mikroSDK Reference Manual
Topics | |
NV Register Masks | |
OSC Peripheral Access Layer | |
Data Structures | |
struct | NV_Type |
Macros | |
#define | FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
#define | FTFL_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE) |
#define | FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
#define | FTFE_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE) |
#define | NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE } |
#define | NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFE_FlashConfig } |
#define | FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
#define | FTFE_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE) |
#define | NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE } |
#define | NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFE_FlashConfig } |
#define | FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
#define | FTFE_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE) |
#define | NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE } |
#define | NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFE_FlashConfig } |
#define | FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
#define | FTFL_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE) |
#define | NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE } |
#define | NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFL_FlashConfig } |
#define FTFE_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE) |
Peripheral FTFE_FlashConfig base pointer
#define FTFE_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE) |
Peripheral FTFE_FlashConfig base pointer
#define FTFE_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE) |
Peripheral FTFE_FlashConfig base pointer
#define FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
Peripheral FTFE_FlashConfig base address
#define FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
Peripheral FTFE_FlashConfig base address
#define FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
Peripheral FTFE_FlashConfig base address
#define FTFL_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE) |
Peripheral FTFL_FlashConfig base pointer
#define FTFL_FlashConfig ((NV_Type *)FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE) |
Peripheral FTFL_FlashConfig base pointer
#define FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
Peripheral FTFL_FlashConfig base address
#define FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE (0x400u) |
Peripheral FTFL_FlashConfig base address
#define NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base addresses
#define NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base addresses
#define NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFE_FlashConfig_BASE } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base addresses
#define NV_BASE_ADDRS { FTFL_FlashConfig_BASE } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base addresses
#define NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFE_FlashConfig } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base pointers
#define NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFE_FlashConfig } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base pointers
#define NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFE_FlashConfig } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base pointers
#define NV_BASE_PTRS { FTFL_FlashConfig } |
Array initializer of NV peripheral base pointers