mikroSDK Reference Manual


#define PDB0_BASE   (0x40036000u)
#define PDB0   ((PDB_Type *)PDB0_BASE)
#define PDB_BASE_ADDRS   { PDB0_BASE }
#define PDB_BASE_PTRS   { PDB0 }
#define PDB_IRQS   { PDB0_IRQn }
#define PDB_C1_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_S_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT2   (2U)
#define PDB_INTC_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_INT_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_PODLY_COUNT   (3U)
#define PDB_C1_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_S_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT2   (2U)
#define PDB_INTC_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_INT_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_PODLY_COUNT   (4U)
#define PDB_C1_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_S_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT2   (2U)
#define PDB_INTC_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_INT_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_PODLY_COUNT   (4U)
#define PDB_C1_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_S_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT2   (2U)
#define PDB_INTC_COUNT   (1U)
#define PDB_INT_COUNT   (1U)
#define PDB_PODLY_COUNT   (2U)

SC - Status and Control register

#define PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_MASK   (0xCU)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT   (2U)
#define PDB_SC_MULT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK   (0x20U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT   (5U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK   (0x40U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT   (6U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK   (0x80U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT   (7U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK   (0xF00U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK   (0x7000U)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK   (0x8000U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT   (15U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK   (0x10000U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK   (0x20000U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT   (17U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK   (0xC0000U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT   (18U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK   0x1u
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_SC_CONT_MASK   0x2u
#define PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT   1
#define PDB_SC_MULT_MASK   0xCu
#define PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT   2
#define PDB_SC_MULT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK   0x20u
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT   5
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK   0x40u
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT   6
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK   0x80u
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT   7
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK   0xF00u
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK   0x7000u
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK   0x8000u
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT   15
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK   0x10000u
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT   16
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK   0x20000u
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT   17
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK   0xC0000u
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT   18
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_MASK   (0xCU)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT   (2U)
#define PDB_SC_MULT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK   (0x20U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT   (5U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK   (0x40U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT   (6U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK   (0x80U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT   (7U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK   (0xF00U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK   (0x7000U)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK   (0x8000U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT   (15U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK   (0x10000U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK   (0x20000U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT   (17U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK   (0xC0000U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT   (18U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_MASK   (0xCU)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT   (2U)
#define PDB_SC_MULT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK   (0x20U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT   (5U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK   (0x40U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT   (6U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK   (0x80U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT   (7U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK   (0xF00U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK   (0x7000U)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK   (0x8000U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT   (15U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK   (0x10000U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK   (0x20000U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT   (17U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK   (0xC0000U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT   (18U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_MASK   (0xCU)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT   (2U)
#define PDB_SC_MULT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK   (0x20U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT   (5U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK   (0x40U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT   (6U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK   (0x80U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT   (7U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK   (0xF00U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK   (0x7000U)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK   (0x8000U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT   (15U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK   (0x10000U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK   (0x20000U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT   (17U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK   (0xC0000U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT   (18U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_SC_LDOK(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDOK_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_SC_CONT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_MASK   (0xCU)
#define PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT   (2U)
#define PDB_SC_MULT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK   (0x20U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT   (5U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK   (0x40U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT   (6U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBIF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIF_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIF_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK   (0x80U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT   (7U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK   (0xF00U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK   (0x7000U)
#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK   (0x8000U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT   (15U)
#define PDB_SC_DMAEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK   (0x10000U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_SC_SWTRIG(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_SWTRIG_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK   (0x20000U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT   (17U)
#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK   (0xC0000U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT   (18U)
#define PDB_SC_LDMOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

MOD - Modulus register

#define PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK   0xFFFFu
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_MOD_MOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT))&PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_MOD_MOD(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_MOD_MOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_MOD_MOD_MASK)

CNT - Counter register

#define PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT)) & PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK   0xFFFFu
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT))&PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT)) & PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT)) & PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT)) & PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_CNT_CNT_SHIFT)) & PDB_CNT_CNT_MASK)
#define PWM_CNT_CNT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PWM_CNT_CNT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PWM_CNT_CNT(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << PWM_CNT_CNT_SHIFT)) & PWM_CNT_CNT_MASK)

IDLY - Interrupt Delay register

#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_IDLY_IDLY_MASK)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT))&PDB_IDLY_IDLY_MASK)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_IDLY_IDLY_MASK)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_IDLY_IDLY_MASK)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_IDLY_IDLY_MASK)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_IDLY_IDLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_IDLY_IDLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_IDLY_IDLY_MASK)

C1 - Channel n Control register 1

#define PDB_C1_EN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_C1_EN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_MASK   (0xFF00U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_BB_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_C1_BB(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_EN_MASK   0xFFu
#define PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_C1_EN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT))&PDB_C1_EN_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_MASK   0xFF00u
#define PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT   8
#define PDB_C1_TOS(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT))&PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_BB_MASK   0xFF0000u
#define PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT   16
#define PDB_C1_BB(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT))&PDB_C1_BB_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_EN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_C1_EN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_MASK   (0xFF00U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_BB_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_C1_BB(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_EN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_C1_EN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_MASK   (0xFF00U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_BB_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_C1_BB(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_EN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_C1_EN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_MASK   (0xFF00U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_BB_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_C1_BB(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_EN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_C1_EN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_MASK   (0xFF00U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT   (8U)
#define PDB_C1_TOS(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)
#define PDB_C1_BB_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_C1_BB(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

C1 - Channel n Control Register 1

#define PDB_C1_COUNT   (2U)

S - Channel n Status register

#define PDB_S_ERR_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_S_ERR(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)
#define PDB_S_CF_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_S_CF_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_S_CF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_CF_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_CF_MASK)
#define PDB_S_ERR_MASK   0xFFu
#define PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_S_ERR(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT))&PDB_S_ERR_MASK)
#define PDB_S_CF_MASK   0xFF0000u
#define PDB_S_CF_SHIFT   16
#define PDB_S_CF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_S_CF_SHIFT))&PDB_S_CF_MASK)
#define PDB_S_ERR_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_S_ERR(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)
#define PDB_S_CF_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_S_CF_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_S_CF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_CF_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_CF_MASK)
#define PDB_S_ERR_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_S_ERR(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)
#define PDB_S_CF_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_S_CF_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_S_CF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_CF_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_CF_MASK)
#define PDB_S_ERR_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_S_ERR(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)
#define PDB_S_CF_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_S_CF_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_S_CF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_CF_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_CF_MASK)
#define PDB_S_ERR_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_S_ERR(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)
#define PDB_S_CF_MASK   (0xFF0000U)
#define PDB_S_CF_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_S_CF(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_CF_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_CF_MASK)

S - Channel n Status Register

#define PDB_S_COUNT   (2U)

DLY - Channel n Delay 0 register..Channel n Delay 1 register

#define PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK   0xFFFFu
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_DLY_DLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT))&PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_DLY_DLY(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_DLY_DLY_SHIFT)) & PDB_DLY_DLY_MASK)

DLY - Channel n Delay 0 Register..Channel n Delay 1 Register

#define PDB_DLY_COUNT   (2U)
#define PDB_DLY_COUNT2   (2U)

INTC - DAC Interval Trigger n Control register

#define PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK   0x1u
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK   0x2u
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT   1
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK   (0x1U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INTC_TOE(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK   (0x2U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT   (1U)
#define PDB_INTC_EXT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)

INTC - DAC Interval Trigger n Control Register

#define PDB_INTC_COUNT   (2U)

INT - DAC Interval n register

#define PDB_INT_INT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INT_INT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INT_INT_MASK)
#define PDB_INT_INT_MASK   0xFFFFu
#define PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_INT_INT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT))&PDB_INT_INT_MASK)
#define PDB_INT_INT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INT_INT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INT_INT_MASK)
#define PDB_INT_INT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INT_INT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INT_INT_MASK)
#define PDB_INT_INT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INT_INT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INT_INT_MASK)
#define PDB_INT_INT_MASK   (0xFFFFU)
#define PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_INT_INT(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INT_INT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INT_INT_MASK)

INT - DAC Interval n Register

#define PDB_INT_COUNT   (2U)

POEN - Pulse-Out n Enable register

#define PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK   0xFFu
#define PDB_POEN_POEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT))&PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK   (0xFFU)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_POEN_POEN(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

PODLY - Pulse-Out n Delay register

#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY2_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK   (0xFFFF0000U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT   0
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT))&PDB_PODLY_DLY2_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK   0xFFFF0000u
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT   16
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT))&PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY2_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK   (0xFFFF0000U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY2_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK   (0xFFFF0000U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY2_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK   (0xFFFF0000U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT   (0U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY2(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY2_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY2_MASK)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK   (0xFFFF0000U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT   (16U)
#define PDB_PODLY_DLY1(x)   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_PODLY_DLY1_SHIFT)) & PDB_PODLY_DLY1_MASK)

PODLY - Pulse-Out n Delay Register

#define PDB_PODLY_COUNT   (3U)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ PDB0

#define PDB0   ((PDB_Type *)PDB0_BASE)

Peripheral PDB0 base pointer


#define PDB0_BASE   (0x40036000u)

Peripheral PDB0 base address


#define PDB_BASE_ADDRS   { PDB0_BASE }

Array initializer of PDB peripheral base addresses


#define PDB_BASE_PTRS   { PDB0 }

Array initializer of PDB peripheral base pointers

◆ PDB_C1_BB [1/6]

#define PDB_C1_BB ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

BB - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_BB [2/6]

#define PDB_C1_BB ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT))&PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

BB - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_BB [3/6]

#define PDB_C1_BB ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

BB - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_BB [4/6]

#define PDB_C1_BB ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

BB - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_BB [5/6]

#define PDB_C1_BB ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

BB - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_BB [6/6]

#define PDB_C1_BB ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_BB_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_BB_MASK)

BB - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_EN [1/6]

#define PDB_C1_EN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)

EN - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_EN [2/6]

#define PDB_C1_EN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT))&PDB_C1_EN_MASK)

EN - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_EN [3/6]

#define PDB_C1_EN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)

EN - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_EN [4/6]

#define PDB_C1_EN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)

EN - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_EN [5/6]

#define PDB_C1_EN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)

EN - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_EN [6/6]

#define PDB_C1_EN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_EN_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_EN_MASK)

EN - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_C1_TOS [1/6]

#define PDB_C1_TOS ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)

TOS - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.

◆ PDB_C1_TOS [2/6]

#define PDB_C1_TOS ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT))&PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)

TOS - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.

◆ PDB_C1_TOS [3/6]

#define PDB_C1_TOS ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)

TOS - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.

◆ PDB_C1_TOS [4/6]

#define PDB_C1_TOS ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)

TOS - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.

◆ PDB_C1_TOS [5/6]

#define PDB_C1_TOS ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)

TOS - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.

◆ PDB_C1_TOS [6/6]

#define PDB_C1_TOS ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_C1_TOS_SHIFT)) & PDB_C1_TOS_MASK)

TOS - PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select 0b00000000..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b00000001..PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.

◆ PDB_INTC_EXT [1/5]

#define PDB_INTC_EXT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and counting starts when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

◆ PDB_INTC_EXT [2/5]

#define PDB_INTC_EXT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and counting starts when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

◆ PDB_INTC_EXT [3/5]

#define PDB_INTC_EXT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and counting starts when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

◆ PDB_INTC_EXT [4/5]

#define PDB_INTC_EXT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and counting starts when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

◆ PDB_INTC_EXT [5/5]

#define PDB_INTC_EXT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_EXT_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_EXT_MASK)

EXT - DAC External Trigger Input Enable 0b0..DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is written with 1. 0b1..DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input triggers the DAC interval trigger.

◆ PDB_INTC_TOE [1/5]

#define PDB_INTC_TOE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)

TOE - DAC Interval Trigger Enable 0b0..DAC interval trigger disabled. 0b1..DAC interval trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_INTC_TOE [2/5]

#define PDB_INTC_TOE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)

TOE - DAC Interval Trigger Enable 0b0..DAC interval trigger disabled. 0b1..DAC interval trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_INTC_TOE [3/5]

#define PDB_INTC_TOE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)

TOE - DAC Interval Trigger Enable 0b0..DAC interval trigger disabled. 0b1..DAC interval trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_INTC_TOE [4/5]

#define PDB_INTC_TOE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)

TOE - DAC Interval Trigger Enable 0b0..DAC interval trigger disabled. 0b1..DAC interval trigger enabled.

◆ PDB_INTC_TOE [5/5]

#define PDB_INTC_TOE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_INTC_TOE_SHIFT)) & PDB_INTC_TOE_MASK)

TOE - DAC Interval Trigger Enable 0b0..DAC interval trigger disabled. 0b1..DAC interval trigger enabled.


#define PDB_IRQS   { PDB0_IRQn }

Interrupt vectors for the PDB peripheral type


#define PDB_POEN_POEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

POEN - PDB Pulse-Out Enable 0b00000000..PDB Pulse-Out disabled 0b00000001..PDB Pulse-Out enabled


#define PDB_POEN_POEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT))&PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

POEN - PDB Pulse-Out Enable 0b00000000..PDB Pulse-Out disabled 0b00000001..PDB Pulse-Out enabled


#define PDB_POEN_POEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

POEN - PDB Pulse-Out Enable 0b00000000..PDB Pulse-Out disabled 0b00000001..PDB Pulse-Out enabled


#define PDB_POEN_POEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

POEN - PDB Pulse-Out Enable 0b00000000..PDB Pulse-Out disabled 0b00000001..PDB Pulse-Out enabled


#define PDB_POEN_POEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

POEN - PDB Pulse-Out Enable 0b00000000..PDB Pulse-Out disabled 0b00000001..PDB Pulse-Out enabled


#define PDB_POEN_POEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_POEN_POEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_POEN_POEN_MASK)

POEN - PDB Pulse-Out Enable 0b00000000..PDB Pulse-Out disabled 0b00000001..PDB Pulse-Out enabled

◆ PDB_S_ERR [1/6]

#define PDB_S_ERR ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)

ERR - PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags 0b00000000..Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. 0b00000001..Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags.

◆ PDB_S_ERR [2/6]

#define PDB_S_ERR ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT))&PDB_S_ERR_MASK)

ERR - PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags 0b00000000..Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. 0b00000001..Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags.

◆ PDB_S_ERR [3/6]

#define PDB_S_ERR ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)

ERR - PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags 0b00000000..Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. 0b00000001..Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags.

◆ PDB_S_ERR [4/6]

#define PDB_S_ERR ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)

ERR - PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags 0b00000000..Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. 0b00000001..Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags.

◆ PDB_S_ERR [5/6]

#define PDB_S_ERR ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)

ERR - PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags 0b00000000..Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. 0b00000001..Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags.

◆ PDB_S_ERR [6/6]

#define PDB_S_ERR ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_S_ERR_SHIFT)) & PDB_S_ERR_MASK)

ERR - PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags 0b00000000..Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. 0b00000001..Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 0's to clear the sequence error flags.

◆ PDB_SC_CONT [1/5]

#define PDB_SC_CONT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)

CONT - Continuous Mode Enable 0b0..PDB operation in One-Shot mode 0b1..PDB operation in Continuous mode

◆ PDB_SC_CONT [2/5]

#define PDB_SC_CONT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)

CONT - Continuous Mode Enable 0b0..PDB operation in One-Shot mode 0b1..PDB operation in Continuous mode

◆ PDB_SC_CONT [3/5]

#define PDB_SC_CONT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)

CONT - Continuous Mode Enable 0b0..PDB operation in One-Shot mode 0b1..PDB operation in Continuous mode

◆ PDB_SC_CONT [4/5]

#define PDB_SC_CONT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)

CONT - Continuous Mode Enable 0b0..PDB operation in One-Shot mode 0b1..PDB operation in Continuous mode

◆ PDB_SC_CONT [5/5]

#define PDB_SC_CONT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_CONT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_CONT_MASK)

CONT - Continuous Mode Enable 0b0..PDB operation in One-Shot mode 0b1..PDB operation in Continuous mode

◆ PDB_SC_DMAEN [1/5]

#define PDB_SC_DMAEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)

DMAEN - DMA Enable 0b0..DMA disabled. 0b1..DMA enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_DMAEN [2/5]

#define PDB_SC_DMAEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)

DMAEN - DMA Enable 0b0..DMA disabled. 0b1..DMA enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_DMAEN [3/5]

#define PDB_SC_DMAEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)

DMAEN - DMA Enable 0b0..DMA disabled. 0b1..DMA enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_DMAEN [4/5]

#define PDB_SC_DMAEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)

DMAEN - DMA Enable 0b0..DMA disabled. 0b1..DMA enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_DMAEN [5/5]

#define PDB_SC_DMAEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_DMAEN_MASK)

DMAEN - DMA Enable 0b0..DMA disabled. 0b1..DMA enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_LDMOD [1/6]

#define PDB_SC_LDMOD ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

LDMOD - Load Mode Select 0b00..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b01..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b10..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b11..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.

◆ PDB_SC_LDMOD [2/6]

#define PDB_SC_LDMOD ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

LDMOD - Load Mode Select 0b00..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b01..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b10..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b11..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.

◆ PDB_SC_LDMOD [3/6]

#define PDB_SC_LDMOD ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

LDMOD - Load Mode Select 0b00..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b01..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b10..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b11..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.

◆ PDB_SC_LDMOD [4/6]

#define PDB_SC_LDMOD ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

LDMOD - Load Mode Select 0b00..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b01..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b10..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b11..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.

◆ PDB_SC_LDMOD [5/6]

#define PDB_SC_LDMOD ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

LDMOD - Load Mode Select 0b00..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b01..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b10..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b11..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.

◆ PDB_SC_LDMOD [6/6]

#define PDB_SC_LDMOD ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_LDMOD_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_LDMOD_MASK)

LDMOD - Load Mode Select 0b00..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b01..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b10..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to LDOK. 0b11..The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.

◆ PDB_SC_MULT [1/6]

#define PDB_SC_MULT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)

MULT - Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler 0b00..Multiplication factor is 1. 0b01..Multiplication factor is 10. 0b10..Multiplication factor is 20. 0b11..Multiplication factor is 40.

◆ PDB_SC_MULT [2/6]

#define PDB_SC_MULT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)

MULT - Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler 0b00..Multiplication factor is 1. 0b01..Multiplication factor is 10. 0b10..Multiplication factor is 20. 0b11..Multiplication factor is 40.

◆ PDB_SC_MULT [3/6]

#define PDB_SC_MULT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)

MULT - Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler 0b00..Multiplication factor is 1. 0b01..Multiplication factor is 10. 0b10..Multiplication factor is 20. 0b11..Multiplication factor is 40.

◆ PDB_SC_MULT [4/6]

#define PDB_SC_MULT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)

MULT - Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler 0b00..Multiplication factor is 1. 0b01..Multiplication factor is 10. 0b10..Multiplication factor is 20. 0b11..Multiplication factor is 40.

◆ PDB_SC_MULT [5/6]

#define PDB_SC_MULT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)

MULT - Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler 0b00..Multiplication factor is 1. 0b01..Multiplication factor is 10. 0b10..Multiplication factor is 20. 0b11..Multiplication factor is 40.

◆ PDB_SC_MULT [6/6]

#define PDB_SC_MULT ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_MULT_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_MULT_MASK)

MULT - Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler 0b00..Multiplication factor is 1. 0b01..Multiplication factor is 10. 0b10..Multiplication factor is 20. 0b11..Multiplication factor is 40.


#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)

PDBEIE - PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB sequence error interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB sequence error interrupt enabled.


#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)

PDBEIE - PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB sequence error interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB sequence error interrupt enabled.


#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)

PDBEIE - PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB sequence error interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB sequence error interrupt enabled.


#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)

PDBEIE - PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB sequence error interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB sequence error interrupt enabled.


#define PDB_SC_PDBEIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEIE_MASK)

PDBEIE - PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB sequence error interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB sequence error interrupt enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBEN [1/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)

PDBEN - PDB Enable 0b0..PDB disabled. Counter is off. 0b1..PDB enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBEN [2/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)

PDBEN - PDB Enable 0b0..PDB disabled. Counter is off. 0b1..PDB enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBEN [3/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)

PDBEN - PDB Enable 0b0..PDB disabled. Counter is off. 0b1..PDB enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBEN [4/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)

PDBEN - PDB Enable 0b0..PDB disabled. Counter is off. 0b1..PDB enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBEN [5/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBEN ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBEN_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK)

PDBEN - PDB Enable 0b0..PDB disabled. Counter is off. 0b1..PDB enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBIE [1/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)

PDBIE - PDB Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB interrupt enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBIE [2/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)

PDBIE - PDB Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB interrupt enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBIE [3/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)

PDBIE - PDB Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB interrupt enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBIE [4/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)

PDBIE - PDB Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB interrupt enabled.

◆ PDB_SC_PDBIE [5/5]

#define PDB_SC_PDBIE ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PDBIE_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK)

PDBIE - PDB Interrupt Enable 0b0..PDB interrupt disabled. 0b1..PDB interrupt enabled.


#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)

PRESCALER - Prescaler Divider Select 0b000..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b001..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b010..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b011..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b100..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b101..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b110..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b111..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.


#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)

PRESCALER - Prescaler Divider Select 0b000..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b001..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b010..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b011..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b100..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b101..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b110..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b111..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.


#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)

PRESCALER - Prescaler Divider Select 0b000..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b001..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b010..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b011..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b100..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b101..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b110..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b111..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.


#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)

PRESCALER - Prescaler Divider Select 0b000..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b001..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b010..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b011..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b100..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b101..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b110..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b111..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.


#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)

PRESCALER - Prescaler Divider Select 0b000..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b001..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b010..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b011..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b100..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b101..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b110..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b111..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.


#define PDB_SC_PRESCALER ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_PRESCALER_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_PRESCALER_MASK)

PRESCALER - Prescaler Divider Select 0b000..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b001..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b010..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b011..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b100..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b101..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b110..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT. 0b111..Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.


#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)

TRGSEL - Trigger Input Source Select 0b0000..Trigger-In 0 is selected. 0b0001..Trigger-In 1 is selected. 0b0010..Trigger-In 2 is selected. 0b0011..Trigger-In 3 is selected. 0b0100..Trigger-In 4 is selected. 0b0101..Trigger-In 5 is selected. 0b0110..Trigger-In 6 is selected. 0b0111..Trigger-In 7 is selected. 0b1000..Trigger-In 8 is selected. 0b1001..Trigger-In 9 is selected. 0b1010..Trigger-In 10 is selected. 0b1011..Trigger-In 11 is selected. 0b1100..Trigger-In 12 is selected. 0b1101..Trigger-In 13 is selected. 0b1110..Trigger-In 14 is selected. 0b1111..Software trigger is selected.


#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT))&PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)

TRGSEL - Trigger Input Source Select 0b0000..Trigger-In 0 is selected. 0b0001..Trigger-In 1 is selected. 0b0010..Trigger-In 2 is selected. 0b0011..Trigger-In 3 is selected. 0b0100..Trigger-In 4 is selected. 0b0101..Trigger-In 5 is selected. 0b0110..Trigger-In 6 is selected. 0b0111..Trigger-In 7 is selected. 0b1000..Trigger-In 8 is selected. 0b1001..Trigger-In 9 is selected. 0b1010..Trigger-In 10 is selected. 0b1011..Trigger-In 11 is selected. 0b1100..Trigger-In 12 is selected. 0b1101..Trigger-In 13 is selected. 0b1110..Trigger-In 14 is selected. 0b1111..Software trigger is selected.


#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)

TRGSEL - Trigger Input Source Select 0b0000..Trigger-In 0 is selected. 0b0001..Trigger-In 1 is selected. 0b0010..Trigger-In 2 is selected. 0b0011..Trigger-In 3 is selected. 0b0100..Trigger-In 4 is selected. 0b0101..Trigger-In 5 is selected. 0b0110..Trigger-In 6 is selected. 0b0111..Trigger-In 7 is selected. 0b1000..Trigger-In 8 is selected. 0b1001..Trigger-In 9 is selected. 0b1010..Trigger-In 10 is selected. 0b1011..Trigger-In 11 is selected. 0b1100..Trigger-In 12 is selected. 0b1101..Trigger-In 13 is selected. 0b1110..Trigger-In 14 is selected. 0b1111..Software trigger is selected.


#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)

TRGSEL - Trigger Input Source Select 0b0000..Trigger-In 0 is selected. 0b0001..Trigger-In 1 is selected. 0b0010..Trigger-In 2 is selected. 0b0011..Trigger-In 3 is selected. 0b0100..Trigger-In 4 is selected. 0b0101..Trigger-In 5 is selected. 0b0110..Trigger-In 6 is selected. 0b0111..Trigger-In 7 is selected. 0b1000..Trigger-In 8 is selected. 0b1001..Trigger-In 9 is selected. 0b1010..Trigger-In 10 is selected. 0b1011..Trigger-In 11 is selected. 0b1100..Trigger-In 12 is selected. 0b1101..Trigger-In 13 is selected. 0b1110..Trigger-In 14 is selected. 0b1111..Software trigger is selected.


#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)

TRGSEL - Trigger Input Source Select 0b0000..Trigger-In 0 is selected. 0b0001..Trigger-In 1 is selected. 0b0010..Trigger-In 2 is selected. 0b0011..Trigger-In 3 is selected. 0b0100..Trigger-In 4 is selected. 0b0101..Trigger-In 5 is selected. 0b0110..Trigger-In 6 is selected. 0b0111..Trigger-In 7 is selected. 0b1000..Trigger-In 8 is selected. 0b1001..Trigger-In 9 is selected. 0b1010..Trigger-In 10 is selected. 0b1011..Trigger-In 11 is selected. 0b1100..Trigger-In 12 is selected. 0b1101..Trigger-In 13 is selected. 0b1110..Trigger-In 14 is selected. 0b1111..Software trigger is selected.


#define PDB_SC_TRGSEL ( x)    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PDB_SC_TRGSEL_SHIFT)) & PDB_SC_TRGSEL_MASK)

TRGSEL - Trigger Input Source Select 0b0000..Trigger-In 0 is selected. 0b0001..Trigger-In 1 is selected. 0b0010..Trigger-In 2 is selected. 0b0011..Trigger-In 3 is selected. 0b0100..Trigger-In 4 is selected. 0b0101..Trigger-In 5 is selected. 0b0110..Trigger-In 6 is selected. 0b0111..Trigger-In 7 is selected. 0b1000..Trigger-In 8 is selected. 0b1001..Trigger-In 9 is selected. 0b1010..Trigger-In 10 is selected. 0b1011..Trigger-In 11 is selected. 0b1100..Trigger-In 12 is selected. 0b1101..Trigger-In 13 is selected. 0b1110..Trigger-In 14 is selected. 0b1111..Software trigger is selected.