_t   USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11 
__IO uint32_t   USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12 
union { 
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD_TOG
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX_TOG
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX_TOG
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL_TOG
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::STATUS
uint8_t USBPHY_Type::RESERVED_0 [12]
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUGr
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG_TOG
__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG0_STATUS
uint8_t USBPHY_Type::RESERVED_1 [12]
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1_TOG
__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::VERSION
uint8_t USBPHY_Type::RESERVED_2 [28]
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC_TOG
uint8_t USBPHY_Type::RESERVED_3 [16]
__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::USB1_VBUS_DET_STAT
uint8_t USBPHY_Type::RESERVED_4 [28]
__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::USB1_CHRG_DET_STAT
uint8_t USBPHY_Type::RESERVED_5 [12]
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL_SET
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL_CLR
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL_TOG
__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::USB1_LOOPBACK
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::PRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_0 [12] 
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::CRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_1 [236] 
struct { 
AXBS_Type::SLAVE [5] 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::CS 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::ID 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD0 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD1 
struct { 
CAN_Type::MB [16] 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAH 
struct { 
}   CRC_Type::ACCESS16BIT 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::DATA 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYH 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::GPOLY 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::CTRL 
uint8_t   CRC_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::CTRLHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATL 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATH 
struct { 
DAC_Type::DAT [16] 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::SOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::ATTR 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SLAST 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::DOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DLAST_SGA 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CSR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
struct { 
DMA_Type::TCD [32] 
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCSR 
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCCR 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSAR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSMR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSCR 
struct { 
FB_Type::CS [6] 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_UM 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_MU 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_ML 
__IO uint32_t   FMC_Type::DATA_LM 
struct { 
FMC_Type::SET [4][4] 
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnSC 
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnV 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::C1 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::S 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::DLY [2] 
uint8_t   PDB_Type::RESERVED_0 [24] 
struct { 
PDB_Type::CH [2] 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INTC 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INT 
struct { 
PDB_Type::DAC [2] 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::LDVAL 
__I uint32_t   PIT_Type::CVAL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TCTRL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TFLG 
struct { 
PIT_Type::CHANNEL [4] 
__IO uint32_t   SDRAM_Type::AC 
__IO uint32_t   SDRAM_Type::CM 
struct { 
SDRAM_Type::BLOCK [2] 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR [2] 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR_SLAVE [1] 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR_SLAVE 
union { 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EAR 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EDR 
struct { 
SYSMPU_Type::SP [5] 
__IO uint32_t   TPM_Type::CnSC 
__IO uint32_t   TPM_Type::CnV 
struct { 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816A_T0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816B_T0 
struct { 
}   UART_Type::TYPE0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816A_T1 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816B_T1 
struct { 
}   UART_Type::TYPE1 
union { 
__IO uint8_t   USB_Type::ENDPT 
uint8_t   USB_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
struct { 
USB_Type::ENDPOINT [16] 
__IO uint32_t   USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11 
__IO uint32_t   USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   USBHS_Type::DEVICEADDR 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   USBHS_Type::ASYNCLISTADDR 
__IO uint32_t   USBHS_Type::EPLISTADDR 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11 
__IO uint32_t   USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12 
union { 
__IO uint16_t   AOI_Type::BFCRT01 
__IO uint16_t   AOI_Type::BFCRT23 
struct { 
AOI_Type::BFCRT [4] 
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::PRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_0 [12] 
__IO uint32_t   AXBS_Type::CRS 
uint8_t   AXBS_Type::RESERVED_1 [236] 
struct { 
AXBS_Type::SLAVE [7] 
__IO uint32_t CAN_Type::CBT
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::CS 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::ID 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD0 
__IO uint32_t   CAN_Type::WORD1 
struct { 
CAN_Type::MB [16] 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::DATAH 
struct { 
}   CRC_Type::ACCESS16BIT 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::DATA 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATALU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::DATAHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYL 
__IO uint16_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYH 
struct { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::GPOLY 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYLU 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHL 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::GPOLYHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   CRC_Type::CTRL 
uint8_t   CRC_Type::RESERVED_0 [3] 
__IO uint8_t   CRC_Type::CTRLHU 
struct { 
union { 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATL 
__IO uint8_t   DAC_Type::DATH 
struct { 
DAC_Type::DAT [16] 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::SOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::ATTR 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFNO 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::NBYTES_MLOFFYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::SLAST 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DADDR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::DOFF 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   DMA_Type::DLAST_SGA 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::CSR 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKNO 
__IO uint16_t   DMA_Type::BITER_ELINKYES 
union { 
struct { 
DMA_Type::TCD [32] 
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::CTRL
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::FILT
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::WTR
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::POSD
__I uint16_t ENC_Type::POSDH
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::REV
__I uint16_t ENC_Type::REVH
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UPOS
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LPOS
__I uint16_t ENC_Type::UPOSH
__I uint16_t ENC_Type::LPOSH
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UINIT
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LINIT
__I uint16_t ENC_Type::IMR
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::TST
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::CTRL2
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UMOD
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LMOD
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UCOMP
__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LCOMP
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCSR 
__IO uint32_t   ENET_Type::TCCR 
struct { 
__IO uint8_t EWM_Type::CLKCTRL
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSAR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSMR 
__IO uint32_t   FB_Type::CSCR 
struct { 
FB_Type::CS [6] 
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnSC 
__IO uint32_t   FTM_Type::CnV 
struct { 
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CTRL1
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CTRL2
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::ZXCTRL1
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::ZXCTRL2
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST1
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST2
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST3
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST4
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SDIS
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::STAT
__I uint16_t HSADC_Type::RDY
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::LOLIMSTAT
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::HILIMSTAT
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::ZXSTAT
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::RSLT [16]
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::LOLIM [16]
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::HILIM [16]
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::OFFST [16]
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::PWR
uint8_t HSADC_Type::RESERVED_0 [6]
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SCTRL
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::PWR2
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CTRL3
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SCINTEN
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SAMPTIM
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CALIB
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CALVAL_A
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CALVAL_B
uint8_t HSADC_Type::RESERVED_1 [6]
__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::MUX67_SEL
__I uint32_t MCM_Type::PCT
__I uint32_t MCM_Type::LMEM [5]
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxTYPE
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxNUM
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxMASTER
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxCOUNT
uint8_t MSCM_Type::RESERVED_0 [4]
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxCFG1
uint8_t MSCM_Type::RESERVED_1 [4]
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxCFG3
__I uint32_t   MSCM_Type::TYPE 
__I uint32_t   MSCM_Type::NUM 
__I uint32_t   MSCM_Type::MASTER 
__I uint32_t   MSCM_Type::COUNT 
uint8_t   MSCM_Type::RESERVED_0 [4] 
__I uint32_t   MSCM_Type::CFG1 
uint8_t   MSCM_Type::RESERVED_1 [4] 
__I uint32_t   MSCM_Type::CFG3 
struct { 
MSCM_Type::CP [2] 
uint8_t MSCM_Type::RESERVED_2 [928]
__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::OCMDR [3]
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::C1 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::S 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::DLY [2] 
uint8_t   PDB_Type::RESERVED_0 [24] 
struct { 
PDB_Type::CH [2] 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INTC 
__IO uint32_t   PDB_Type::INT 
struct { 
PDB_Type::DAC [1] 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::LDVAL 
__I uint32_t   PIT_Type::CVAL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TCTRL 
__IO uint32_t   PIT_Type::TFLG 
struct { 
PIT_Type::CHANNEL [4] 
uint8_t PMC_Type::RESERVED_0 [8]
__IO uint8_t PMC_Type::HVDSC1
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CNT 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::INIT 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CTRL2 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CTRL 
uint8_t   PWM_Type::RESERVED_0 [2] 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::VAL0 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::FRACVAL1 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::VAL1 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::FRACVAL2 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::VAL2 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::FRACVAL3 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::VAL3 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::FRACVAL4 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::VAL4 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::FRACVAL5 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::VAL5 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::FRCTRL 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::OCTRL 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::STS 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::INTEN 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::DMAEN 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::TCTRL 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::DISMAP [1] 
uint8_t   PWM_Type::RESERVED_1 [2] 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::DTCNT0 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::DTCNT1 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CAPTCTRLA 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CAPTCOMPA 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CAPTCTRLB 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CAPTCOMPB 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CAPTCTRLX 
__IO uint16_t   PWM_Type::CAPTCOMPX 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL0 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL0CYC 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL1 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL1CYC 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL2 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL2CYC 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL3 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL3CYC 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL4 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL4CYC 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL5 
__I uint16_t   PWM_Type::CVAL5CYC 
uint8_t   PWM_Type::RESERVED_2 [8] 
struct { 
PWM_Type::SM [4] 
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::OUTEN
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::MASK
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::SWCOUT
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::DTSRCSEL
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::MCTRL
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::MCTRL2
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FCTRL
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FSTS
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FFILT
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FTST
__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FCTRL2
uint8_t SIM_Type::RESERVED_4 [4]
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::MISCTRL0
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::MISCTRL1
uint8_t SIM_Type::RESERVED_5 [140]
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::WDOGC
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::PWRC
__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::ADCOPT
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR [2] 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::CTAR_SLAVE [1] 
union { 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR 
__IO uint32_t   SPI_Type::PUSHR_SLAVE 
union { 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EAR 
__I uint32_t   SYSMPU_Type::EDR 
struct { 
SYSMPU_Type::SP [5] 
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::MCTL
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCMISC
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRRNG
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::PKRMAX 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::PKRSQ 
union { 
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SDCTL
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SBLIM 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::TOTSAM 
union { 
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::FRQMIN
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::FRQCNT 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::FRQMAX 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCMC 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCML 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR1C 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR1L 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR2C 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR2L 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR3C 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR3L 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR4C 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR4L 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR5C 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR5L 
union { 
__I uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR6PC 
__IO uint32_t   TRNG_Type::SCR6PL 
union { 
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::STATUS
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::ENT [16]
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT10
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT32
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT54
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT76
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT98
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNTBA
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNTDC
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNTFE
uint8_t TRNG_Type::RESERVED_0 [16]
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SEC_CFG
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::INT_CTRL
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::INT_MASK
__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::INT_STATUS
uint8_t TRNG_Type::RESERVED_1 [48]
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::VID1
__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::VID2
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816A_T0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816B_T0 
struct { 
}   UART_Type::TYPE0 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816A_T1 
__IO uint8_t   UART_Type::WP7816B_T1 
struct { 
}   UART_Type::TYPE1 
union { 
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL0
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL1
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL2
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL3
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL4
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL5
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL6
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL7
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL8
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL9
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL10
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL11
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL12
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL13
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL14
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL15
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL16
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL17
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL18
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL19
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL20
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL21
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL22
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL23
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL24
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL25
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL26
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL27
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL28
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL29
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::CTRL0
__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::CTRL1
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL0
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL1
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL2
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL3
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL4
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL5
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL6
__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL7

Variable Documentation

◆ AC [1/3]

__IO uint32_t SDRAM_Type::AC

Address and Control Register, array offset: 0x48, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::AC

Address and Control Register, array offset: 0x48, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::AC

Address and Control Register, array offset: 0x48, array step: 0x8


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::ADCOPT

ADC Additional Option Register, offset: 0x1108


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL

USB PHY Analog Control Register, offset: 0x100


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL_CLR

USB PHY Analog Control Register, offset: 0x108


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL_SET

USB PHY Analog Control Register, offset: 0x104


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::ANACTRL_TOG

USB PHY Analog Control Register, offset: 0x10C

◆ AP7816A_T0

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::AP7816A_T0

UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register A, offset: 0x3A

◆ AP7816B_T0

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::AP7816B_T0

UART 7816 ATR Duration Timer Register B, offset: 0x3B

◆ [] [1/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::ASYNCLISTADDR

Current Asynchronous List Address Register, offset: 0x158



Current Asynchronous List Address Register, offset: 0x158

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::ASYNCLISTADDR

Current Asynchronous List Address Register, offset: 0x158


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::ATSTMP

Timestamp of Last Transmitted Frame, offset: 0x418

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::ATTR

TCD Transfer Attributes, array offset: 0x1006, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::ATTR

TCD Transfer Attributes, array offset: 0x1006, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::ATTR

TCD Transfer Attributes, array offset: 0x1006, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::ATTR

TCD Transfer Attributes, array offset: 0x1006, array step: 0x20


__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::BAUD

LPUART Baud Rate Register, offset: 0x0

◆ BFCRT01 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t AOI_Type::BFCRT01

Boolean Function Term 0 and 1 Configuration Register for EVENTn, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BFCRT01

Boolean Function Term 0 and 1 Configuration Register for EVENTn, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4

◆ BFCRT23 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t AOI_Type::BFCRT23

Boolean Function Term 2 and 3 Configuration Register for EVENTn, array offset: 0x2, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BFCRT23

Boolean Function Term 2 and 3 Configuration Register for EVENTn, array offset: 0x2, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKNO

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKNO

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKNO

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKNO

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKYES

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKYES

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKYES

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::BITER_ELINKYES

TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x101E, array step: 0x20


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::BURSTSIZE

Master Interface Data Burst Size Register, offset: 0x160

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::C1

Channel n Control register 1, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x28

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::C1

Channel n Control register 1, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x28

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::C1

Channel n Control register 1, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x28

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::C1

Channel n Control register 1, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x28

◆ C11

__IO uint8_t MCG_Type::C11

MCG Control 11 Register, offset: 0x10

◆ C9

__IO uint8_t MCG_Type::C9

MCG Control 9 Register, offset: 0xE


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CALIB

HSADCs Calibration Configuration, offset: 0xAE


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CALVAL_A

Calibration Values for ADCA Register, offset: 0xB0


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CALVAL_B

Calibration Values for ADCB Register, offset: 0xB2

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CAPTCOMPA

Capture Compare A Register, array offset: 0x36, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CAPTCOMPA

Capture Compare A Register, array offset: 0x36, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CAPTCOMPB

Capture Compare B Register, array offset: 0x3A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CAPTCOMPB

Capture Compare B Register, array offset: 0x3A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CAPTCOMPX

Capture Compare X Register, array offset: 0x3E, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CAPTCOMPX

Capture Compare X Register, array offset: 0x3E, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CAPTCTRLA

Capture Control A Register, array offset: 0x34, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CAPTCTRLA

Capture Control A Register, array offset: 0x34, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CAPTCTRLB

Capture Control B Register, array offset: 0x38, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CAPTCTRLB

Capture Control B Register, array offset: 0x38, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CAPTCTRLX

Capture Control X Register, array offset: 0x3C, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CAPTCTRLX

Capture Control X Register, array offset: 0x3C, array step: 0x60


__IO uint32_t CAN_Type::CBT

CAN Bit Timing Register, offset: 0x50

◆ CFG1 [1/2]

__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CFG1

Processor 0 Configuration 1 Register..Processor 1 Configuration 1 Register, array offset: 0x34, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::CFG1

Processor 0 Configuration 1 Register..Processor 1 Configuration 1 Register, array offset: 0x34, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::CFG3

Processor 0 Configuration 3 Register..Processor 1 Configuration 3 Register, array offset: 0x3C, array step: 0x20

◆ CFG3 [2/2]

__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CFG3

Processor 0 Configuration 3 Register..Processor 1 Configuration 3 Register, array offset: 0x3C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKNO

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKNO

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKNO

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKNO

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKYES

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKYES

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKYES

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CITER_ELINKYES

TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled), array offset: 0x1016, array step: 0x20


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST1

HSADC Channel List Register 1, offset: 0x8


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST2

HSADC Channel List Register 2, offset: 0xA


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST3

HSADC Channel List Register 3, offset: 0xC


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CLIST4

HSADC Channel List Register 4, offset: 0xE



USB Clock recovery control, offset: 0x140



Clock recovery combined interrupt enable, offset: 0x154



Clock recovery separated interrupt status, offset: 0x15C



IRC48M oscillator enable register, offset: 0x144


__IO uint8_t EWM_Type::CLKCTRL

Clock Control Register, offset: 0x4


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::CLKDIV3

System Clock Divider Register 3, offset: 0x1064


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::CLKDIV4

System Clock Divider Register 4, offset: 0x1068


__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::CLOCK

Clock register, offset: 0x4

◆ CM [1/3]

__IO uint32_t SDRAM_Type::CM

Control Mask, array offset: 0x4C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CM

Control Mask, array offset: 0x4C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CM

Control Mask, array offset: 0x4C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [1/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnSC

Channel (n) Status And Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnSC

Channel (n) Status And Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnSC

Channel (n) Status and Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ CnSC [4/7]

__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::CnSC

Channel (n) Status and Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [5/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnSC

Channel (n) Status And Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [6/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnSC

Channel (n) Status and Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [7/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnSC

Channel (n) Status And Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8

◆ CNT [1/3]

__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::CNT

Counter, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [2/3]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CNT

Counter Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x60

◆ CNT [3/3]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CNT

Counter Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ CnV [3/7]

__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [5/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [6/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [7/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CnV

Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8


__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::COMBINE

Combine Channel Register, offset: 0x64


__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::CONF

Configuration, offset: 0x84



Configure Flag Register, offset: 0x180


__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::CONTROL

Control register, offset: 0x0

◆ COUNT [1/2]

__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::COUNT

Processor 0 Count Register..Processor 1 Count Register, array offset: 0x2C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::COUNT

Processor 0 Count Register..Processor 1 Count Register, array offset: 0x2C, array step: 0x20


__IO uint32_t MCM_Type::CPO

Compute Operation Control Register, offset: 0x40

Compute Only Operation Control Register, offset: 0x34


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxCFG1

Processor X Configuration 1 Register, offset: 0x14


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxCFG3

Processor X Configuration 3 Register, offset: 0x1C


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxCOUNT

Processor X Count Register, offset: 0xC


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxMASTER

Processor X Master Register, offset: 0x8


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxNUM

Processor X Number Register, offset: 0x4


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::CPxTYPE

Processor X Type Register, offset: 0x0

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CRS

Control Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CRS

Control Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CRS

Control Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CRS

Control Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CS

Message Buffer 0 CS Register..Message Buffer 15 CS Register, array offset: 0x80, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CS

Message Buffer 0 CS Register..Message Buffer 15 CS Register, array offset: 0x80, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CS

Message Buffer 0 CS Register..Message Buffer 15 CS Register, array offset: 0x80, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CS

Message Buffer 0 CS Register..Message Buffer 15 CS Register, array offset: 0x80, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSAR

Chip Select Address Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSAR

Chip Select Address Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSAR

Chip Select Address Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSAR

Chip Select Address Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSCR

Chip Select Control Register, array offset: 0x8, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSCR

Chip Select Control Register, array offset: 0x8, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSCR

Chip Select Control Register, array offset: 0x8, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSCR

Chip Select Control Register, array offset: 0x8, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSMR

Chip Select Mask Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSMR

Chip Select Mask Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSMR

Chip Select Mask Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CSMR

Chip Select Mask Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0xC

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CSR

TCD Control and Status, array offset: 0x101C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CSR

TCD Control and Status, array offset: 0x101C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CSR

TCD Control and Status, array offset: 0x101C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CSR

TCD Control and Status, array offset: 0x101C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR[2]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR[2]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR[2]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR[2]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR_SLAVE[1]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR_SLAVE[1]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR_SLAVE[1]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTAR_SLAVE[1]

Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode), array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [1/10]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTRL

CRC Control register, offset: 0x8

◆ [] [2/10]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTRL

CRC Control register, offset: 0x8

◆ CTRL [3/10]

__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::CTRL

LPUART Control Register, offset: 0x8

◆ CTRL [4/10]

__IO uint16_t SDRAM_Type::CTRL

Control Register, offset: 0x42

◆ CTRL [5/10]

__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL

USB PHY General Control Register, offset: 0x30

◆ [] [6/10]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTRL

CRC Control register, offset: 0x8

◆ [] [7/10]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::CTRL

CRC Control register, offset: 0x8

◆ CTRL [8/10]

__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::CTRL

Control Register, offset: 0x0

◆ CTRL [9/10]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CTRL

Control Register, array offset: 0x6, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [10/10]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CTRL

Control Register, array offset: 0x6, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::CTRL0

Crossbar A Control Register 0, offset: 0x3C

◆ CTRL1 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CTRL1

HSADC Control Register 1, offset: 0x0

◆ CTRL1 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::CTRL1

Crossbar A Control Register 1, offset: 0x3E

◆ CTRL2 [1/4]

__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::CTRL2

Control 2 Register, offset: 0x1E

◆ CTRL2 [2/4]

__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CTRL2

HSADC Control Register 2, offset: 0x2

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::CTRL2

Control 2 Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0x60

◆ CTRL2 [4/4]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::CTRL2

Control 2 Register, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::CTRL3

HSADC Control Register 3, offset: 0xA8


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL_CLR

USB PHY General Control Register, offset: 0x38


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL_SET

USB PHY General Control Register, offset: 0x34


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::CTRL_TOG

USB PHY General Control Register, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::CTRLHU

CRC_CTRLHU register., offset: 0xB

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::CTRLHU

CRC_CTRLHU register., offset: 0xB

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::CTRLHU

CRC_CTRLHU register., offset: 0xB

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::CTRLHU

CRC_CTRLHU register., offset: 0xB

◆ [] [1/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::CVAL

Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::CVAL

Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::CVAL

Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::CVAL

Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL0

Capture Value 0 Register, array offset: 0x40, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL0 [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL0

Capture Value 0 Register, array offset: 0x40, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL0CYC

Capture Value 0 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x42, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL0CYC [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL0CYC

Capture Value 0 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x42, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL1

Capture Value 1 Register, array offset: 0x44, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL1 [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL1

Capture Value 1 Register, array offset: 0x44, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL1CYC

Capture Value 1 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x46, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL1CYC [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL1CYC

Capture Value 1 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x46, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL2 [1/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL2

Capture Value 2 Register, array offset: 0x48, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL2

Capture Value 2 Register, array offset: 0x48, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL2CYC

Capture Value 2 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x4A, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL2CYC [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL2CYC

Capture Value 2 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x4A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL3

Capture Value 3 Register, array offset: 0x4C, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL3 [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL3

Capture Value 3 Register, array offset: 0x4C, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL3CYC

Capture Value 3 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x4E, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL3CYC [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL3CYC

Capture Value 3 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x4E, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL4

Capture Value 4 Register, array offset: 0x50, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL4 [2/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL4

Capture Value 4 Register, array offset: 0x50, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL4CYC [1/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL4CYC

Capture Value 4 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x52, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL4CYC

Capture Value 4 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x52, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL5 [1/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL5

Capture Value 5 Register, array offset: 0x54, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL5

Capture Value 5 Register, array offset: 0x54, array step: 0x60

◆ CVAL5CYC [1/2]

__I uint16_t PWM_Type::CVAL5CYC

Capture Value 5 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x56, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint16_t { ... } ::CVAL5CYC

Capture Value 5 Cycle Register, array offset: 0x56, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DADDR

TCD Destination Address, array offset: 0x1010, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DADDR

TCD Destination Address, array offset: 0x1010, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DADDR

TCD Destination Address, array offset: 0x1010, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DADDR

TCD Destination Address, array offset: 0x1010, array step: 0x20

◆ DATA [1/7]

__IO uint32_t CRC_Type::DATA

CRC Data register, offset: 0x0

◆ [] [2/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA

CRC Data register, offset: 0x0

◆ [] [3/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA

CRC Data register, offset: 0x0

◆ DATA [4/7]

__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::DATA

LPUART Data Register, offset: 0xC

◆ DATA [5/7]

__IO uint32_t TSI_Type::DATA

TSI DATA Register, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [6/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA

CRC Data register, offset: 0x0

◆ [] [7/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA

CRC Data register, offset: 0x0

◆ []

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_L

Cache Data Storage (lower word), array offset: 0x204, array step: index*0x20, index2*0x8

◆ [] [1/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_LM

Cache Data Storage (lowermost word), array offset: 0x20C, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ DATA_LM [2/3]

__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::DATA_LM

Cache Data Storage (lowermost word), array offset: 0x20C, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_LM

Cache Data Storage (lowermost word), array offset: 0x20C, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [1/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_ML

Cache Data Storage (mid-lower word), array offset: 0x208, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ DATA_ML [2/3]

__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::DATA_ML

Cache Data Storage (mid-lower word), array offset: 0x208, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_ML

Cache Data Storage (mid-lower word), array offset: 0x208, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ DATA_MU [1/3]

__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::DATA_MU

Cache Data Storage (mid-upper word), array offset: 0x204, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [2/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_MU

Cache Data Storage (mid-upper word), array offset: 0x204, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_MU

Cache Data Storage (mid-upper word), array offset: 0x204, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ []

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_U

Cache Data Storage (upper word), array offset: 0x200, array step: index*0x20, index2*0x8

◆ [] [1/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_UM

Cache Data Storage (uppermost word), array offset: 0x200, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ DATA_UM [2/3]

__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::DATA_UM

Cache Data Storage (uppermost word), array offset: 0x200, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DATA_UM

Cache Data Storage (uppermost word), array offset: 0x200, array step: index*0x40, index2*0x10

◆ [] [1/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAH

CRC_DATAH register., offset: 0x2

◆ DATAH [2/5]

__IO uint16_t CRC_Type::DATAH

CRC_DATAH register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [3/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAH

CRC_DATAH register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAH

CRC_DATAH register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAH

CRC_DATAH register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [1/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHL

CRC_DATAHL register., offset: 0x2

◆ DATAHL [2/5]

__IO uint8_t CRC_Type::DATAHL

CRC_DATAHL register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [3/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHL

CRC_DATAHL register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHL

CRC_DATAHL register., offset: 0x2

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHL

CRC_DATAHL register., offset: 0x2

◆ DATAHU [1/5]

__IO uint8_t CRC_Type::DATAHU

CRC_DATAHU register., offset: 0x3

◆ [] [2/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHU

CRC_DATAHU register., offset: 0x3

◆ [] [3/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHU

CRC_DATAHU register., offset: 0x3

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHU

CRC_DATAHU register., offset: 0x3

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATAHU

CRC_DATAHU register., offset: 0x3

◆ [] [1/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAL

CRC_DATAL register., offset: 0x0

◆ DATAL [2/5]

__IO uint16_t CRC_Type::DATAL

CRC_DATAL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [3/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAL

CRC_DATAL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAL

CRC_DATAL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DATAL

CRC_DATAL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [1/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALL

CRC_DATALL register., offset: 0x0

◆ DATALL [2/5]

__IO uint8_t CRC_Type::DATALL

CRC_DATALL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [3/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALL

CRC_DATALL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALL

CRC_DATALL register., offset: 0x0

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALL

CRC_DATALL register., offset: 0x0

◆ DATALU [1/5]

__IO uint8_t CRC_Type::DATALU

CRC_DATALU register., offset: 0x1

◆ [] [2/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALU

CRC_DATALU register., offset: 0x1

◆ [] [3/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALU

CRC_DATALU register., offset: 0x1

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALU

CRC_DATALU register., offset: 0x1

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATALU

CRC_DATALU register., offset: 0x1

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATH

DAC Data High Register, array offset: 0x1, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATH

DAC Data High Register, array offset: 0x1, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATH

DAC Data High Register, array offset: 0x1, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATH

DAC Data High Register, array offset: 0x1, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATL

DAC Data Low Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATL

DAC Data Low Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATL

DAC Data Low Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::DATL

DAC Data Low Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::DCCPARAMS

Device Controller Capability Parameters, offset: 0x124


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI16

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x113


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI17

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x112


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI18

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x111


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI19

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x110


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI20

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x117


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI21

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x116


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI22

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x115


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI23

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x114


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI24

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x11B


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI25

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x11A


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI26

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x119


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI27

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x118


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI28

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x11F


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI29

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x11E


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI30

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x11D


__IO uint8_t DMA_Type::DCHPRI31

Channel n Priority Register, offset: 0x11C


__I uint16_t USBHS_Type::DCIVERSION

Device Controller Interface Version, offset: 0x122


__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG0_STATUS

UTMI Debug Status Register 0, offset: 0x60


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1

UTMI Debug Status Register 1, offset: 0x70


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1_CLR

UTMI Debug Status Register 1, offset: 0x78


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1_SET

UTMI Debug Status Register 1, offset: 0x74


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG1_TOG

UTMI Debug Status Register 1, offset: 0x7C


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG_CLR

USB PHY Debug Register, offset: 0x58


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG_SET

USB PHY Debug Register, offset: 0x54


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUG_TOG

USB PHY Debug Register, offset: 0x5C


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::DEBUGr

USB PHY Debug Register, offset: 0x50


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::DEVICEADDR

Device Address Register, offset: 0x154

◆ [] [2/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DEVICEADDR

Device Address Register, offset: 0x154

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DEVICEADDR

Device Address Register, offset: 0x154

◆ DISMAP [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::DISMAP[1]

Fault Disable Mapping Register 0, array offset: 0x2C, array step: index*0x60, index2*0x2

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DISMAP[1]

Fault Disable Mapping Register 0, array offset: 0x2C, array step: index*0x60, index2*0x2


__IO uint8_t OSC_Type::DIV

OSC_DIV, offset: 0x2

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLAST_SGA

TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address, array offset: 0x1018, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLAST_SGA

TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address, array offset: 0x1018, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLAST_SGA

TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address, array offset: 0x1018, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLAST_SGA

TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address, array offset: 0x1018, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLY[2]

Channel n Delay 0 register..Channel n Delay 1 register, array offset: 0x18, array step: index*0x28, index2*0x4

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLY[2]

Channel n Delay 0 register..Channel n Delay 1 register, array offset: 0x18, array step: index*0x28, index2*0x4

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLY[2]

Channel n Delay 0 register..Channel n Delay 1 register, array offset: 0x18, array step: index*0x28, index2*0x4

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::DLY[2]

Channel n Delay 0 register..Channel n Delay 1 register, array offset: 0x18, array step: index*0x28, index2*0x4

◆ DMAEN [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::DMAEN

DMA Enable Register, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DMAEN

DMA Enable Register, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DOFF

TCD Signed Destination Address Offset, array offset: 0x1014, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DOFF

TCD Signed Destination Address Offset, array offset: 0x1014, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DOFF

TCD Signed Destination Address Offset, array offset: 0x1014, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DOFF

TCD Signed Destination Address Offset, array offset: 0x1014, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DTCNT0

Deadtime Count Register 0, array offset: 0x30, array step: 0x60

◆ DTCNT0 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::DTCNT0

Deadtime Count Register 0, array offset: 0x30, array step: 0x60

◆ DTCNT1 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::DTCNT1

Deadtime Count Register 1, array offset: 0x32, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::DTCNT1

Deadtime Count Register 1, array offset: 0x32, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::DTSRCSEL

PWM Source Select Register, offset: 0x186

◆ [] [1/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EAR

Error Address Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EAR

Error Address Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EAR

Error Address Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EAR

Error Address Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8


__IO uint32_t DMA_Type::EARS

Enable Asynchronous Request in Stop Register, offset: 0x44

◆ [] [1/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EDR

Error Detail Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EDR

Error Detail Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EDR

Error Detail Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/4]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::EDR

Error Detail Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [1/3]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::ENDPT

Endpoint Control register, array offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [2/3]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::ENDPT

Endpoint Control register, array offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::ENDPT

Endpoint Control register, array offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::ENDPTNAK

Endpoint NAK Register, offset: 0x178


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::ENDPTNAKEN

Endpoint NAK Enable Register, offset: 0x17C


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::ENT[16]

RNG TRNG Entropy Read Register, array offset: 0x40, array step: 0x4


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPCOMPLETE

Endpoint Complete Register, offset: 0x1BC


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPCR

Endpoint Control Register n, array offset: 0x1C4, array step: 0x4


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPCR0

Endpoint Control Register 0, offset: 0x1C0


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPFLUSH

Endpoint Flush Register, offset: 0x1B4


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPLISTADDR

Endpoint List Address Register, offset: 0x158

◆ [] [2/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::EPLISTADDR

Endpoint List Address Register, offset: 0x158

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::EPLISTADDR

Endpoint List Address Register, offset: 0x158


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPPRIME

Endpoint Initialization Register, offset: 0x1B0


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPSETUPSR

Endpoint Setup Status Register, offset: 0x1AC


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::EPSR

Endpoint Status Register, offset: 0x1B8


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FACSN

Flash Access Segment Number Register, offset: 0x2B


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FACSS

Flash Access Segment Size Register, offset: 0x28


__I uint32_t MCM_Type::FADR

Fault address register, offset: 0x20


__I uint32_t MCM_Type::FATR

Fault attributes register, offset: 0x24


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB0

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x7


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB1

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x6


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB2

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x5


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB3

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x4


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB4

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xB


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB5

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xA


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB6

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x9


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB7

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x8


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB8

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xF


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOB9

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xE


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOBA

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xD


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCCOBB

Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xC


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FCNFG

Flash Configuration Register, offset: 0x1


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FCTRL

Fault Control Register, offset: 0x18C


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FCTRL2

Fault Control 2 Register, offset: 0x194


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FDPROT

Data Flash Protection Register, offset: 0x17


__I uint32_t MCM_Type::FDR

Fault data register, offset: 0x28


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FEPROT

EEPROM Protection Register, offset: 0x16


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FFILT

Fault Filter Register, offset: 0x190


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::FILT

Input Filter Register, offset: 0x2


__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::FILT3

LLWU Pin Filter 3 register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::FILT4

LLWU Pin Filter 4 register, offset: 0x11


__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::FILTER

Filter Control, offset: 0x78


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FOPT

Flash Option Register, offset: 0x3


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT0

Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x13


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT1

Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x12


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT2

Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x11


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FPROT3

Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x10

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::FRACVAL1

Fractional Value Register 1, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x60

◆ FRACVAL1 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FRACVAL1

Fractional Value Register 1, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::FRACVAL2

Fractional Value Register 2, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x60

◆ FRACVAL2 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FRACVAL2

Fractional Value Register 2, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x60

◆ FRACVAL3 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FRACVAL3

Fractional Value Register 3, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::FRACVAL3

Fractional Value Register 3, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x60

◆ FRACVAL4 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FRACVAL4

Fractional Value Register 4, array offset: 0x18, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::FRACVAL4

Fractional Value Register 4, array offset: 0x18, array step: 0x60

◆ FRACVAL5 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FRACVAL5

Fractional Value Register 5, array offset: 0x1C, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::FRACVAL5

Fractional Value Register 5, array offset: 0x1C, array step: 0x60

◆ FRCTRL [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FRCTRL

Fractional Control Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::FRCTRL

Fractional Control Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x60


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::FRINDEX

Frame Index Register, offset: 0x14C

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::FRQCNT

RNG Frequency Count Register, offset: 0x1C

◆ FRQCNT [2/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::FRQCNT

RNG Frequency Count Register, offset: 0x1C

◆ FRQMAX [1/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::FRQMAX

RNG Frequency Count Maximum Limit Register, offset: 0x1C

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::FRQMAX

RNG Frequency Count Maximum Limit Register, offset: 0x1C


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::FRQMIN

RNG Frequency Count Minimum Limit Register, offset: 0x18


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::FSEC

Flash Security Register, offset: 0x2


__IO uint8_t FTFE_Type::FSTAT

Flash Status Register, offset: 0x0


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FSTS

Fault Status Register, offset: 0x18E


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::FTST

Fault Test Register, offset: 0x192

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::GPOLY

CRC Polynomial register, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::GPOLY

CRC Polynomial register, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::GPOLY

CRC Polynomial register, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::GPOLY

CRC Polynomial register, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYH

CRC_GPOLYH register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYH

CRC_GPOLYH register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYH

CRC_GPOLYH register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYH

CRC_GPOLYH register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHL

CRC_GPOLYHL register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHL

CRC_GPOLYHL register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHL

CRC_GPOLYHL register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHL

CRC_GPOLYHL register., offset: 0x6

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHU

CRC_GPOLYHU register., offset: 0x7

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHU

CRC_GPOLYHU register., offset: 0x7

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHU

CRC_GPOLYHU register., offset: 0x7

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYHU

CRC_GPOLYHU register., offset: 0x7

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYL

CRC_GPOLYL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYL

CRC_GPOLYL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYL

CRC_GPOLYL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::GPOLYL

CRC_GPOLYL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLL

CRC_GPOLYLL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLL

CRC_GPOLYLL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLL

CRC_GPOLYLL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLL

CRC_GPOLYLL register., offset: 0x4

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLU

CRC_GPOLYLU register., offset: 0x5

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLU

CRC_GPOLYLU register., offset: 0x5

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLU

CRC_GPOLYLU register., offset: 0x5

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::GPOLYLU

CRC_GPOLYLU register., offset: 0x5


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER0CTL

General Purpose Timer n Control Register, offset: 0x84


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER0LD

General Purpose Timer n Load Register, offset: 0x80


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER1CTL

General Purpose Timer n Control Register, offset: 0x8C


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::GPTIMER1LD

General Purpose Timer n Load Register, offset: 0x88


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HCCPARAMS

Host Controller Capability Parameters Register, offset: 0x108


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HCIVERSION

Host Controller Interface Version and Capability Registers Length Register, offset: 0x100


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HCSPARAMS

Host Controller Structural Parameters Register, offset: 0x104


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::HILIM[16]

HSADC High Limit Registers, array offset: 0x5C, array step: 0x2


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::HILIMSTAT

HSADC High Limit Status Register, offset: 0x18


__I uint32_t DMA_Type::HRS

Hardware Request Status Register, offset: 0x34


__IO uint8_t PMC_Type::HVDSC1

High Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register, offset: 0xB


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWDEVICE

Device Hardware Parameters Register, offset: 0xC


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWGENERAL

General Hardware Parameters Register, offset: 0x4


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWHOST

Host Hardware Parameters Register, offset: 0x8


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWRXBUF

Receive Buffer Hardware Parameters Register, offset: 0x14


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::HWTXBUF

Transmit Buffer Hardware Parameters Register, offset: 0x10

◆ [] [1/5]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::ID

Message Buffer 0 ID Register..Message Buffer 15 ID Register, array offset: 0x84, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/5]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::ID

Message Buffer 0 ID Register..Message Buffer 15 ID Register, array offset: 0x84, array step: 0x10

◆ ID [3/5]

__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::ID

Identification Register, offset: 0x0

◆ [] [4/5]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::ID

Message Buffer 0 ID Register..Message Buffer 15 ID Register, array offset: 0x84, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [5/5]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::ID

Message Buffer 0 ID Register..Message Buffer 15 ID Register, array offset: 0x84, array step: 0x10


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_ALIGN

Frames Received with Alignment Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x2D4


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_CRC

Frames Received with CRC Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x2D0


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_DROP

Frames not Counted Correctly Statistic Register, offset: 0x2C8


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_FDXFC

Flow Control Pause Frames Received Statistic Register, offset: 0x2DC


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_FRAME_OK

Frames Received OK Statistic Register, offset: 0x2CC


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_R_MACERR

Receive FIFO Overflow Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x2D8


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_1COL

Frames Transmitted with Single Collision Statistic Register, offset: 0x250


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_CSERR

Frames Transmitted with Carrier Sense Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x268


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_DEF

Frames Transmitted after Deferral Delay Statistic Register, offset: 0x258


uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_DROP

IEEE_T_DROP Reserved Statistic Register, offset: 0x248

Reserved Statistic Register, offset: 0x248


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_EXCOL

Frames Transmitted with Excessive Collisions Statistic Register, offset: 0x260


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_FDXFC

Flow Control Pause Frames Transmitted Statistic Register, offset: 0x270


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_FRAME_OK

Frames Transmitted OK Statistic Register, offset: 0x24C


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_LCOL

Frames Transmitted with Late Collision Statistic Register, offset: 0x25C


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_MACERR

Frames Transmitted with Tx FIFO Underrun Statistic Register, offset: 0x264


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_MCOL

Frames Transmitted with Multiple Collisions Statistic Register, offset: 0x254


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::IEEE_T_SQE

, offset: 0x26C

Reserved Statistic Register, offset: 0x26C


__I uint16_t ENC_Type::IMR

Input Monitor Register, offset: 0x1A

◆ INIT [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::INIT

Initial Count Register, array offset: 0x2, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::INIT

Initial Count Register, array offset: 0x2, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INT

DAC Interval n register, array offset: 0x154, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INT

DAC Interval n register, array offset: 0x154, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INT

DAC Interval n register, array offset: 0x154, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INT

DAC Interval n register, array offset: 0x154, array step: 0x8


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::INT_CTRL

RNG Interrupt Control Register, offset: 0xB4


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::INT_MASK

RNG Mask Register, offset: 0xB8


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::INT_STATUS

RNG Interrupt Status Register, offset: 0xBC

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INTC

DAC Interval Trigger n Control register, array offset: 0x150, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INTC

DAC Interval Trigger n Control register, array offset: 0x150, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INTC

DAC Interval Trigger n Control register, array offset: 0x150, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::INTC

DAC Interval Trigger n Control register, array offset: 0x150, array step: 0x8

◆ INTEN [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::INTEN

Interrupt Enable Register, array offset: 0x26, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::INTEN

Interrupt Enable Register, array offset: 0x26, array step: 0x60


__IO uint32_t MCM_Type::ISCR

Interrupt Status Register, offset: 0x10

Interrupt Status and Control Register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LCOMP

Lower Position Compare Register, offset: 0x26

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::LDVAL

Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::LDVAL

Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::LDVAL

Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::LDVAL

Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LINIT

Lower Initialization Register, offset: 0x18


__I uint32_t MCM_Type::LMEM[5]

Local Memory General Descriptor Register, array offset: 0x400, array step: 0x4


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LMOD

Lower Modulus Register, offset: 0x22


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::LOLIM[16]

HSADC Low Limit Registers, array offset: 0x3C, array step: 0x2


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::LOLIMSTAT

HSADC Low Limit Status Register, offset: 0x16


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::LPOS

Lower Position Counter Register, offset: 0x10


__I uint16_t ENC_Type::LPOSH

Lower Position Hold Register, offset: 0x14


__I uint32_t PIT_Type::LTMR64H

PIT Upper Lifetime Timer Register, offset: 0xE0


__I uint32_t PIT_Type::LTMR64L

PIT Lower Lifetime Timer Register, offset: 0xE4


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::MASK

Mask Register, offset: 0x182

◆ MASTER [1/2]

__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::MASTER

Processor 0 Master Register..Processor 1 Master Register, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::MASTER

Processor 0 Master Register..Processor 1 Master Register, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x20


__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::MATCH

LPUART Match Address Register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint32_t RTC_Type::MCHR

RTC Monotonic Counter High Register, offset: 0x2C


__IO uint32_t RTC_Type::MCLR

RTC Monotonic Counter Low Register, offset: 0x28


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::MCTL

RNG Miscellaneous Control Register, offset: 0x0


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::MCTRL

Master Control Register 0, offset: 0x188


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::MCTRL2

Master Control Register 1, offset: 0x18A


__IO uint32_t RTC_Type::MER

RTC Monotonic Enable Register, offset: 0x24

◆ MF5

__I uint8_t LLWU_Type::MF5

LLWU Module Flag 5 register, offset: 0xD


__IO uint32_t AXBS_Type::MGPCR6

Master General Purpose Control Register, offset: 0xE00


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::MISCTRL0

Miscellaneous Control Register 0, offset: 0x106C


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::MISCTRL1

Miscellaneous Control Register 1, offset: 0x1070


__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::MOD

Modulo, offset: 0x8


__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::MODIR

LPUART Modem IrDA Register, offset: 0x14


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::MUX67_SEL

MUX6_7 Selection Controls Register, offset: 0xBA

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLNO

TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLNO

TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLNO

TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLNO

TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Mapping Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFNO

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and Offset Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFNO

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFNO

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFNO

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping Enabled and Offset Disabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFYES

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset Enabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFYES

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFYES

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::NBYTES_MLOFFYES

TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Mapping and Offset Enabled), array offset: 0x1008, array step: 0x20

◆ NUM [1/2]

__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::NUM

Processor 0 Number Register..Processor 1 Number Register, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::NUM

Processor 0 Number Register..Processor 1 Number Register, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x20


__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::OCMDR[3]

On-Chip Memory Descriptor Register, array offset: 0x400, array step: 0x4

◆ OCTRL [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::OCTRL

Output Control Register, array offset: 0x22, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::OCTRL

Output Control Register, array offset: 0x22, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::OFFST[16]

HSADC Offset Register, array offset: 0x7C, array step: 0x2


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::OTGSC

On-the-Go Status and Control Register, offset: 0x1A4


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::OUTEN

Output Enable Register, offset: 0x180


__IO uint32_t AIPS_Type::PACRU

Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x80


__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCCR

Cache control register, offset: 0x0


__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCCVR

Cache read/write value register, offset: 0xC


__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCLCR

Cache line control register, offset: 0x4


__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCRMR

Cache regions mode register, offset: 0x20


__IO uint32_t LMEM_Type::PCCSAR

Cache search address register, offset: 0x8


__I uint32_t MCM_Type::PCT

Processor core type, offset: 0x0

◆ PE5

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE5

LLWU Pin Enable 5 register, offset: 0x4

◆ PE6

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE6

LLWU Pin Enable 6 register, offset: 0x5

◆ PE7

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE7

LLWU Pin Enable 7 register, offset: 0x6

◆ PE8

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PE8

LLWU Pin Enable 8 register, offset: 0x7

◆ [] [1/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PERIODICLISTBASE

Periodic Frame List Base Address Register, offset: 0x154



Periodic Frame List Base Address Register, offset: 0x154

◆ [] [3/3]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PERIODICLISTBASE

Periodic Frame List Base Address Register, offset: 0x154

◆ PF1

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF1

LLWU Pin Flag 1 register, offset: 0x9

◆ PF2

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF2

LLWU Pin Flag 2 register, offset: 0xA

◆ PF3

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF3

LLWU Pin Flag 3 register, offset: 0xB

◆ PF4

__IO uint8_t LLWU_Type::PF4

LLWU Pin Flag 4 register, offset: 0xC


__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::PFB01CR

Flash Bank 0-1 Control Register, offset: 0x4


__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::PFB23CR

Flash Bank 2-3 Control Register, offset: 0x8


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT10

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count 1 and 0 Register, offset: 0x80


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT32

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count 3 and 2 Register, offset: 0x84


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT54

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count 5 and 4 Register, offset: 0x88


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT76

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count 7 and 6 Register, offset: 0x8C


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNT98

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count 9 and 8 Register, offset: 0x90


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNTBA

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count B and A Register, offset: 0x94


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNTDC

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count D and C Register, offset: 0x98


__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRCNTFE

RNG Statistical Check Poker Count F and E Register, offset: 0x9C

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PKRMAX

RNG Poker Maximum Limit Register, offset: 0xC

◆ PKRMAX [2/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRMAX

RNG Poker Maximum Limit Register, offset: 0xC


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRRNG

RNG Poker Range Register, offset: 0x8

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::PKRSQ

RNG Poker Square Calculation Result Register, offset: 0xC

◆ PKRSQ [2/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::PKRSQ

RNG Poker Square Calculation Result Register, offset: 0xC


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC

USB PHY PLL Control/Status Register, offset: 0xA0


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC_CLR

USB PHY PLL Control/Status Register, offset: 0xA8


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC_SET

USB PHY PLL Control/Status Register, offset: 0xA4


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PLL_SIC_TOG

USB PHY PLL Control/Status Register, offset: 0xAC


__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::POL

Channel Polarity, offset: 0x70


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::PORTSC1

Port Status and Control Registers, offset: 0x184


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::POSD

Position Difference Counter Register, offset: 0x6


__I uint16_t ENC_Type::POSDH

Position Difference Hold Register, offset: 0x8

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PRS

Priority Registers Slave, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PRS

Priority Registers Slave, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PRS

Priority Registers Slave, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PRS

Priority Registers Slave, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x100

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR_SLAVE

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR_SLAVE

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR_SLAVE

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::PUSHR_SLAVE

PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode, offset: 0x34


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD

USB PHY Power-Down Register, offset: 0x0


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD_CLR

USB PHY Power-Down Register, offset: 0x8


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD_SET

USB PHY Power-Down Register, offset: 0x4


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::PWD_TOG

USB PHY Power-Down Register, offset: 0xC


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::PWR

HSADC Power Control Register, offset: 0x9C

◆ PWR2

__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::PWR2

HSADC Power Control Register 2, offset: 0xA6


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::PWRC

Power Control Register, offset: 0x1104


__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::QDCTRL

Quadrature Decoder Control and Status, offset: 0x80


__I uint16_t HSADC_Type::RDY

HSADC Ready Register, offset: 0x14


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::REV

Revolution Counter Register, offset: 0xA


__I uint16_t ENC_Type::REVH

Revolution Hold Register, offset: 0xC


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_BC_PKT

Rx Broadcast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x288


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_CRC_ALIGN

Rx Packets with CRC/Align Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x290


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_FRAG

Rx Packets Less Than 64 Bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x29C


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_JAB

Rx Packets Greater Than MAX_FL Bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x2A0


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_MC_PKT

Rx Multicast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x28C


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_OVERSIZE

Rx Packets Greater Than MAX_FL and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x298

◆ RMON_R_P1024TO2047

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P1024TO2047

Rx 1024- to 2047-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2BC

◆ RMON_R_P128TO255

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P128TO255

Rx 128- to 255-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2B0

◆ RMON_R_P256TO511

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P256TO511

Rx 256- to 511-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2B4

◆ RMON_R_P512TO1023

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P512TO1023

Rx 512- to 1023-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2B8

◆ RMON_R_P64

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P64

Rx 64-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2A8

◆ RMON_R_P65TO127

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P65TO127

Rx 65- to 127-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x2AC

◆ RMON_R_P_GTE2048

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_P_GTE2048

Rx Packets Greater than 2048 Bytes Statistic Register, offset: 0x2C0


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_PACKETS

Rx Packet Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x284


uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_RESVD_0

Reserved Statistic Register, offset: 0x2A4


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_R_UNDERSIZE

Rx Packets with Less Than 64 Bytes and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x294


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_BC_PKT

Tx Broadcast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x208


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_COL

Tx Collision Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x224


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_CRC_ALIGN

Tx Packets with CRC/Align Error Statistic Register, offset: 0x210


uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_DROP

Reserved Statistic Register, offset: 0x200


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_FRAG

Tx Packets Less Than 64 Bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x21C


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_JAB

Tx Packets Greater Than MAX_FL bytes and Bad CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x220


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_MC_PKT

Tx Multicast Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x20C


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_OVERSIZE

Tx Packets GT MAX_FL bytes and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x218

◆ RMON_T_P1024TO2047

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P1024TO2047

Tx 1024- to 2047-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x23C

◆ RMON_T_P128TO255

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P128TO255

Tx 128- to 255-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x230

◆ RMON_T_P256TO511

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P256TO511

Tx 256- to 511-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x234

◆ RMON_T_P512TO1023

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P512TO1023

Tx 512- to 1023-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x238

◆ RMON_T_P64

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P64

Tx 64-Byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x228

◆ RMON_T_P65TO127

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P65TO127

Tx 65- to 127-byte Packets Statistic Register, offset: 0x22C

◆ RMON_T_P_GTE2048

__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_P_GTE2048

Tx Packets Greater Than 2048 Bytes Statistic Register, offset: 0x240


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_PACKETS

Tx Packet Count Statistic Register, offset: 0x204


__I uint32_t ENET_Type::RMON_T_UNDERSIZE

Tx Packets Less Than Bytes and Good CRC Statistic Register, offset: 0x214


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::RSLT[16]

HSADC Result Registers with sign extension, array offset: 0x1C, array step: 0x2

◆ RX

__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX

USB PHY Receiver Control Register, offset: 0x20


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX_CLR

USB PHY Receiver Control Register, offset: 0x28


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX_SET

USB PHY Receiver Control Register, offset: 0x24


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::RX_TOG

USB PHY Receiver Control Register, offset: 0x2C

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::S

Channel n Status register, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x28

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::S

Channel n Status register, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x28

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::S

Channel n Status register, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x28

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::S

Channel n Status register, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x28

◆ S2

__I uint8_t MCG_Type::S2

MCG Status 2 Register, offset: 0x12


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH0

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x23


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH1

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x22


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH2

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x21


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCH3

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x20


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL0

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x27


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL1

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x26


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL2

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x25


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::SACCL3

Supervisor-only Access Registers, offset: 0x24

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SADDR

TCD Source Address, array offset: 0x1000, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SADDR

TCD Source Address, array offset: 0x1000, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SADDR

TCD Source Address, array offset: 0x1000, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SADDR

TCD Source Address, array offset: 0x1000, array step: 0x20


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SAMPTIM

HSADC Sampling Time Configuration Register, offset: 0xAC

◆ SBLIM [1/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SBLIM

RNG Sparse Bit Limit Register, offset: 0x14

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SBLIM

RNG Sparse Bit Limit Register, offset: 0x14

◆ SC

__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::SC

Status and Control, offset: 0x0


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SCINTEN

HSADC Scan Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0xAA

◆ SCMC [1/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCMC

RNG Statistical Check Monobit Count Register, offset: 0x20

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCMC

RNG Statistical Check Monobit Count Register, offset: 0x20


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCMISC

RNG Statistical Check Miscellaneous Register, offset: 0x4

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCML

RNG Statistical Check Monobit Limit Register, offset: 0x20

◆ SCML [2/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCML

RNG Statistical Check Monobit Limit Register, offset: 0x20

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCR1C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 1 Count Register, offset: 0x24

◆ SCR1C [2/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR1C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 1 Count Register, offset: 0x24

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCR1L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 1 Limit Register, offset: 0x24

◆ SCR1L [2/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR1L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 1 Limit Register, offset: 0x24

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCR2C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 2 Count Register, offset: 0x28

◆ SCR2C [2/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR2C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 2 Count Register, offset: 0x28

◆ SCR2L [1/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR2L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 2 Limit Register, offset: 0x28

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCR2L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 2 Limit Register, offset: 0x28

◆ SCR3C [1/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR3C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 3 Count Register, offset: 0x2C

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCR3C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 3 Count Register, offset: 0x2C

◆ SCR3L [1/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR3L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 3 Limit Register, offset: 0x2C

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCR3L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 3 Limit Register, offset: 0x2C

◆ SCR4C [1/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR4C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 4 Count Register, offset: 0x30

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCR4C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 4 Count Register, offset: 0x30

◆ SCR4L [1/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR4L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 4 Limit Register, offset: 0x30

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCR4L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 4 Limit Register, offset: 0x30

◆ SCR5C [1/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR5C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 5 Count Register, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCR5C

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 5 Count Register, offset: 0x34

◆ SCR5L [1/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR5L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 5 Limit Register, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCR5L

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 5 Limit Register, offset: 0x34

◆ [] [1/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::SCR6PC

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 6+ Count Register, offset: 0x38

◆ SCR6PC [2/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR6PC

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 6+ Count Register, offset: 0x38

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SCR6PL

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 6+ Limit Register, offset: 0x38

◆ SCR6PL [2/2]

__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SCR6PL

RNG Statistical Check Run Length 6+ Limit Register, offset: 0x38


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SCTRL

HSADC Scan Control Register, offset: 0xA4


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SDCTL

RNG Seed Control Register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::SDIS

HSADC Sample Disable Register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint32_t TRNG_Type::SEC_CFG

RNG Security Configuration Register, offset: 0xB0

◆ SEL0 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL0

Crossbar A Select Register 0, offset: 0x0

◆ SEL0 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL0

Crossbar B Select Register 0, offset: 0x0

◆ SEL1 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL1

Crossbar A Select Register 1, offset: 0x2

◆ SEL1 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL1

Crossbar B Select Register 1, offset: 0x2

◆ SEL10

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL10

Crossbar A Select Register 10, offset: 0x14

◆ SEL11

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL11

Crossbar A Select Register 11, offset: 0x16

◆ SEL12

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL12

Crossbar A Select Register 12, offset: 0x18

◆ SEL13

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL13

Crossbar A Select Register 13, offset: 0x1A

◆ SEL14

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL14

Crossbar A Select Register 14, offset: 0x1C

◆ SEL15

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL15

Crossbar A Select Register 15, offset: 0x1E

◆ SEL16

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL16

Crossbar A Select Register 16, offset: 0x20

◆ SEL17

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL17

Crossbar A Select Register 17, offset: 0x22

◆ SEL18

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL18

Crossbar A Select Register 18, offset: 0x24

◆ SEL19

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL19

Crossbar A Select Register 19, offset: 0x26

◆ SEL2 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL2

Crossbar A Select Register 2, offset: 0x4

◆ SEL2 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL2

Crossbar B Select Register 2, offset: 0x4

◆ SEL20

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL20

Crossbar A Select Register 20, offset: 0x28

◆ SEL21

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL21

Crossbar A Select Register 21, offset: 0x2A

◆ SEL22

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL22

Crossbar A Select Register 22, offset: 0x2C

◆ SEL23

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL23

Crossbar A Select Register 23, offset: 0x2E

◆ SEL24

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL24

Crossbar A Select Register 24, offset: 0x30

◆ SEL25

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL25

Crossbar A Select Register 25, offset: 0x32

◆ SEL26

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL26

Crossbar A Select Register 26, offset: 0x34

◆ SEL27

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL27

Crossbar A Select Register 27, offset: 0x36

◆ SEL28

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL28

Crossbar A Select Register 28, offset: 0x38

◆ SEL29

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL29

Crossbar A Select Register 29, offset: 0x3A

◆ SEL3 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL3

Crossbar A Select Register 3, offset: 0x6

◆ SEL3 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL3

Crossbar B Select Register 3, offset: 0x6

◆ SEL4 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL4

Crossbar A Select Register 4, offset: 0x8

◆ SEL4 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL4

Crossbar B Select Register 4, offset: 0x8

◆ SEL5 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL5

Crossbar A Select Register 5, offset: 0xA

◆ SEL5 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL5

Crossbar B Select Register 5, offset: 0xA

◆ SEL6 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL6

Crossbar A Select Register 6, offset: 0xC

◆ SEL6 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL6

Crossbar B Select Register 6, offset: 0xC

◆ SEL7 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL7

Crossbar A Select Register 7, offset: 0xE

◆ SEL7 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t XBARB_Type::SEL7

Crossbar B Select Register 7, offset: 0xE

◆ SEL8

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL8

Crossbar A Select Register 8, offset: 0x10

◆ SEL9

__IO uint16_t XBARA_Type::SEL9

Crossbar A Select Register 9, offset: 0x12



Signal Override Register, offset: 0xC



Signal Override Register, offset: 0xC

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SLAST

TCD Last Source Address Adjustment, array offset: 0x100C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SLAST

TCD Last Source Address Adjustment, array offset: 0x100C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SLAST

TCD Last Source Address Adjustment, array offset: 0x100C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::SLAST

TCD Last Source Address Adjustment, array offset: 0x100C, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::SOFF

TCD Signed Source Address Offset, array offset: 0x1004, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::SOFF

TCD Signed Source Address Offset, array offset: 0x1004, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::SOFF

TCD Signed Source Address Offset, array offset: 0x1004, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::SOFF

TCD Signed Source Address Offset, array offset: 0x1004, array step: 0x20


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::SOPT8

System Options Register 8, offset: 0x101C


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::SOPT9

System Options Register 9, offset: 0x1020


__IO uint8_t RCM_Type::SSRS0

Sticky System Reset Status Register 0, offset: 0x8


__IO uint8_t RCM_Type::SSRS1

Sticky System Reset Status Register 1, offset: 0x9

◆ STAT [1/2]

__IO uint32_t LPUART_Type::STAT

LPUART Status Register, offset: 0x4

◆ STAT [2/2]

__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::STAT

HSADC Status Register, offset: 0x12

◆ STATUS [1/4]

__IO uint32_t TPM_Type::STATUS

Capture and Compare Status, offset: 0x50

◆ STATUS [2/4]

__I uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::STATUS

Status register, offset: 0x8

◆ STATUS [3/4]

__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::STATUS

USB PHY Status Register, offset: 0x40

◆ STATUS [4/4]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::STATUS

RNG Status Register, offset: 0x3C


__IO uint8_t SMC_Type::STOPCTRL

Stop Control Register, offset: 0x2

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::STS

Status Register, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x60

◆ STS [2/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::STS

Status Register, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x60


__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::SWCOUT

Software Controlled Output Register, offset: 0x184


__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW0S

Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4


__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW1S

Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x110, array step: 0x4


__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW2S

Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x120, array step: 0x4


__IO uint32_t FMC_Type::TAGVDW3S

Cache Tag Storage, array offset: 0x130, array step: 0x4

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCCR

Timer Compare Capture Register, array offset: 0x60C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCCR

Timer Compare Capture Register, array offset: 0x60C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCCR

Timer Compare Capture Register, array offset: 0x60C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCCR

Timer Compare Capture Register, array offset: 0x60C, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCSR

Timer Control Status Register, array offset: 0x608, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCSR

Timer Control Status Register, array offset: 0x608, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCSR

Timer Control Status Register, array offset: 0x608, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCSR

Timer Control Status Register, array offset: 0x608, array step: 0x8

◆ [] [1/6]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCTRL

Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/6]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCTRL

Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/6]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCTRL

Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/6]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TCTRL

Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10

◆ TCTRL [5/6]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::TCTRL

Output Trigger Control Register, array offset: 0x2A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [6/6]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::TCTRL

Output Trigger Control Register, array offset: 0x2A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TFLG

Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TFLG

Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TFLG

Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TFLG

Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10


__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER0

TIMER0 register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER1

TIMER1 register, offset: 0x14

◆ [] [1/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ TIMER2_BC11 [2/7]

__IO uint32_t USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [3/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [4/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ TIMER2_BC11 [5/7]

__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [6/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [7/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC11

TIMER2_BC11 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [1/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ TIMER2_BC12 [2/7]

__IO uint32_t USBDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [3/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [4/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ TIMER2_BC12 [5/7]

__IO uint32_t USBHSDCD_Type::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [6/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ [] [7/7]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::TIMER2_BC12

TIMER2_BC12 register, offset: 0x18

◆ TOTSAM [1/2]

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::TOTSAM

RNG Total Samples Register, offset: 0x14

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::TOTSAM

RNG Total Samples Register, offset: 0x14



USB PHY Trim Override Enable Register, offset: 0x130



USB PHY Trim Override Enable Register, offset: 0x138



USB PHY Trim Override Enable Register, offset: 0x134



USB PHY Trim Override Enable Register, offset: 0x13C


__IO uint32_t TSI_Type::TSHD

TSI Threshold Register, offset: 0x8


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::TST

Test Register, offset: 0x1C


__I uint32_t USBHS_Type::TTCTRL

Host TT Asynchronous Buffer Control, offset: 0x15C


__I uint32_t RTC_Type::TTSR

RTC Tamper Time Seconds Register, offset: 0x20

◆ TX

__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX

USB PHY Transmitter Control Register, offset: 0x10


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX_CLR

USB PHY Transmitter Control Register, offset: 0x18


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX_SET

USB PHY Transmitter Control Register, offset: 0x14


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::TX_TOG

USB PHY Transmitter Control Register, offset: 0x1C



Transmit FIFO Tuning Control Register, offset: 0x164

◆ TYPE [1/2]

__I uint32_t MSCM_Type::TYPE

Processor 0 Type Register..Processor 1 Type Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x20

◆ [] [2/2]

__I uint32_t { ... } ::TYPE

Processor 0 Type Register..Processor 1 Type Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x20


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UCOMP

Upper Position Compare Register, offset: 0x24


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UINIT

Upper Initialization Register, offset: 0x16


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UMOD

Upper Modulus Register, offset: 0x20


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::UPOS

Upper Position Counter Register, offset: 0xE


__I uint16_t ENC_Type::UPOSH

Upper Position Hold Register, offset: 0x12


__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::USB1_CHRG_DET_STAT

USB PHY Charger Detect Status Register, offset: 0xF0


__IO uint32_t USBPHY_Type::USB1_LOOPBACK

USB PHY Loopback Control/Status Register, offset: 0x110



USB PHY Loopback Control/Status Register, offset: 0x118



USB PHY Loopback Packet Number Select Register, offset: 0x120



USB PHY Loopback Packet Number Select Register, offset: 0x128



USB PHY Loopback Packet Number Select Register, offset: 0x124



USB PHY Loopback Packet Number Select Register, offset: 0x12C



USB PHY Loopback Control/Status Register, offset: 0x114



USB PHY Loopback Control/Status Register, offset: 0x11C


__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::USB1_VBUS_DET_STAT

USB PHY VBUS Detector Status Register, offset: 0xD0



USB PHY VBUS Detect Control Register, offset: 0xC0



USB PHY VBUS Detect Control Register, offset: 0xC8



USB PHY VBUS Detect Control Register, offset: 0xC4



USB PHY VBUS Detect Control Register, offset: 0xCC


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USB_SBUSCFG

System Bus Interface Configuration Register, offset: 0x90


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBCMD

USB Command Register, offset: 0x140


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBGENCTRL

USB General Control Register, offset: 0x200


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBINTR

USB Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0x148


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBMODE

USB Mode Register, offset: 0x1A8


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::USBPHYCTL

USB PHY Control Register, offset: 0x8


__IO uint32_t USBHS_Type::USBSTS

USB Status Register, offset: 0x144

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::VAL0

Value Register 0, array offset: 0xA, array step: 0x60

◆ VAL0 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::VAL0

Value Register 0, array offset: 0xA, array step: 0x60

◆ VAL1 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::VAL1

Value Register 1, array offset: 0xE, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::VAL1

Value Register 1, array offset: 0xE, array step: 0x60

◆ VAL2 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::VAL2

Value Register 2, array offset: 0x12, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::VAL2

Value Register 2, array offset: 0x12, array step: 0x60

◆ VAL3 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::VAL3

Value Register 3, array offset: 0x16, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::VAL3

Value Register 3, array offset: 0x16, array step: 0x60

◆ VAL4 [1/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::VAL4

Value Register 4, array offset: 0x1A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [2/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::VAL4

Value Register 4, array offset: 0x1A, array step: 0x60

◆ [] [1/2]

__IO uint16_t { ... } ::VAL5

Value Register 5, array offset: 0x1E, array step: 0x60

◆ VAL5 [2/2]

__IO uint16_t PWM_Type::VAL5

Value Register 5, array offset: 0x1E, array step: 0x60


__I uint32_t USBPHY_Type::VERSION

UTMI RTL Version, offset: 0x80

◆ VID1

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::VID1

RNG Version ID Register (MS), offset: 0xF0

◆ VID2

__I uint32_t TRNG_Type::VID2

RNG Version ID Register (LS), offset: 0xF4


__IO uint32_t SIM_Type::WDOGC

WDOG Control Register, offset: 0x1100

◆ WGP7816_T1

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WGP7816_T1

UART 7816 Wait and Guard Parameter Register, offset: 0x3E

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD0

Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD0 Register, array offset: 0x88, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD0

Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD0 Register, array offset: 0x88, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD0

Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD0 Register, array offset: 0x88, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD0

Message Buffer 0 WORD0 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD0 Register, array offset: 0x88, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD1

Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD1 Register, array offset: 0x8C, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD1

Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD1 Register, array offset: 0x8C, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD1

Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD1 Register, array offset: 0x8C, array step: 0x10

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint32_t { ... } ::WORD1

Message Buffer 0 WORD1 Register..Message Buffer 15 WORD1 Register, array offset: 0x8C, array step: 0x10

◆ WP7816

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register, offset: 0x1B

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816A_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ WP7816A_T0 [2/4]

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816A_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816A_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816A_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ WP7816A_T1 [1/4]

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816A_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [2/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816A_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816A_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816A_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register A, offset: 0x3C

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816B_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ WP7816B_T0 [2/4]

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816B_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816B_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816B_T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ [] [1/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816B_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ WP7816B_T1 [2/4]

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816B_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ [] [3/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816B_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ [] [4/4]

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816B_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register B, offset: 0x3D

◆ WP7816C_T1

__IO uint8_t UART_Type::WP7816C_T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register C, offset: 0x3F

◆ []

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816T0

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register, offset: 0x1B

◆ []

__IO uint8_t { ... } ::WP7816T1

UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register, offset: 0x1B


__IO uint16_t ENC_Type::WTR

Watchdog Timeout Register, offset: 0x4


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH0

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x1B


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH1

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x1A


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH2

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x19


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCH3

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x18


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL0

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x1F


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL1

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x1E


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL2

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x1D


__I uint8_t FTFE_Type::XACCL3

Execute-only Access Registers, offset: 0x1C


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::ZXCTRL1

HSADC Zero Crossing Control 1 Register, offset: 0x4


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::ZXCTRL2

HSADC Zero Crossing Control 2 Register, offset: 0x6


__IO uint16_t HSADC_Type::ZXSTAT

HSADC Zero Crossing Status Register, offset: 0x1A